Ch-6 The Arcane World

Hearing this Jasper wondered perhaps he had unknowingly met these conditions and qualified to be recruited by the Arcane World. But these were just his baseless guess and he did not interrupt Jennifer as she continued , "Know I will tell you ,how and why I was recruited by the Arcane World. It seems that the Magic Council of Arcane World (MCAW) has a means to scan or inspect the potential of a person to wield mana or anything related to it.

After the results of scanning my body, they found out that I had high affinity for a rare element. This meant that i would be able to wield this element with ease while others find it difficult. Along with my high body potential to store mana , it even alerted a few old masters of the MCAW . They immediately decided to recruit me.

Still, only after two years of close supervision did they come to me with the proposal and i started my journey to be a mage . This happened about 10 years back when I lied about finding a job overseas.

Although it is true that I did work for the first two years I went abroad. "

Jasper could not hold back this time and blurted out, " Do you really expect me to believe this, Jennifer? Have you really been lying to me, Mama and Papa for the last 7 years? How could you?"

Jennifer replies with a pained expression," I am really sorry for lying to you Jasper. But please try to forget it for now because I still need to tell you why you have been dragged into the Arcane World."

Jasper instead starts shouting," No, there is no need to tell me because I don't care anymore about you or this stupid magic World stuff, just leave back home and go away. "

Jennifer sighs secretly unwilling to use such a method on her precious brother but sometimes you needed to take harsh decisions in your life.

Jennifer suddenly pierces Jasper with an intense gaze that frightens Jasper to remain quiet after his outburst. Jennifer had just now used a simple soul suppression technique which only effected the body. It was simple because mages naturally had much stronger souls than normal people much less a prodigy in `Level 30'.

She did not want to use it because Jasper would experience the feeling of having his connection to his own body cut off. It was a weird experience which a person should avoid. But right now Jasper needed such a shock so that he would quietly listen to everything she had to say.

The moment Jennifer used Body suppression, Jasper felt that his body was not his anymore . He felt as if his legs had suddenly become heavy metal rods that would never budge from their place and his body also became as heavy as lead. After trying to say something for some time he gave up and listened to what Jennifer said, since that was practically the only thing he could do besides sleeping.

Jasper could clearly listen to everything she was about to say and even process them but due to the soul suppression his body would not be able to respond. Which meant he could not talk back to Jennifer. This would only last for a day and it could also be the very thing that made Jasper believe everything Jennifer was telling him.

After all , such a thing was not possible in Jasper's normal life. Sometimes people needed to experience it for themselves to believe in it.

Jennifer says," I know about you saving a child from a truck crash. Although it was a very stupid and rash decision, it was also heroic. But the reason you were able to complete such an impossible task was because of the timely activation of mana present in your body. It might be due to the stimulation provided by your situation that you were able to awaken it or some other reason , I am not going in detail about the reason."

Jasper now understood that the jump he had thought to be ordinary was due to a supernatural reason. In fact ,Jasper always had an inkling that something about the jump was wrong because normally he was never that athletic. He did play sports but he had never been able to show the athleticism he showed to complete the jump.

Although Jasper was still unwilling to accept the current situation , some of the previous hesitation to accept it was disappearing. After all he himself completed that jump and believing in something he did himself was not hard.

Jennifer continues,"Your fate had already been tied to the Arcane World the moment you awakened mana. It is very difficult to control mana without the correct instructions and you cannot just undo the process and go back to the times when you did not have mana. Also, you might encounter many accidents if not taught properly and not given the right instructions and also harm the people around you.

So please do not try to escape the situation and instead embrace it. Since there are many things to look forward to. In the future you might have the ability to have incredible powers ,fly in the air like birds and many other wonderful things.

Speaking of which there will also be an entrance exam after the training camp which will decide many important things in your life.

Alright , this much explanation is enough for today."

Jennifer switches off the auto pilot mode and starts riding the aircraft again. While Jasper becomes lost in his thoughts as he keeps mulling over everything Jennifer had told him.


1 Day Later

Jasper looks out of the window and still sees a vast expanse of white everywhere. After Jennifer's talk with him, he became lost in his own thoughts and then later fell asleep.

When he woke up, his body and senses were back to normal as if he had never lost his connection to his body to begin with. This phenomenon immersed the idea of wonder and a little bit of fear in Jasper. But it seemed that he was slowly accepting his situation.

He had woken about an hour ago and realized that he had regained his ability to talk but decided to wait. But after not seeing any changes for an hour he could not help bit ask

Jennifer," Sis, where are we going? How long will it take for us to reach?"

Jennifer had picked up on the fact that Jasper had woken up for some time and was occasionally looking in his direction to get a read on his mood.

So, when Jasper asks the question she was not surprised and keeps looking ahead while answering Jasper also it made her happuy hearing Jasper calling him 'sis' ," We will be reaching our destination in a few hours . As for the name , we are going to `Vestalis'. You would not know about this place, since it is not present in the World map."

Jasper asks Jennifer, "So what is Vestalis? An airport connecting to the Arcane World?Or rather a train station like in Harry Potter?"

Jennifer smiles mysteriously while saying," You will know once we get there. I will be keeping it a secret ."

Jasper replies exasperated, "Fine, have it your way, but could you at least tell me where exactly Arcane World is? Its clear that the Blue World is not aware of another world much less a world where mana and magic is present."

Jennifer gives a sidelong look to Jasper before making her decision, " Well , I guess you are going to become a part of the Arcane World , so giving a bit of introduction would not hurt."

Hearing this, Jasper eyes shine brilliantly and his expression changes into curiosity. Jennifer had been continuously mentioning the Arcane World and although Jasper was apprehensive of the idea of going there but he was also a little exited about visiting the magic world only found in fantasies.

Jennifer was startled to realise that this was the very expression Jasper always had in their childhood when she explained something interesting to him.

In their childhood,sometimes Jennifer would read about something but would not have anyone to share it with. So she used to drag her younger brother and tell him about them. Jasper was always interested in what she would talk about and be very attentive. This made Jennifer happy because telling someone about something was enjoyable only when the other person was a good listener and attentive ,otherwise the speaker himself may lose interest after some time.

Jennifer missed this part a lot after going to the Arcane World because she missed her brother and their long talks. She also felt lonely sometimes because she did not have someone to share everything on her mind. In Arcane World being vigilant of others was a necessity not an option. Well thinking about it right now was useless, since her brother might be joining her after some time.

Jennifer starts the introduction," The origin of Arcane World is still a mystery. It is a planet which has mana,so the development of the world took a route completely different from the Blue World .

The Arcane World being at least twice as big as the Blue World is extremely big and its divided into so many regions that most of the people only know about the prominent regions of Arcane World.

The Arcane World and Blue World are connected to each other by warp gates present in a few location of the Blue World. Vestalis is one of them. The Arcane World is twice as large as the Blue World however its population is actually very low compared to the Blue World. There is only one race in the Arcane World : Humans.

However due to mana ,the animal have been able to continuously evolve and we instead call them as beasts. They are separated into different levels just like humans are.

The geographic landform are much more exaggerated than the Blue World . Such as ...…."

The siblings kept talking with each other until Jasper suddenly became quit and kept staring forward.

The plane had just crossed a magic barrier that hid Vestalis from the outside world and when Jasper looked out of the window, he was greeted with the sight of aircrafts diving into a small holes present in the ground.