Ch-46 Not Hesitating

Rhea was barely able to hear Jasper through all the tension and racket from the surroundings but she understood his intentions.

' Jasper was a boy who came from the place outside Beast Land. He lost her and tried to find the way back. He knew someone who could lead him out of Beast Land. An old geezer called ' Julian '.To find him she needed to call out his name. This was the best way for her to go to Arcane World, the place outside Beast Land. '

She tired hard to not think about the sacrifice Jasper was making for her but was unsuccessful. There was no need for her to be guilty because if she hadn't decided to save, a total stranger then he would have died long ago. Knowing this didn't make her feel any better, also this was the first time she apperitiated a gesture made for her instead of the people she had to face in Nether Ashes.

Some leaves near her rustle, putting her in full alert mode. It was not that big of a disturbace, infact it was a very common type of disturbance in a Jungle due to the movement of some small animal but after what she had experienced this was enough to put her on alert. Taking cover in a cospicious place she carefully sensed her surroundings, trying to find the cause behind it.

Rhea had lived in Beast Land for many years honing her skills of living in the forest to the peak. From a certain distance she was able to tell the location and casue of disturbacne. She sensed a small creature about 50m away from her in west direction. The creature seemed to still be moving so she stood there till it went ahead of her. She then followed after it until she found the right moment to catch it in her hand.

It was none other than the Lynx, Jasper had orderd to protect Rhea. Being caught so easily, the Lynx felt quite embarresed. It was surprised with the ease Rhea was able to it. It was a creature who was born in the Jungle so its had good skills of travelling. With it being one of the preys bigger animals were always searching for, it was a matter of survival to have skills to avoid and escape from their hunters. This was enough to show the skills of Rhea and her experience in the forest.

She looked at the Lynx with intense eyes," What are you doing here? You should be with your Master."

The Lynx couldn't look up into her eyes so just kept looking down at the ground filled with dead leaves and fallen wood. Rhea searched for the reason as the same question in

mind kept repeating in her mind ' What was the Lynx doing here??!'. It didn't take long before she came up with her conclusion which completely shocked her. Given the situation she had esccaped from even an idiot who didn't use his brain would know the answer.

'Facing the Blood Sucking Naga, one of the strongest creatures of Beast Land having Lynx wouldn't really make a difference. Jasper realized this and sent the Lynx away from the battle. Instead he decided to protect Rhea from danger, the mysterious stranegr who had let him live for a little more time than he was due.' where it could actually make a difference. Rhea stood still as this realization hit her.

She looked down at the Lynx with uncertain eyes as it looked back at her with sorrowful ones.The emotion passing through her were the most intense she had ever experienced in her life. It was surprising because she never thought to experience anything like this. Being socially awkward and an outcast didn't matter to her because all she needed was her passion for exploration to live. But as Jasper saved her life by risking his, she felt that he was someone who could be trusted. Perhaps he was the one who would become her first friend. Just imagning it made her realize what she was about to lose if she didn't act fast. At the moment all she want was to save Jasper.

With all hesitation gone, Rhea picked up the Lynx and rushed back from where she had been wanting to save Jasper before it was too late


Jasper jumps to the side at the right moment, dodging Blood Sucking Naga's lunge. It was massive when compared with him, so he thought of taking advantage of its slow refexes could give him an edge in the battle. But forgot a very important detail, his opponent was a snake,which were known to be very flexible and fast.

Blood Sucking Naga attacks for too quick, giving Jasper no time to think about his next attacks. He was forced to attack on instincts as he parried, dodged and delivered hits on the Naga. He used Ren style swordsmanship, all the martial arts he knew and tricks which could be used against stronger opponent. With years of continuous training his instincts were razer sharp which helped him act against the Naga. Otherwise, he would have remained frozen stiff and cower

experiencing the Naga's terrifying aura. Unfortunately, his years of training couldn't save him when the opponent's strength was on completely another level and all his attacks were ineffective.

Jasper panted heavily in exhausation but the Naga didn't seem tired at all. As it once again inched closer and closer to him, he removed a pill and stared at for just a fraction of second before gulping it. A burst of intense sensation passed through him, the Naga attacked with its jaws, wanting to eat him whole. Instead of pulling away from the Naga, he pushed himself towards the Naga swping the Blunt Sword in a downward motion, from its upper part to lower part of body.

This didn't kill Blood Sucking Naga but it was the first attack that dealt some damage to it. The Naga seemed shocked to recieve damage as one of its bones broke. Jasper who was not a threat a few moments ago was was now someone it had to take seriously. The pill had effected his strength

increasing it by many levels, Jasper felt all his attacks dealt a lot more damage than before and many moves he couldn't use seemed possible. If he was able to use these techniques to fight against Blood Sucking Naga, then he might really have a chance to kill it.

The head of Blood Sucking Naga suddenly blaoted as if it was going to throw up something. Jasper's hope was short lived as the Naga also ramped up its strength to the next level, continusly releasing posion on him. Even a little bit of the posion would be enough to end his life. Although he had gained newfound strength, it won't make a difference when he couldn't land physical hits on the Naga.