Ch-47 Trusting Rhea

' C'mon. This awesome strength flowing through me should have been enough to severely damage, but my opponent had to be a snake. A creature whose innate ability is to shoot acid and poison with insane flexibility. It makes it hard to use this advantage I have gained. A few more hits should slow down its movements, giving it better chances of dealing some serious damage. Restraining as quickly as possible to a spot is a top priority because this temporary strength can leave me anytime. Once that happens then I would be a sitting duck, the Naga could easily kill me. '

It didn't work as Jasper wanted to as the Naga kept shooting the poison shots making him dodge them which made it hard to approach them. He had waited for a lot of time and as time ticked his anxiety kept growing. His state of strength was temporary and could leave him anytime. In this state, he had a chance of killing the Naga, a very small one but once he lost this state, he would lose his last fighting chance.

' This puny human is at the end of its life. A few more desperate attempts before I can kill it. It seems he's not strong enough, to warrant its usage. But unknown variables may appear anytime, so let's deal with this inconvenience. I love my peaceful life, anyone daring to disturb it, must die.'

Desperate, Jasper decided to risk it. After dodging another poison shot he charged at the Naga without any plans of stopping until his sword pierced through the Naga. ' I am betting everything on this charge. Just dodging is not going to save me from death. But it would have been nice to have a little help. 'An arrow whisked passed him hitting the snake in the throat and making it bleed.

Like an angel saving him from danger, Rhea helped Jasper by drawing the Naga's blood. It was distracted after getting hit by the arrow and gave Jasper the chance to stab through the Naga with his blunt sword. The reason his sword was able to pierce through the Naga was because of his strength and the special characteristics of Blunt Sword, a normal weapon would not be capable of cutting through the tricky exterior of Blood Sucking Naga.

The attack logged Jasper to the Naga. With the sword 2 inches stabbed into it, Jasper found resistance from the guts of the Naga as he tried to remove the blunt sword from it. After a very minute momentary pause, the Naga shook him vigorously sending him flying. His attack was not enough to kill the Naga but it made it lose a lot of energy, stamina and fluidity. It needed a short break to recover to its optimum state.

Suddenly, a large Lynx about with a height of 9 feet was standing beside Jasper and Blood Sucking Naga, the Master immediately recognised his pet while the Naga analysed the new variable. " Why did you come back? I ordered to protect Rhea." He looks at the direction of the arrow trajectory, "but instead, Rhea is here. I am very angry with you at the moment."

The Lynx looked sad for making his Master sad, but it was not sorry for disobeying his Master's order. Anyways, it was Rhea's choice to come back, like his Master said I followed after her to protect.

Deeming the Lynx as an enemy, Blood Sucking Naga furiously attacked both of them with poison shots forcing them to dodge it. There was a pause between the shots when it needed to recover a lot of energy, Lynx pounced at this moment fighting with physical strength against it.

The fighting meant the Naga's movement was restricted compared to before, now it was moving much less than before. This instalment in its movement was enough chance for Rhea to shoot 3 arrows at once, all striking it. These arrows were not normal, imbued with the rare element Rhea was born with.

'Ahhhh, that stung a little. These arrows are nothing to scoff at, this pain I feel is quite intense. A normal arrow would not be capable of hurting so much, the arrow is imbued with the Magic of Darkness. The most unassuming but scary element to exist. Did that bastard of darkness just join the fight?' Blood Sucking Naga looked around it with its nocturnal eyes which could see infrared waves and sensed the warm-bodied creature around it. It found a warm-body human unaccounted for in front of him "

"Hahaha, the situation is getting more and more crazier. Watching your struggle to survive is starting to excite me. With the three of you against me, a small hope of winning against me has sprouted but it's useless. There is no way you can kill me and it's the only way you will be walking out alive. "

Jasper looks up to see the massive snake has turned into a woman of similar height whose upper portion was that of a human and lower portion of a snake. The lady practically had crazy written on her face as she snickered manically. Her upper portion was quite sultry making most of the men imagine wild things with a big bust size and tempting booty. But, at the moment he didn't feel anything except fear for his future.

The Blood Sucking Naga had just transformed into a pseudo-human. In any fantasy novel, beasts with human appearance were very strong. The three of them didn't have the confidence of dealing with it just by looking at its snake form, with this development it went even lower.

The Blood Sucking Naga acted too fast, faster than they could react. By the time Jasper turned to look at his companions, Lynx was swatted away by the terrible force of the Naga's tail and Rhea was restrained by sticking her to a tree with some slimy substance.

It could have been dealt with before Jasper could witness any of this but it choose not to. " I know what's going through your mind, so let me tell you. Drinking blood is a very important process for me, everything should be perfect. There should be no distraction during it otherwise it sets off the mood. You should rejoice for that's the only reason you are still alive.

Blood Sucking Naga slowly approached Jasper trying to enjoy the process till she was in front standing in front of him, " I am going to savour every drop of your blood. Hope it tastes well, thanks for the food. "

Every step the Naga took was excruciating for Jasper as the only, ' I won't die like this. I can't die like this, too many people are counting on me. I won't die like this.' His emotions intensified as the Naga breathed in front of his neck to drink his blood. Something unlocked within Jasper as he unexpectedly grabbed the Naga by the neck. The next moment she started to compress until nothing was left.

The connection between the swampy monster and Blood Sucking Naga was close but it was aware of every change occurring in its domain. It sensed the danger the Naga, its strongest fighter was in and rushed to save him. Through his instructions, the swamp near Jasper took the shape of a rope to strangle him. It quickly reached him when something furiously swiped it away. In this battle Jasper was not alone, he had his pet, Lynx by his side. It noticed the surroundings carefully and didn't miss the sneak attack of the swamp. To stop it used an overbearing amount of psychic Mana.

The result of their desperate attempts to survive was rewarded with the death of Blood Sucking Naga and weakening the Swampy Monster but both of them lost a lot of energy making the Lynx faint and Jasper reached a state too close to it, he remained conscious through sheer willpower.

Rhea began her onslaught of attacks on the swampy monster's creations as she reached near Jasper. Looking at the area behind the place Blood Sucking Naga was blocking there were two paths, one going in an outward direction while the other in an inward direction.

"It's obvious which path leads where."

" Yes, where do you want to go?"

"It's up to you. To risk your life just for my sake has made to completely gain trust. Take me wherever you think is best. Thanks for saving me." With that, Jasper also lost consciousness. Rhea looked back in shock to see all the enemies in the near vicinity laid to waste in seconds. Jasper had awakened something deeply powerful.

Looking at both of their condition, there was only one place she could go. A place she had been avoiding but now doing that was impossible.
