Ch-53 Village Cheiftan's Reason

With the soul suppression bearing down on him, Jasper needed immense effort to move. In his dire situation, he had to constantly evade the guards' deadly strikes, gradually adapting to the relentless pressure. This ordeal endowed him with a mild ability to execute his techniques.

While his techniques lacked significant power, they opened up new possibilities, creating numerous opportunities. Dodging attacks under such constraints meant that his survival was in jeopardy. The guards, who had once seen him as harmless, were now wary of his counterattacks, their fear creeping in as they faced the young man wielding a sword.

The room of the chieftain bore witness to the bloodshed, with Jasper's body painting the floor in crimson. His numerous wounds made every step feel like agony, but he persevered through the pain, engaging in a tense cat-and-mouse exchange of attacks and dodges. His condition deteriorated to the point where consciousness began slipping away, and any longer in the fight would lead to him fainting from sheer exhaustion and pain.

For reasons known only to the Village Chieftain, he chose to halt the battle at a critical juncture, just as Jasper was weakened enough to be an easy target.

Dizzily, Jasper was guided to a chair, blood flowing from his numerous injuries. His eyes took on a reddish hue due to the intense coagulation of blood.

With great difficulty, Jasper spoke, "Why did you stop? I thought you wanted to kill me. Now is the ideal moment to do so. I've been bested by your guards and lost so much blood that I can't offer any resistance."

"Boy, you possess remarkable strength of will to persist in this fight. This must be pure torment for you, pinned down and facing relentless, formidable attacks. Why not put an end to this and accept my offer? Just agree, and I'll show you the way out of Beast Land. You don't need to endure this; it will only lead to your demise in this insignificant village where no one even knows you."

"Are you serious? You're still willing to let me go after all we've been through?"

"Yes, if anything, this battle has revealed your remarkable talents. It would be a waste to see you die here. Have you ever been to the Arcane World, to its cities and academies?"


The Village Chieftain nodded, "Go there. It's a paradise for someone as talented as you. A place where you can showcase your talents and be appreciated. Leaving this village is a small loss; there are far more exciting opportunities out there. All I ask is that you leave and cease influencing Rhea immediately."

"So, it's about this. You're afraid I'll take Rhea with me to the Arcane World." After a brief pause, Jasper continued, "All these years, Rhea has been exploring the Beast Land, believing she's on her own, but you've been watching over her all along. That's something a caring father would do. But it has nothing to do with me. If this offer had come a few days ago, I would have accepted it gladly. But the experiences and newfound knowledge I've gained in these days have changed my decision. There are important things I must accomplish, and who knows if I'll get a chance like this again in the Arcane World."

"Boy, you are too stubborn. You seem to have forgotten that when facing someone stronger, accepting their terms is the course of action for the weak. Now you'll pay the price for it."

The Village Chieftain's ominous aura began to intensify, filling the room and overwhelming Jasper with suffocating dread. Even on the verge of losing consciousness, he felt the palpable terror.

If the Village Chieftain made a move, the two guards knew that Jasper's body would be torn apart. They had been by their Master's side for a long time and were perhaps the only ones who had some inkling of his capabilities. The boy they had just fought was skilled with a sword and possessed another source of energy beyond Mana, but that was the extent of it. At present, he was weak and unable to fight back, but that wouldn't have mattered. Their Master could easily handle Jasper at his full strength.

All Jasper could do was face death head-on. The guards were taken aback and began to admire the boy's courage for not flinching in the face of death.


Both Jasper and the Chieftain turned sharply toward the voice as Rhea burst into the room, positioning herself between them. "Father, what's going on?"

"This," the Chieftain replied, "is dealing with an outsider who has defied all the advice I've given him."

"So, you were really going to kill him?"

"Yes, I had to if he refused my offer. That was my final decision."

Rhea looked bewildered, and her gaze met Jasper's. "What happened here? Why did he become so violent?"

"You may have your reasons, but I have my own convictions. Leaving here would mean forfeiting a chance to heal my sister and remaining weak. Besides, I never thought you'd actually kill me. That's rather ruthless of you."

"Why not? Not killing you means losing something very precious to me. I'll do anything to ensure I don't lose it, especially after all the things I've already lost."

"Father, what do you mean by that?"

Rhea, her voice quavering under the pressure of their intense stares, confessed, "Jasper is from outside Beast Land, and he's my only lead to get there."

"Now that you've saved him and spent some time together, what's your plan?"

Rhea hesitated. "I, uh, plan to follow him to the Arcane World."

"There you have it. This is why he must die. If he dies now, your path to get there will be blocked."

"Old man, there's no use killing me. With her curious spirit, it won't be long before she uncovers your secret and finds a way out. How long can you stop her? One year, three, ten? It doesn't matter; she will inevitably find her way out. It's in her nature and essence."

These words somewhat pacified the Village Chieftain, and he sank into his chair, deep in thought. Rhea hurried to Jasper and helped him up, intent on taking him to the local village medic. However, before she left, the Village Chieftain spoke, "Your words have persuaded me to consider giving both of you a chance. Exterminate the Wolf King and its pack, which have been wreaking havoc in Nether Ashes. If you can accomplish that, I may grant permission."