Derrick's Past Life 5

Shadow went back to base and left Beijing after finding out what was happening in the Li's family, he already thought the family was weird and both the mother and father were pure bastards, but Li Fei was innocent and it seems she has fallen into the schemes of Li Gon mistress Si Song.

Shadow wasn't really someone who associated with the world or his environment, he had always been the one training or learning under Blade, he picked up a few things thou, how to blend in anywhere and how to go undercover due to his job, but now he had no idea what to do about the situation of Li Fei, if he reported it to the authorities, legally Si Song could be seen as a guardian as there is no one else who could fill in that role, or she would be taken to child care homes.

Shadow felt like having a house in Beijing, he wanted to be near Li Fei incase she needed it, he couldn't actually do anything as of yet to the mistress and her son, but he could just be close to Li Fei to protect her, he also had a fortune saved up, due to his share in their various jobs which he didn't use, due to him not having what to use them on.

After getting to their base "Where are you coming from? You have been going out frequently these days, is there something you are hiding from me? Last time I remembered you had no friends outside" Blade was sipping his wine, his voice a bit hoarse when he spoke, he spoke very calmly unrushed with a sinister smile, his legs were crossed, his eyes was on Shadow who was getting into the base as if he owns it.

"I just had some things to do outside, I am not hiding anything from you, and I can go out when I want, I turned 16, few days ago" Shadow replied with a calm voice and a polite manner but his words were nothing like polite.

"Hahaha hahaha, you have grown wings kid, but don't forget your place and the kind of job we do, we would be changing base soon, get prepared" Blade laughed and said not even looking at Shadow anymore.

Blade always had the notion of changing their location every 2years, and Shadow finds that a little strange, and the place he always picks were always hidden, Shadow only felt is because they were assassins, but they were always hidden when doing their jobs, and they were very strong, so was there any need.

"I will be staying in Beijing for a while, after we change base, am acquiring an apartment there" Shadow said a little bit flustered but only got silence as a reply, he apparently left after he was given the silent treatment.

After a few days Blade and Shadow changed location, and it seems it was in an Asian country, but it was hidden in an unknown location again, Shadow gave up in asking how Blade usually finds this kind of places, Shadow was even in a good mood, his trips to Beijing were now very short, due to the distance, he acquired his own apartment, it was a very big one but he only had cottons, a bed, and some sofas.

Shadow came back to the school and it was a Wednesday, Li Fei didn't know Shadow was back, she only knew he left for work.

"Hello there little princess, did you miss me?" Shadow said from behind Li Fei when she was going back home from school, apparently he has been waiting for her. "Joshuaaa" Li Fei screamed ran up to Shadow and hugged him, Shadow was a bit taken aback, Li Fei wasn't this clingy before, "What's wrong? you are acting a little clingy today, did you miss me that much?" Shadow said poking fun of the little girl.

She only pouted and kicked his foot "I am not talking to you hmmp" Li Fei said while smiling, she started moving forward. Due to the interaction they have had in the past few months, Shadow had learned how to show emotions and act playfully with Li Fei, although it seems it was only for her.

"Okay what should we do today my little princess?" Shadow said with a smile, playfully scattering Li Fei's hair.

"Stop it you big bully, let's go to a Manga shop, I haven't been able to read some for a while now" Li Fei told him while trying to remove his hand from her hair, "Manga?? what are those?" Shadow said looking a little confused, "Joshua you don't know what a Manga is? wow let me educate you, I will teach you everything about Mangas, novels and animes" she said while hitting her chest with her hand, as if she just took on a mentorship job.

A few weeks pass and Shadow came to like different variation of Mangas and has been engrossed in them, but there was something disturbing him, it seems Li Fei life in that house has been difficult, he has gone home with Li Fei a few times after alot of effort, but the first time he went home with her, was really embarrassing for Shadow, that woman threw alot of insult at both of them, "How dare that shrew call my pretty little Fei a harlot like her mother, if there was anyone who should be called an harlot should be her, and also called me a walking pedophile that she would have me arrested, just thinking about it makes me angry" Shadow was in a bad mood thinking about what happened these past few weeks, and surprisingly there hasn't been any summon from Blade, he decided to leave his apartment and go to the school to see Li Fei.

"Sorry Li Fei is no longer in this school" a teacher informed Shadow, "What do you mean she is no longer in this school, was she withdrawn, I saw her 3 days ago in the school, I have been occupied in reading I forgot to check up on her" Shadow said in voice that was laced with anger.

"Don't raise your voice here, this is a school, didn't you know the Li's Villa had a gas explosion 2 days ago killing everyone in the Villa including Li Fei" the teacher replied in a cold tone.

"WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU JUST SAY" a voice so cold that the teacher felt a shill run up her spine.