
Place: England, Birmingham

Putting my phone down I place it on speaker and continue folding clothes, and placing them in the suitcase.

On the other end of the line, is my sister, Bonnie. Calling all the way from Mystic Falls, West Virginia.

"Hey Faith, what time you getting home from the luxuries of England. "

"Bon-bon, how long is it til you're gonna forgive me for staying with my dad, it's been 3 years, plus I visited! "

"God, I can hear your pout over the phone, I'm just excited for you to come over, plus you'll see the gang"

"Yea, because I just can't wait to hang out with

Care-bear the bossy, 'Lena the niave as well as bon-bon the boring. "

"Ouch, I'd almost believe you don't want to come, if you didn't beg dad, so that you could come back. "

"Yeah well, what can I say, I needed a change of scenery. Talking about bad weather, and politics gets boring at some point."

Sighing, I finished my last of my homework that I needed to do.

Then sitting on the kitchen table, I poured myself some chamomile tea.

"Don't make England seem boring, to cover up for the fact that you had an amazing summer and I mostly got to go to the grill and gossip. "

"Number one, you visited me in England too,

And number two, I know for a fact that Caroline dragged you to at least three mystic fall parties. So don't try and play innocent with me. "

"Ok, but I got to get ready for school in two days, and then I'll pick you up tomorrow from the airport."

"Okay, I've finished packing my bags, and I've brought some gifts for everyone. "

"How did I get so lucky to have an amazing sister like you. "

"I'm still considering adoption, but anyway you only love me for the gifts. "

"Is it possible to love you and the presents you bring me? "

I laughed at this point, I love our banter, and jokes. It's great to have a sibling you can relate to. Since I'm only a year older than Bonnie, we are the best of friends, however we still argue like siblings.

"Kk, see you later sis, I'll text you before I'm on the air, and call you when I'm there. "

"Night, Faith. "

After the call ended, I went to my bed and changed into my pj's. Looking around I couldn't find my bonnet for my hair, then I realised that I had packed it.

The more I looked around whilst going down the stairs, the more I realised how much I'm going to miss this place.

Once I reached the bottom of the stairs, I saw my dad drinking some tea, so I walked up to him and put my arms around him.

"Hey Faith, I'm gonna miss you. "

"Same here dad, I'll visit you on holidays though."

Sighing, I whisper that I love him, and go get my bonnet out of my suitcase. Then I went back upstairs and went into bed.

I decided to text Elena, seeing how she was. It wouldn't be easy going back to the school after the accident. I hoped seeing me would make her happy, as nobody else knows she's coming back, other than me, grams, Bonnie and Dad.

Being a year older than her, made it easier to relate with her. We shared a childhood until I was 14. That was when she went to live with her father in England, but me, my Dad and Grams said she could come back any time she wanted. So she's coming back for junior year.

***{Time Skip} The Next day

Place: West Virginia Airport

It's been some time, since Bonnie and I ever saw each other. Other than the visits and calls, I'm just glad to be with her for longer to be honest.

Stepping off the escalator, I see Grams with Bonnie. Like a cheetah, Bon sped towards me, and hugged me.

"Hey Bon-bon, what's up. "

"Hey Faith, nothing much, but you need to stop calling me that! "

I smirked in response.

Grams came towards us, smiling as she saw me.

"I hope you didn't have to much on the plane, as I made a welcome back dinner. "

"You always make the best food, can't wait to eat some of it. "

"Dad's in the car, he was on call with your dad."

"Okay, I already texted him that I arrived safely anyways."

The ride home was long, but since I always kept in touch, it was easy to talk about all the stuff that was happening.

"Is Elena alright after the accident, I've talked to her a few times at the funeral, but generally I kept my space. "

"She's been a bit downcast, but I'm hoping you could cheer her up as a surprise, since I haven't told anyone you're here. "

"I'm sure that will be a positive, she needs some happiness. "

The rest of the day was otherwise peaceful. After dinner, I went to my room and got every thing ready for tomorrow.

I can't believe I'm back home!