Ch-5 The Betrayal?

After the fireworks were over, the Pierce family finally decided to return home.

The Pierce family had spent hours outside and by the time they reached home, all of them were sleepy. So everyone said there goodnight and went to their rooms.

At some point of time at night, Jennifer suddenly wakes up from her sleep and heads to her parents room. After entering the room she looks at her parents who were peacefully sleeping together. A pained expression could be seen on Jennifer's face but she moves forward and gently taps on their heads and mumbles a few words.

Jennifer had just used a speech spell imbued with her mana to give a suggestion to her parents mind. This suggestion made them believe whatever the caster wanted to them no matter how outrageous it was.

Jennifer had suggested to them ,"Jasper has gone on a long vacation with Jennifer and will come back after a long time. No need to worry about them."

This was necessary as Jasper's sudden absence could not be explained. This suggestion was planted in the subconsciousness , so they would not even question it. Of course this was a basic spell and could be considered as a parlour trick in Arcane World.

Jennifer did not want to deceive them but to make sure that they were safe, it was better for them to keep believing a lie.

After planting subconscious suggestion to her parents, Jennifer heads to Jasper's room and removes a leaf with weird symbols carved on them. She goes near him and put these leaves under his nose. After a few seconds she removes them and puts them back in the pouch.

There were no visible changes in Jaspers condition ,but the truth was that some changes had occurred in Jasper.

(Lucid Leaves: They had the effect similar to a sleeping pill ,they could also be mixed with other ingredients to make a powerful sleeping related potion.)

Lucid leaves was a relatively rarely used leaf not because it was rare . In fact it was one of the most common leaves found in the Arcane World but because it only had the effect of making someone drowsy and it had very little effect on Arcadians who daily used magic .Although the lucid leaves could be used to make drugs for people who were having a hard time sleeping.

But for normal humans in the Blue World where they did not come into contact with mana. A single lucid leaf was enough to knock them out for some time.

Jasper had unconsciously awakened mana in his body but he didn't have any control over it and he had no knowledge of how to use it . So even resisting the effect of lucid leaves was beyond him.

Jennifer could imagine Jasper's resistance and fear when she suddenly told him about the existence of the Arcane World. This was the reaction of the majority and it was only natural because the people of the Blue World had been led to believe that a magic world was present only in fantasies not in reality. If she waited for Jaspers approval then not only would it take a lot of time but he might even convince her to not take him . She did not rule out this possibility because she knew herself very well and how much she cared about Jasper.

To avoid such a situation she drugged Jasper making him unconscious and decided to directly take him to the Arcane World where he would have no choice but to accept the reality.

Also it had been only been a week since she had been informed herself, so she wanted some more time to regain her lost composure and explain the situation to her brother. After all the way she explained to him might have an effect in the starting period of his life in the Arcane World.

After the Lucid leaves effect kicked in, Jennifer lifted Jasper and opened the front door of their house heading to the terrace while lifting him. It was a 7 floor building, so it could be considered to be high.

After reaching the terrace Jennifer removes her left earring and presses a small button hidden in the earring's design . The earring was actually a magic tool that could save a person's mana signature and be used recognition and acted as a key for Jennifer's vehicle.

Surprisingly ,the terrace which looked empty until a few moments ago had a strange vehicle parked on it. Someone who did not know about Magic Vehicles may not even be able to recognize it as a vehicle. It was because it looked like a lump of metal made in a shape of sphere. Riding a lump of metal would definitely be a ridiculous thought.

However a square shaped part of the sphere separated from it and slowly formed stairs stretched till the ground . Jennifer first puts Jasper in the seat beside the drivers seat and then climbs the Magic Vehicle. Inside Jennifer handles a few buttons and the Magic Vehicle starts rising up and it also slowly starts becoming invisible again until it is completely invisible. Suddenly the Magic Vehicle picks up speed and shoots forward. The Magic Vehicle was heading towards 'Vestalis'.


Inside Jennifer's spacecraft

Jasper wakes up with a start and tries to collect himself together. Due to the effects of lucid leaves, people always felt disoriented when they woke up again. Jasper looks around him to get a clue of where he might be when his eyes look out of the window of the spacecraft to see a large expanse of white everywhere. He registered that the white expanse were clouds but it did not make sense that he was beside them since he was supposed to be at home not on a airplane. So he assumed that he was in a dream.

Although he was starting to have suspicion about him being in a dream since everything was too realistic , he had no other way to explain his situation. He looks the other way to see Jennifer sitting on what must be the pilot seat and riding the plane with full concentration.

