Ella went to take her lunch, the golden turtle inn likes to maintain privacy, so they didn't enquire anything from her, or her companions which where Derrick and Shadow.
After she had her lunch she skipped into Derrick's room, before apparently waking up violently.
"Derrick wake up, wake up, you said you were gonna take me out to get some new clothes" Ella shouted into Derrick's ear, who was already awake long ago.
Derrick grumbled looking at her, the innocence in her face was quite deceiving, she is too hot blooded, Derrick thought to himself, before propping himself up.
"Yo kid, you were thinking to yourself, the other time we were outside so I forgot to say anything, you were being tailed, but the person who tailed you seem to be extremely weak, so I didn't even bother saying anything" Zazel immediately said towards Derrick as he was going outside with Ella.
'Alright I have heard, I don't think they can do anything, I would sense them either way' Derrick replied Zazel, and took Ella by her hand and took her out of the inn.
Immediately they came out of the inn, the two men who staked out waiting for them immediately saw them, one of them immediately left to go and inform the slave trader about the information, that Derrick has left the golden turtle.
Meanwhile back in the Dark's territory, the husband and wife sat in their mansion, drinking and laughing together.
"Honey, our son would be fine right?" Baroness Miranda said, while holding her husband Baron Dark.
"He would be fine, he is pretty strong for his age and there is Shadow there with him" Baron Dark replied her, while sipping his wine, he had full faith in his son.
"But honey there are things our boy doesn't know and I hope he doesn't get involved in those, there are many of them in the central capital, I hope he quickly knows when to withdraw and when to advance" Baroness Miranda said looking a little serene, she already missed her boy and knowing the years were still long ahead, she felt she would feel lonely in this coming years.
"Hmm well we should hope and pray he doesn't encounter shrewd people but that would be impossible, he would learn, I left him a gift that is currently in Shadow's possession and would be given to him, when they arrived at the academy, so I believe he would be fine" Baron Dark said holding the hand of his wife to make her feel secure.
Derrick and Ella walked into a big store which sells clothes, after walking around for quite some time before finally arriving at the big store.
"Greetings young master, young miss, what can I offer you" a young lady who seemed to be a sales attendant the age of 15 to 17, who wore matching white top and white skirt like a uniform, went to greet both Derrick and Ella as soon as they came into the store, which looks like a large mall.
Seeing Derrick's dressing and his dashing looks, they already assumed he was someone rich who came to spend money, and because Ella was with him, that's why the greetings was extended to her, although her eyes and smiles were only directed towards Derrick and Ella was reduced to a background decoration.
Seeing all this Ella wore a sinister smile on her face, meanwhile Derrick had no idea what was happening, he didn't really pay attention to such details.
"Well I am here to buy some women clothings" Derrick answered the young lady, the young lady nodded and said "right this way" while extending her hands, she moved forward while Derrick and Ella followed behind her.
"Derrick do you think between the sales attendant and me who is more prettier" Ella said her voice loud enough for the sales attendant to hear her, when the sales attendant heard what Ella had said, her face scrunched.
Without even thinking or knowing why Ella asked such a question, Derrick immediately answered "Of course you are prettier, only your character is rotten".
Derrick said to Ella whose face was all smiles until she heard the last part, the sales attendant who also heard the last part scoffed, it seems both of them were hit by Derrick's words, but unknowingly to Derrick he had already began war of words between both ladies and he only spoke his mind.