Ch-33 Red Dots

A Bear 10 feet tall with fur as black as charcoal coming from an extinct species of the Arcane World and A Lynx 9 feet tall with mane as golden as the sun coming from an unknown origin and lineage, its intention to save its master. Both beasts had a stare down.

The lynx couldn't wait any longer wanting to tear the bear to pieces and charged aggressively but the bear didn't need to spend much energy to counter the attacks. Even though the lynx had overgrown, there was no change in mentality so its way of thinking was still like a child. Also, it didn't have much control over its body and couldn't utilize it properly.

However, as the battle continued the lynx was able to spot red dots on the Bears body. In the beginning, these dots were nothing more than a nuisance and it didn't have the knowledge on how to make it disappear, making it displeased. But, soon it came to the realization that aiming at these spots helped deal blows to the Black Bear.

The lynx tested this theory and found it to be valid.

Meanwhile, the Bear did not stand idle, striking the lynx at every chance it got making its injuries heavier and heavier. Both the beast fought wanting the other to fall as fast as possible. The lynx kept increasing its proficient in using its strength and abilities correctly but it was bogged down by a time-limit. The enlarging was just a temporary state awakened due to its heightened emotions, however once the lynx lost all of its energy then it would be out of the fight.

On the other hand, the black bear still carried a lot of energy and could continue battling. If something was not done quickly then the lynx and Jasper would defineitly die today.

Jasper fought through the intense pain he was experiencing, managing to stand up again. It took all his willpower to accomplish it because he couldn't stand still seeing the lynx fight so fiercely for his sake. He was well aware that another blow and it would be game over for him.

Although Jasper had been rendered very close to an unconscious state, he managed to stay conscious noticing everything occurring around him and all the moves taking place in battle. That's why he knew that the lynx was very close to finishing of the Bear. But perhaps before it could accomplish this, its energy would finish.

To make sure that the Bear was killed, Jasper had to act. He once looked at Julian, but all he got was a stone face and it didn't seem like he planned to take any action. He stilled himself for whatever was about to happen next.

The lynx was alarmed when Jasper stood up. It felt like crying looking at his miserable and pathetic state with blood and dirt covering him. Jasper communicated with it through eyes, instructing a set of motions and the lynx followed suit. That was how much it trusted him. This life was saved by him so he completely trusted him.

The lynx suddenly decided to charge at the Black Bear hitting it with all of its strength, sending it flying backwards. After this maneuver the lynx lost all of its energy and was incapacitated form the battle. The bear flew backwards where Jasper stood waiting for it. He used 'Devious Martial Arts' piercing thought the bear's thick skull with the ancient but blunt sword.

Brain matter gushed out of the bear as it desperately tried to heal itself, but it had lost too much energy to perform such a task. As brain matter kept flowing out, its eyes slowly blurred with its death imminent. The last words it heard before dying were,"

I could heal you with just a flick of my fingers but this is a world where only the strong can survive. Once you decided to impeded our path it was always going to either end with your death or else your opponent's. This battle was important to teach Jasper this important lesson ,even if he was on the verge of losing his life. What better way to learn the lesson than experiencing it for yourself. Better luck with your next reincarnation. "

The Lynx and Jasper fell unconscious.


"By concentrating fire magic in this way, you would get such magnificent results. This is all possible due to the properties of fire magic being destructive and dangerous in nature. But, remember no matter how volatile a magic may be, the way its utilized will always depend on its user.

A dangerous element can become gentle and life-saving while a harmless element can become harsh and life-taking in someone's hands. "

A 14 year old boy sat uninterested in this lecture he was currently attending. He didn't want to be here but it was compulsory for him to be here, otherwise the consequence were even more scary. He was the odd one out in the class because all the other kids were 18 years old besides him. Naturally, he shouldn't be here when his age was considered but no one would dare to question him since he had strength comparable to them and talent rivalling the headmaster. Of course he was given special treatment. His reputation precceded these incredible claims.

The teacher noticed the boy's uninterested attitude and immediately took action. He did not like students being uninterested in his class even though the classes were always boring. "Aiden, please come in-front and demonstrate everything I have thought in the class until now."

The teacher called him over and the whole class was looking at him but the boy's uninterested expression did not disappear as if everything happening around him had nothing do with him. He got up going to the front of the class as the teacher had instructed.

Aiden asked the teacher, " Sir, I need to demonstrate everything you have taught in the class today, right?"

The teacher, " Don't repeat what I have already said. Just do as I have asked of you."

Aiden had no idea what the teacher had been teaching, so he looked at the screen to get some clues. From what was written on the screen, he understood today's lecture was on the topic of usage of mana. Since, the Sir had asked to demonstrate everything he had taught, it meant he had to follow the steps mentioned on the screen. So, he followed them.

The next thing Aiden, his classmates and the teacher knew, the whole class was engulfed in flames burning the walls of the class slowly creeping nearer and nearer to the students.

Aiden noticed this phenomenon and immediately retracted his flames coming out of a dazed state he had been in for some time now. But, his flames were not the normal kind which would extinguish just because the supply was cut off. Instead it kept spreading burning everything in its path.

The students were petrified and teacher had a the terrified expression as he looked at the small figure of Aiden. Fear was born after experiencing these undying flames. The simple fact that a 14 year old boy possessed the strength to kill him scared him, making him question all the hardships he had endured in his life to get to the position he was in. He even blamed himself for calling Aiden in-front , if had not then this would have never happened.

Out of fear, the teacher abandoned all the students running in another side trying to escape on his own.

This fire alerted the people waking by the class, who contacted the Student Council of the Dragon Rainbow Academy and someone capable of disabling the situation was immediately dispatched who cooled down the flames. Luckily, no life were lost but this became the gossip of the Academy for quite a while .


The headmaster of the Dragon Rainbow Academy sat nonchalantly in her chair eating a banana looking occasionally at two people in-front of her.

"Headmaster, I am deeply sorry and ashamed of the incident that occurred in my presence. Believe me, I did everything I could to stop the flames and I even saved a few kids. Please don't fire me."

"Hmm, I guess you don't deserve to be fired if what you are telling is true. But the flames caused a big scene in Dragon Rainbow Academy, so someone has to take the fall for this incident."

"Then, rusticate Aiden, the student beside us. He was the one who started the flames so naturally he should be the one who receives the punishment. "

" No. That's not going to happen."

" What do you mean??! Why not ?"

"Dragon Rainbow Academy's primary goal is to produce the strongest warriors of Arcane World and Aiden is one of the student able to accomplish this. Also, it was your mistake to call him in-front and ask him to demonstrate. A teacher is supposed to teach his student and save them no matter the situation. But at the first sign of trouble you turned tail and thought only about yourself. Your unfit to be a teacher. You are fired." The headmaster swiped her hand sending the teacher flying backward, smashing the door open and falling out of the headmaster cabin.

The guards outside looked at the new arrival. First guard commented," Our headmaster has a knack for theatrics."

Second Guard," Sussh, do you want to die??! If she hears us, then we are as good as dead. Lets do what we are here fore and discuss this later."

Both the guards lifted the teacher and took him somewhere.