Jasper thought that he was having a very weird dream but some part of his brain was also thinking otherwise and so he pinches his cheek's. To his surprise he was actually able to feel pain and it was at that moment when he again looked out of the window to see 3 to 4 colorful planes passing by them.

These planes were in different shapes and sizes and the design on them were also varying.

The first plane had the pattern of fire with color combination of red and blue over the plane.

The second plane had the pattern of a humanoid figure with bright color combination like pink, yellow and orange.

The third plane actually had a pattern of a skeleton and was completely white in color in the backdrop of black color background as if to emphasize and show everyone the skeleton.

It hits Jasper that something was wrong and as he gives a closer look on Jennifer he realizes that the woman sitting next to him had similar feature to Jennifer but the similarities ended there. The women had a very unnaturally beautiful face , two peaks were present near her chest that seemed to want to get get out of the confinement placed on them. Jasper noticed them because he had never seen them so big in his life and the grace and poise with which she rode the plane suggested that her muscles were at ease even though she was riding a very heavy plane at high speed. The person also had this otherworldly aura that suggested that she did not belong in this world

Jennifer had a nice and loving face. Jasper had never even thought about the two peaks near the chest and although Jennifer always kept a good posture , she never had any grace to speak of. Jennifer always had a normal aura neither intimidating nor scary. It could be said that it did not have any attributes attached to it.

After comparing the two people who looked very similar to each other in his head, Jasper came to the conclusion that the person beside him was a stranger. He thought that it might be a person who was good at impersonating people, so to make him feel comfortable the stranger dressed as his sister. Unfortunately it had a very creepy effect and Jasper was very scared of the situation he found himself in .

Still he managed to gather his courage and ask a question to the stranger albeit his voice was cracking and he was stammering," Who ar…e y…ou? Wh…t do y…ou want f…rom me?"

Jennifer looks beside her upon hearing Jaspers cracking voice . She sees Jaspers state and sighs tiredly understanding his current condition. Anyone would be in such a condition if put in Jasper shoes. Anyways Jennifer had made up her mind that she would tell Jasper about everything she could.

She puts the aircraft in auto- pilot mode since it was going to take a long time to explain everything to Jasper and concentrating on flying while talking with Jasper was troublesome .

Jennifer says," Jasper , Its me your big sister Jennifer."

Jasper replies," N…o way. Y…ou have s…ame face b…ut everything e…lse is diff…erent."

Jennifer looks at herself and realises that Jasper was referring to her appearance and bearing. She looks back at Jasper and suddenly all the previous differences between the stranger and Jennifer disappear. She regains her natural loving face Jasper was used to and her aura vanishes as if it was never there to begin with. Jasper immediately recognised her as his sister Jennifer.

However instead of comforting him , he was even more confused about what was going on. 'Were the two people he thought to be different actually be the same being?' ' Who was Jennifer Pierce?' ' Why had he been dragged into such bizarre situation?'.

Perhaps he was still dreaming and his mother would wake him up for school. But again, it was too realistic for it to be a dream and only one word could leave from Jaspers mouth, "HOW?"

Jennifer realizes that Jasper's mental condition was slowly worsening so she takes his hands in hers and starts explaining to him.

" Listen Jasper what I am about to tell you is very important and it will also answer most of your questions. I know you are very confused about everything but please try to stay calm until I finish explaining everything.

I am a mage. Yes, a mage similar to those we see in movies and novels. In fact just like in the movies and novels there is a magical World known as Arcane in another dimension connected to the Blue planet.

If you are thinking that I might not be your real sister and was just pretending to be. You are wrong , I am your real sister. However the Arcane World's influence on Blue Planet is much higher than you can imagine.

The DB company who has been making ground-breaking advancement in VR technology is actually the company of the academy i study in the Arcane World.

Just like this, some of the children in Blue World may have a very high talent for magic. The Arcane World is in search of mages all the time , so after discovering that Blue World born children could also become mages given the right environment. They started recruiting them into their World."

Jasper felt incredulous after hearing Jennifer and he wanted to shout at her that she had gone senile . After all ,the things she just said were only supposed to happen in movies not in real life. But he did not interrupt her since she had instructed him to do so and hearing everything Jennifer(or the stranger) wanted to tell him might actually explain the situation he had found himself in.

While Jasper had these thoughts running through his mind, Jennifer kept continuing with her explanation, " Children with the potential to wield mana were sent to the academies in the Arcane World. There were a few condition for the children to qualify such as behaviour, magic affinity and other important things."