War 3

Derrick and the man dressed in all black, were on their way to the dark forest, Derrick was feeling extremely scared that the worst could have happened to his parents, he doesn't want to be late, he wished he could grow wings and fly towards their direction, but that wasn't possible for him now, so he just had to bear with the speed of the horse, the wind whistling pass his ears as he was galloping through the road, made his red hair look surreal, as it fluttered through the wind.

The war at the dark forest continued Baron Dark whole body was full of monster dark blood, he looked like a mess, slashing one monster to another, he was breaking through the middle of the monsters army killing his way through, on his right hand side was Phill in a similar situation, the formation was holding still, mages were firing different elements of magic from behind, it was a gruesome war, the tide turned when the orcs started attacking the droves, killing most of the soldiers in that process, the archers could only kill most of the goblins, the orcs were hardly killed even with reinforced arrows.

The orcs were the main problem and most of the soldiers couldn't deal with it resulting to their deaths, the healers tried everything possible to cast wide area buffs and heals but the overwhelming strength wasn't there to defeat the orcs most of them perished.

Baron Dark was still killing as much as he could mostly the orcs, even he wasn't able to solo an entire orc army, he could fight one or two at a time.

Most of the army has fallen with most of the monsters, the goblins were nearly wiped out due to constant bombardment of the mages, but the orcs were only shaved by quarter of their main force, the orc king smiled from were he was watching the battle from.

At this time the mages have already gotten into close quarters battle with the monsters after they have broken through the army, killing most of them in the process.

Miranda saw the situation of the battlefield, and saw that they were already losing the battle, she decided to join her husband at the forefront, she immediately created a spell "Whirlpool" this spell created a water storm which wiped out most of the monsters creating a path for her, she used her water spell "whip lash" to create tentacles made of water to aid her movement and to attack incase she was attacked, before she got to Baron Dark side on the battlefield.

"Honey it seems this is our last stand am almost out of manner, and these monsters seems to be persistent, the orcs are abnormally strong" Miranda immediately said as she got to where Baron Dark was, whose whole body was filled with blood.

"Aura Slash" a colourless sword slash echoed through the battle ground killing two monsters that were close by, it was one of the sword skills of Baron Dark, who seems to be out of breath too.

"It seems I would die with you dear, these orcs are still over five hundred and most of our soldiers have fallen, the only one hanging on is Phill, and we have less than two hundred soldiers left, I hope Derrick has escaped safely" Baron Dark said looking exhausted, the battle has dragged on for far too long and it seems they were at their last rope.

"Fatheeeeer, motherrrrrrr" both Baron Dark and Baroness Miranda heard the voice they long for but didn't want to hear at the moment, when they saw that smiling face coming towards them in the midst of the battle all the color in their face was drained.

Baron Dark was fidgeting but he couldn't lose concentration in the battle field, it might cost him his life, and looking at the state his wife was in, it was up to him to protect her.

"Miranda get a hold of yourself we are in a battle field" Baron Dark barked at his wife, waking her up from her little trance, it was a few seconds but they were already sorrounded by orcs.

Even Derrick and the man dressed in all black encountered monsters as they entered the battlefield, this was the time for Derrick to showcase what his training has been for.

"I will protect my family this time around, I will have no regret" Derrick said resolutely while slaying an orc with a wind spell called "tornado slash" this spell was high level spell which creates a tornado, with sharp blades of winds, which immediately took an orc upwards cutting it into four different pieces.

This left most of the soldiers that were still alive shocked, the spell was a high level spell but killing an orc easily like that wasn't something they could do, but that didn't bring any hope to them the only thought going through their mind is, the young master has come to die with us.