Ch-19 The Argument

Jennifer ended up taking Jasper to the amusement park in the Vestalis City.

Right now, Jasper had a map in his hand and was looking at all the beautiful and deadly rides around him. He noticed that unlike the amusement parks he had unlike the amusement park he had been to, it was practically empty.

It was probably because the population of Vestalis City was much lower when compared with a common city of Blue World. The size of the park also came as a surprise to Jasper as he was expecting it to be bigger. There were many rides that he had climbed in the Blue World but they were also rides he had never climbed.

Some of the rides listed in the map were Bubbles Looping Starship, Supersonic Bumper Cars, Eyepiercing Ferris Wheel and many more.

The siblings first climbed Bubbles Looping Starship, in which Jasper sat inside a bubble that was promised to not pop despite high pressure and tension it would endure. For insurance there were lifeguards who would rush for rescue if any accident were to occur.

The Bubbles Looping Starship completed half a circle at a speed of 100 m/s before releasing the bubble, making it float up for a few seconds before collecting it and returning Jasper back to the ground.

The moment the bubbles were released from the Looping Starship was when Jasper felt that his heart in his throat. It was a scary and exciting experience for him.

On the other hand Jennifer was unfazed by the ride and remained calm. Jasper wanted to forget the moment he became scared but unfortunately for him it had been recorded in one of the pictures.

The next ride was The Crazy Teacups. By the time, they finished paying for the ride and arrived at the location there was only one Teacup left. Jasper rushed towards it and managed to occupy it before anyone else. However, just the next moment a girl about his age entered the Teacup and occupied the other seat.

This girl had sharp eyes that contained a hint of purple in them as if hers were indicating that she was dangerous. She had a small mouth and blonde pigtails that were bouncing behind her.

Looking at her the word bad attitude came to Jasper's mind. His personality which was usually polite changed when someone flipped his switch. In this state, he did not care who he was offending even if his reason for getting angry was invalid.

Just looking at the girl flipped his switch and he all ignored the signs of danger. He was irritated by the stranger who had occupied the seat even though he had clearly arrived before her.

"Hey you, kindly get up from your seat and wait for your turn to come." Jasper barely managed to control his irritation and managed to growl out these words at the blonde-haired girl.

"Why should I get up from my seat. I occupied it fair and square instead it should be you who gets up and wait."

"What did you say? I should get up from my seat! How can you tell me that with a straight face when I clearly arrived before you."

"Stop lying, I arrived before you."

As the fight between the blonde-haired girl and Jasper reached its peak, Jennifer and another man presumably the blonde-haired girls guardian arrived at the scene.

The guardian had an expressionless face which was stone-cold as if he was ice itself despite the current predicament while Jennifer was calm which changed drastically with her pupils contracting drastically when she saw the face of the stone-cold man.

Jennifer called out to Jasper ," Jasper stop fighting, its alright even if I don't get a seat but nothing can be solved by fighting." On the other side the expressionless man simply patted the blonde-haired girl and surprisingly that was enough to make her stop.

After quieting the kids, the adults had a look at each other. Although the stone-cold faced man's attitude could be judged as boring ,the was very attractive in appearence. Jennifer was a little panicky for some reason when meeting the expressionless man's gaze. She came to the realization that she was going to have do all the explanation because the stone-faced man would not even bother to open his mouth.

"Both of you listen carefully, we adults have decided that its fine if we don't go, instead both of you will go together on the ride." Jennifer had not actually spoken to the expressionless man yet he nod to Jennifer's arrangement meant that he was also satisfied by it.

"But I am not Ok with this arrangement, how do you expect me spend 10 whole minutes with this rhino??!"

"What did you call me just now, cow dung face?"

"I called you a rhino. If you can't hear something spoken so clearly then there is something definitely wrong with your ears."

The blonde-haired girl was going to come up with another nasty comment but before that could happen, the stone-faced man tapped on her. Upon seeing the him, surprisingly the blonde-haired girl stopped making a fuss about the situation. It was a shocking view for Jasper as her anger and irritation disappeared and she became calm as if nothing notable had ever had happened.

Jasper noticed the change of attitude of the blonde haired girl along with the drastic changes that had occurred to Jennifer. The stone-cold man was someone Jennifer was instinctively careful of, notifying Jasper the treat he could be to him and his sister.

He understood that in such a precarious situation, he had to compromise according to the situation and instead look at ways in which this compromise could be turned advantageous. " I am willing to agree to this, provided on the condition that I can have some lone time with you, sir."

Both Jennifer and the blonde-haired girl did not expect him to state such a condition and believed the stone-cold man would not agree but contrary to there expectation, he nodded without any hesitation. This seemed to put the blonde-haired girl in an annoyed state as the Crazy Teacup ride started.

The Crazy Teacups basically moved without an order at high speed which made people prone to feel dizzy. But this did not effect the blonde-haired girl and Jasper.

"Who is the Sir that accompanies you?"

"It's none of your buisness."

"Yeah, you are right so lets make a fair deal. I will ask you a question and in return you can ask me one question back."

"How do I know that you are telling me the truth??!"

"You don't and for that matter I also don't if you are telling me the truth or not. But we can have a conversation like this and it will also help us figure out a few things about each other. What do you think?"

"Don't act philosophical when the reason you are doing this is to know more about master."

"I see so he is your teacher. Ok, are you game or not?"

"Hey, how dare you. Ok, I am game."

"Good, lets start with the answer for my question first."

"Do you know what is the Dragon Bright Academy?"

"Yeah, of course I do."

"Good, at least it will be easier for your dumb brain to understand."

"Hey, watch your mouth..."

"Ok, my master Arnie is the most powerful and talented student of the Dragon Rainbow Academy. He's one of the most famous figure in the Arcane World wich is enough to show evidence of my point. I am the disciple of such a master which should tell you that I am the student that is meant to be the strongest."

Jasper was amused at this point, he had yet to reach the Dragon Rainbow Academy but he kept meeting important people related to it. Till now, he had met Jennifer his very own sister, Arnard Norman the previous vice-headmaster and the Masked Person who called Norman as his master. Now, he was meeting another two - Arnie, the stone-cold prodigy and his blonde-haired disciple.

Jasper realized that Jennifer and Arnie might have known each other prior to their meeting in the Vestalis City which explained her nervous state. This was actually the first time he had ever seen his sister nervous.

"Now, my turn."

"Yeah, sure"

"What level has your power reached??!"

"What do you mean by level? If you are asking how strong I am then, I am very weak since I have yet to learn the art of wielding magic."

"How is that possible? Anybody born in the Arcane World can at least wield the bare minimum of mana. That is unless you are from the rumored Blue World??!"

"Should I take that as your next question?"

"No, that's not a question."

"Alright, so may I know your name."

"Now, that is the first gentlemanly action you have done after our meet. I am Firosa.

What is your name?"

"I am Jasper Pierce."