"WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU JUST SAY" Shadow said in a voice so cold, the teacher felt a chill run up her spine, "That's what was heard, is in the news too, don't glare at me like am the one at fault" After saying that she quickly ran back to her class.
Shadow immediately left the school and rushed towards the Li's villa, only to find rubbles and a burnt building, the place was restricted and cops were still patrolling there, Shadow felt his head spin "How could this happen? I don't believe it a gas explosion?"
Shadow felt his own body fall to the ground in a squatting position all strength leaving his body, unable to utter a word, before he immediately remembered the conversation he had with Blade before he left their base, "Was this his doing? it can't be right"
Shadow mustered his strength back and then went to meet an officer that was still patrolling there "Officer, I heard that a gas explosion occured here, what happened to the family?"
"Who are you? and why are you asking?" the officer looked at Shadow from top to bottom, scrutinizing him.
"I am a friend of the family? I just want to know what happened, this is my ID" Shadow said before presenting his forged ID to the officer, the officer took it and nodded.
"All the residents were burnt alive, we couldn't even recognize them, they would have to go through autopsy, sorry for your loss" the officer said while walking away.
Shadow felt his body shaking, he didn't know how attached he had become to Li Fei, she was some one that could bring a smile to his lonely heart, the sunlight of his dark world, and now he had also lost that.
He felt a bit weak and lost, he decided to go back to base, as there was no need staying in Beijing anymore, he still wanted to confront Blade, but wasn't sure if he would get an answer, there was no need investigating the burnt building, if Blade was involved, there wouldn't be any evidence left behind.
Immediately Shadow went back to base, due to the short distance now, he didn't have to make a long trip, as he passed through the door, he heard a very tranquil voice, that sounded a bit like he was being mocked
"Do you like my present?" Blade said with a sinister smile, a wine in one hand, with a crossed leg.
"What do you mean present?" Shadow replied, his body was shaking, it was not known if it was due to fear or due to anger, his eyes were staring menacely towards Blade, he was like a rabid dog, ready to pounce on his prey in a moment notice.
"Hahaha hahaha, I like that expression in your face kid, you want to have a go with me? am ready whenever you are?"
Blade said while laughing a big grin plastered on his face, as if he was enjoying the situation, he looked like the devil to Shadow, a devil he could never get rid off, 'Can I defeat him? fuck it' Shadow thought for a moment, brought out his dagger.
"I will fucking kill you" he tried an upward jab with his dagger towards Blade's head, the glass of wine on Blade's hand was quickly thrown towards the face of Shadow who was sprinting forward, which Shadow quickly cut with the dagger in his hand, which immediately broke into pieces, this gave room for Blade to quickly stand up to deliver a blow towards his stomach, Shadow bent sideways in the nick of time to dodge the blow, meanwhile slashing his dagger towards Blade's neck, which was held by Blade hands, who immediately head butted Shadow, then delivering a blow towards his chest, immediately Shadow flew backwards, hitting the wall, before groaning in pain, everything took place in just a few minutes.
"Ahahaha kid you are an excellent assassin, but you a few decade too young to defeat me, I told you every part of your body is a weapon and you thought you had an advantage with a dagger, I am still your master and your dad kid know your place" Blade said laughing, took another glass from the shelf and poured himself another wine.
"I swear I will kill you" Shadow said while groaning on the floor, his lips dripping out blood.
"That's the spirit, but why would you want to kill your old man?" Blade said with a smile, sipping his glass of wine, he didn't even look like he was even trying to look good or was even scared of Shadow's threat.
"You murdered the Li's family, you murdered Li Fei" Shadow screamed his eyes showing the anger he has been burying inside.
"Wow did I admit I had anything to do with the Li family? Ughh kid, and even if I did, you would kill me for a kid you knew just for some months, don't push my patience kid" Blade's air quickly changed, it was like the temperature quickly dropped due to Blade's tone, before eventually breaking off again with another laughter "hahaha kid, you looked a little bit pale there"
"Fuck you, you fucking asshole" Shadow said seething in rage.
"Hahaha I only helped you with your problem, weren't you deciding how best to handle the Li family, I handled it our way, the way of the assassin" Blade said looking like he was being accused of a crime he didn't commit.
"Handled it? you would have left it for me, you should have left the little girl out of it, you should have left Li Fei out of it" Shadow couldn't even speak clearly anymore, was he crying? his voice was being choked.
"Hahaha kid you are hilarious, I never thought you could cry, but when did I agree I killed that child called Li Fei" Blade said walking up to a door before opening it, ushering someone out of it.