Chapter 1 :Pilot

Place: Bennet House

Time: 8:00am

"Hey Bonnie are you ready to go? I'm driving, so I'm waiting for you to be ready. "

I poured myself some tea, and switched the tv on. Might as well know what's happening in Mystic Falls.

"Oh my God, apparently there's been an animal attack on a couple heading to mystic Falls. What kind of animals are there here? "

Bonnie barely glanced at the tv, getting her keys, ready to go to school.

"I don't know, but I hope it goes away. "

"Probably not even an animal. "

I turned around so fast, only to see grams looking at me. She travels so quietly and mysteriously. However, one could argue that all witches do.

Yes. I know about witches and vampires. From when I showed signs of magic from an early age, grams helped show me how to use it and protect myself with it.

Then it hit me, Grams was hinting that this "animal" attack was linked to the supernatural.

Looking at the time I quickly rushed to get my bag, and headed towards the door. I'm surprising Elena by picking her up.

"I've got to go, see you later, Grams. "

"Ok be safe, child. "

***{Time Skip}

Place: Gilbert House

Time: 8:40 am

"Omg, Faith I haven't seen you in forever. What are you doing here? "

"Well, I came back from England to see all my old friends in this beloved town. However, I'm in this car driving us towards the bane of my existence school! "

After Elena slid into the backseat next to Bonnie, we started talking.

"So Grams is telling me I'm psychic, our ancestors were from Salem, witches and all that, crazy, right?! "

Elena gave her a look, whilst I just listened. It was exactly the way Grams introduced magic to me, after an incident.

Anyway, Bonnie kept on talking about how she predicted Obama, and stuff like that, but I wasn't really listening as I noticed that Elena seemed more distant than usual.

"Earth to Elena, are you ok girl? "

"Huh, oh yes I'm fine Faith. "

She then looked towards Bonnie.

"I did it again, didn't i?. I'm sorry Bonnie you were saying,"

"I was telling you that I was psychic now. "

I laughed a little at how little she knew. Elena just along with it, so I just did so too.

"Okay then predict something about me, then Bonnie. "

I looked towards Bonnie to see how she would answer Elena. Then suddenly something black hit the windshield, causing me to go towards the sidewalk.

Luckily, there wasn't any damage. Now, I wanted to know what just happened.

"What was that? "

"Oh my God, Elena are you ok? "

"It's fine,"

I gave her a concerned look as she almost died from a car crash a few months ago.

"Really, I'm fine, I can't be scared of cars for the rest of my life. "

I was relieved. Everyone was fine, but I think the bird that hit my car isn't.

"I think it was a raven or something that hit my car. You know Bonnie they are supposed to mean bad luck. "

"Faith, be serious. "

"Sorry, psychic. "

"You know what, I predict this year will be kick-ass, we're are all going to be extremely happy. "

Smiling, I continued the drive to school, keeping my eyes on the road!

The rest of the ride was a peaceful silence.

***{Time Skip}

Place: Mystic High

"Look at the shower curtain on Kelly Beach. "

I rolled my eyes at this, I hate starting school with drama and when you're with the gossip squad, it's always guaranteed.

As we got to our lockers I noticed Matt looking at us, but when Elena waved he ignored us.

I raised my eyebrow. So Elena replied,

"Ugh, he hates me"

"That's not hate that's, you dumped me but I'm too cool to show it but secretly I'm listening to the saddest greatest hits. "

I was surprised at this analysis on Matt, from a shrug and walking away, but I really wasn't one to judge instead I just said.

"Wow Bon-bon, you really must be psychic, if you got that from a shrug. "

Elena laughed a bit.

Then something blonde rushed towards Elena, but after further inspection I saw it was Caroline.

"Omg Elena, how are you? Are you feeling okay? I'm just so glad you're here! "

A bit dramatic if you ask me, but then it got worse. She then turned to Bonnie and acted as of Elena didn't exist.

"How is she, Bon-bon? "

"May I remind Caroline that Elena is still here, and she already answered that. "

"Faith, you're back from England, I was just making sure Elena was really fine. "

"Oh yeah, England was fun, but I missed everyone, so here I am, great to see you again. "

"Oh ok, well see you guys later?. "

We all mumbled an "ok" at Caroline's strange behavior. We she left, we all looked at each other and laughed.

"No comments, okay. "

"Ok, sure. "

"Uh guys, I'll see you later, I have to go to the office, and get a few stuff. "

I get my stuff from my locker, and started walking away.

"K, see you later, Faith."

Then I overhear them talking about some new guy. I was just glad I wasn't the only one coming to Mystic High .

Looking at the time, I start walking at a faster pace. Not focusing on my surroundings, I bump into someone leaving the office. Luckily, I didn't have anything in my hands to fall on the floor.

"Hey, are you ok? "

His voice breaks me out of my thoughts, and back to reality.

"Uhm, yeah I'm fine, sorry for bumping into you, I didn't see you there. "

"Oh well, I'm Stefan Salvatore, it's a pleasure to meet you. "

"Lovely to meet you too, I'm Faith. "

Focusing on his appearance, I notice his; short, straight, dark brown hair, strong jawline and pale complexion. He's slightly above average height, too.

However, he's wearing sunglasses inside, for some reason. I wonder what he's hiding behind them. They do say πšπš‘πšŠπš πšπš‘πšŽ 𝚎𝚒𝚎𝚜 πšŠπš›πšŽ πšπš‘πšŽ πš πš’πš—πšπš˜πš  𝚝𝚘 πšπš‘πšŽ πšœπš˜πšžπš•.

" You don't sound like you're from, Mystic Falls. "

"Well I am, just went of town for a few years. "

"United Kingdom, I'm guessing. "

"Yes, not too bad. "

Looking at my watch, I notice that I don't have a lot of time before my class.

"Um, I have to go now, I guess I'll see you around some time. "

"Yeah, I'll see you around."

Passing by him to go to the office, I feel a sudden darkness wash over me. Shuddering, it finally goes away. Looking at him, I realised πš πš‘πšŠπš πš‘πšŽ 𝚠𝚊𝚜, but I shrugged it off. If I acted unaffected, maybe he wouldn't realise πš πš‘πšŠπš 𝙸 𝚠𝚊𝚜.

"You ok, Faith? "

"Yeah, I'm fine, but I really have to go. "

Rushing past him, I go to the office. I don't have the time for πšŸπšŠπš–πš™πš’πš›πšŽ πš‹πšžπšœπš’πš—πšŽπšœπšœ.