The Slave

"Okay is time to sneak out of here" Derrick said dressing up all in black in the middle of the night, looking at everywhere.

"Where is young master going?" Shadow said to himself following the young master from behind.

Derrick walked through the front entrance of the golden turtle, seeing it was their customer, the workers ignored his dressing and continued their work.

Derrick wanted to sneak out but felt it was unnecessary and it would warrant unnecessary attention from the guards placed in the inn.

"Yo kid, your bodyguard already caught on and you are being followed, and is not just your bodyguard, there are two others following both you and your bodyguard" Zazel told Derrick who only nodded his head, he wanted to sneak out but it seems Shadow has locked onto his mana waves.

"Well let's look around before we decide to lose them, they seemed to be from the golden turtle that's why they are still alive, Shadow would have already killed them" Derrick said looking around the kingdom of Vall, he was also bored like Zazel after staying couped up in the carriage for days.


Seeing the scenery of the town, I felt it lacked luster compared to the Dark's territory, the night and my black clothes made me remember the time I spent as an assassin, passing through some corridors I decided to escape the monitoring eyes of Shadow and the rest, I reduced my mana waves to a limit before jumping into the roofs of the building and disappearing merging with the night.

Seeing how I have lost my watchers, I decided to take a stroll around until I walked into a slave den, the scenery was not nice in my opinion, they were caged like animals, although most were beastmen, there were spiritual beasts also.

'So slavery is legal in this world' I thought to myself, but looking at the slaves, they are not well taken care of, I didn't see any of these in all my life in the Dark territory, or is father against the idea of slavery.

Well that's non of my business, the stench here is awful, "What do you want young man, do you see any slave to your liking" a man said from behind me, he was short and fat, with a face that looked like a wicked business man, it seems I stumbled in here by accident and they thought I was a customer, "I am just browsing through" I replied him.

"We have all manner of slaves we have beastmen, we have humans and a rarity today, we have captured an elf" the man said with a smile showing his golden teeth.

"Oh an elf, I thought elfs were hidden in their own forest and was impossible to find" I asked confusedly, the books I read or said that the elfs were impossible to find that they would only be found, if they wanted to be found, a slave trader having an elf is not something you see everyday.

"Oh she is a young one it seems she stumbled outside by mistake and was caught, she was powerful enough for her age, killing two 3rd stage warriors, so we put a sealing collar on her to seal her magic, the elfs were blessed by magic" the slave trader continue ranting on how hard it was to capture her.

"Boy, I have already felt the mana leaking from the elf girl they said, the collar is a cheap one that I believe the young elf would break the collar in a couple of days, am suggesting you should buy her or steal her, just get her away from here, if she went on rampage after freeing herself she would surely be killed" Zazel spoke to me, as if it was an urgency, I haven't even seen the damned elf and you are telling me to buy her, sigh anyways I took alot of gold from home when I left, I don't know why father has so much gold and my allowance was pitiful when I was younger, anyways I still saved alot of allowances staying at home has made me a bit wealthy.

"Where is the elf" I asked the enthusiastic slave trader, who immediately led the way to the elf girl, it was another room entirely kept aside for her.

He presented a cage before me that looks better than the cages, I was seeing before now, he was really treating this elf as his priced possession.

When we went there I saw an elf girl with scary green eyes staring at both me and the slave trader, she had yellow long hair, which was stained with mud and different things I have no idea what they were, her lips were dry as if she hasn't eaten well, her nicely shaped nose, her arched brows, her clothes has turned tattered revealing pure white skin, causing men head to hurt, she looks to be twelve years old, she wasn't much younger than me, she would be a real beauty when she is well taken care of, although I would have felt rage in the past for the inhumane treatment given to the slaves, am not the one who made the rules.

"She is a fine one, how much does she cost?" I asked the slave trader, who was ecstatic that I wanted to buy her, he rubbed both his hands and said "1000 gold coins".