Ch-52 Showdown

After an intense session of meditation and light sleep, Jasper woke with refreshed vigour. Unfortuantely , the meditation was not successful and he wasn't able to obtain mana. But, he felt that he was very close to it, perhaps one push or a large stimulas could take him over the barrier. Wanting to breach this barrier today he was going to start the day at a good note by meeting the siblings and have a nice chat.

He left his room but wasn't allowed to take another step forward as two big bulky hands obstructed his path. The hands were so massive that they were enough to fill the space occupied by the door. They left no space for him to run. He was forced to look up and the scene made him take two steps back.

Two bulky men who Jasper could only describe as mountains because he was not even able to see their exact height as their bald heads reflected the sunlight like a mirror and didn't allow him to look up further. They declared," The Village Cheiftan has requested for your presence."

"Ha, The Village Cheiftan??! tell him to come and meet me, I am very busy today."

Both of them kept silent as the first guy lifted him holding his lower portion while the second guy held the upper portion.

"Hey, c'mon put me down." , " I said, put me down why won't you listen to me."

"The Village Cheiftan has ordered for your presence so you must meet him otherwise you will be expelled from the Nether Ashes."

This stopped Jasper's fruitless flaying. The last thing he wanted was to be expelled out of the Village, he had to definitely avoid it at all costs.

He resigned himself to the two bulky men who made sure to make the travel hell. Like potatos stored inside a sack of bag, they stuffed him into a bag and carried him on their shoulder. The journey was very tough but the worst was the embaresment and resulting anger. On one instance, a Nether Ashes villager stopped to have a chat with the men and when asked about what they were carrying their answer was," Oh, the Village Cheiftan had ordered a sack of potatos from the farm. :The villager blindly believed them and at that moment all Jasper wanted to shout," I am not a sack of potato, please save me, you imbicile."

However doing this may get him expelled from the village, which he had to avoid at all costs. Later on he was called something even worse than potatoes, which he tried his best to not think otherwise he would probably throw up inside the bag. A lot of doors were opened from what he could tell. This told him that right now he was in a house or the right word was a mansion. Many doors were opened before he was suddenly thrown down on the ground harshly.

Finally free from the bulky men, Jasper struggled his way out of the bag with some effort to appear in-front of the village chieftain. The man sat in his chair with a deep frown on his face, a small neard that covered the whole chin and moustache touching the beared, an aura of seriousness he had never come accross as if he was contemplating more than 20 possibility at once which would be possible in Blue World, a long coat with a badge attached his show his position and seniority to others and although he had just been droped in front of him, he hadn't moved an inch as if his presence was non-exsitent to him. He was the embodiment of a rude old man Jasper read about in fantasy novels.

Village Cheiftan gaze landed on Jasper, but for some odd reason he felt the old was not looking at him but somthing hidden from his eyes. He was surprised with this feeling because it seemed bullshit to him, ' I mean where else could he be seeing??!, at last, I have also started going mad.'

The cloudy eyes of the Cheiftan slowly disappeared as he clearly looked at Jasper. The first few seconds were spent in silence as both of them stared at each other but soon the standing Jasper was forced to bow down due to the pressure emitted by the chieftain. His first lines were enough to put him on the edge of his kness which were already finding it hard to stand, " Get out from Nether Ashes, boy."

"Sorry, Sir?"

"I am telling you to get out of Nether Ashes immediately, don't worry I won't leave you with nothing since you saved my daughter's life. I am aware of a path that leads straight out of Beast Land and into Arcane World. Don't you want to go back to the main world, then follow this route and get back . "

"How can I be sure that you are not sending me into a trap? I mean why should I trust any of your words."

"A justifiable point, but I beleive you would be inclined to trust the words of Rhea's and Rihan's father, right?

Look, I have the entrance to the path ready as soon you confirm, you can be on your merry way to Arcane World. "

Jasper's pupils constricted as Village Cheiftan clarified his credibility. He had previously realised both of them were important people in Nether Ashes but them being the children of Cheiftan never crossed his mind .

' This is a fortunate chance to immeditely leave Beast Land and go back to Arcane World. This place is too unpredictable because of the years without intense human contact. It means anything could happen anytime, there was no certainity. Perhaps the next moment a dragon may fly across Nether Ashes and simple use of Fire Breath would incenrate this village with hundreds of years of origin and its villagers could fight toe to toe with the adventures of Arcane World.

However, even if all these things could occur, he had a few important tasks to do. A while back the Contractor and Connector told him about the magical process in which Lynx could completely become a part of him, Rhea was aware of a place where Jennifers' treatment could take place and Rihan was someone who knew the pain of being abandoned by their sister just like him. If he was to never return then he at least wanted to have some deep talks with him before leaving. '

"No, I won't be accepting your offer. There are a lot of things unfinished in Nether Ashes. "

The Village Cheiftan stoic expression changed into anger as he declared," You dared to deny the one last chance I gave you for living. The only reason you were given this option was that you saved my daughter, but now no one can you. Guards, execute him. "

Before Jasper coould react to these words, Gaurds were on top of him and Village Cheiftan released an opperesive force which made it hard to move his body as his feet felt like steel and every step felt like climbing a steep mountain taking a lot of effort. The Gaurds weapon inched closer and closer to his neck ready to execute him, but at the right moment he summoned the blunt sword and parried the deadly strikes.

They didn't let up for a second and the only reason Jasper was still alive because of the training his master had given him. Although his Master may not be aware of soul supression, the way he traiend Jasper had trained the resistance of his soul. Village Cheiftan attack was not physical but mental, he had the power to affect his mind into thinking that his legs were as heavy as mountains which made it hard for him to move.

However,resisting this took a lot of stamina and he had to fight the Gaurds too who were bloodthirsty for his death. Every word of their Master had to be followed no matter what thoughts passed through them . They must always follow him.