Chapter 2: Crystal Ball

Place: Mystic Falls

Calm was the wind, as it blew through the trees. As the sun shines, giving earth and light. In the midst of it all, was me. Faith Emerence Ambrose.

Putting my braids into a ponytail, I get ready for my walk.

"Have you seen my red trainers, Bonnie? "

"Nope, also where are you going. "

"I'm gonna take a walk, as well as see the Lockwood's and the Forbes'. "

"Ok, I'm meeting Elena and Caroline in the Grill. "

"I'll see you there. "

After visiting the Forbes', and the Lockwood's, I decided to go to the grill.

On my way, I noticed someone hunched next to a tree.

"Um hey, are you ok? "

Upon further inspection, I noticed that it was Stefan. Great!

"Yeah, I'm fine, " Looking up he noticed it was me, " Oh hey Faith, what are you, doing here? "

"I'm heading to the grill, when I noticed you, hunched against a tree. "

"Yeah, I just went for a run, do you happen to know where Elena lives? "

Hmm, what's a vampire doing with an interest for my friend.

Noticing I was hesitant to answer, he continued.

"She dropped her book, in the cemetery, and I wanted to give it to her. "

Wasn't expecting that as an explanation, but okay.

"Elena lives 2104 Maple Street, and I guess, I'll see you around, again. "

"I guess so, bye. "

After crossing the road, I enter the Grill. Seeing Bonnie and Caroline, I walk towards them. Caroline spots me first.

"Hi Faith, glad your here. "

Bonnie turns around seeing me, " Hey Faith, how was your walk? "

"Not bad, I guess. So what you guys talking about?"

"Oh, the new guy-"

"-You mean Stefan. "

Care then looks at me suspiciously.

"Yeah, how do you know him? "

"Bumped into him on my way to the office, then saw him looking for Elena, just now. What do you know about him? "

"Well it's no secret he's hot so I did some research and found out. His name is Stefan Salvatore. He's staying at his uncle, up at the old Salvatore Boarding House. He hasn't lived here since he was a kid. Military family so they moved a lot. He's a Gemini, and his favourite colour is blue. "

Bonnie and I looked at each other astounded. Then Bonnie started talking.

"You got all of that in one day? "

"Oh please, I got all of that between third and fourth period. "

I decided to intercept at this point.

"Is there no such thing as privacy, and hot, mysterious strangers. "

"Oh please Faith, even with all this info, he's still hot and mysterious. Plus, we're planning a June Wedding."

Walking away, Caroline goes to Tyler and Matt. Leaving me and Bonnie dumbfounded.

{Time Skip}

"How's Elena doing? "

"Her mom and dad died, Matt. How do you think? "

"Yeah like Bonnie says, just give her some time. It's only been 4 months, and she's trying to put on a good face. "

"Yeah, I guess you're right Faith. Has she said anything about me though? "

Bonnie sighed, I leaned back in my chair.

"Oh no, me and Faith aren't getting into the middle of that, you pick up a phone and call her. "

" Yep. Just try and give her more time."

The door in the Grill opens, and in comes Elena, with no one other than Stefan by her side. Putting my head in my hands, I then watch this scene unfold in front of me.

Rolling his eyes, Matt remarks to me and Bonnie.

"More time, huh? "

Walking towards them, he stops and introduces himself to Stefan. Almost everyone stares at this scene.

"Hey, I'm Matt. Nice to meet you. "

"Hi. Stefan. "

After shaking hands, Matt then turns to look at Elena.



How sad can this be.

{Time Skip}

Me, Bonnie, Elena, Stefan and Caroline are sitting at a table. It feels like Caroline is interrogating Stefan.

"Parents? "

"My parents passed away. "

He stated this solemnly, but I wonder, how? Did he outlive them, or did he kill them? Since he was born in Mystic Falls, there should be some records about him.

Meanwhile, Elena and Stefan are bonding over the fact that both their parents are dead. Seeing this Caroline interjects.

"So Stefan, if you're new, you don't know about the party tomorrow. "

Bonnie chimes in.

"It's a back to school thing at the falls. "

Paying no attention to Caroline he asks Elena, if she's coming. This is where I interject.

"Of course she is. "

Smiling, she tucks her hair behind her face, as if it's an answer.


Bennett House

After finishing up my history homework, I make myself some tea. Bonnie walks in.

"So is tea like a British thing, because you seem to have brought a lot. "

"Not really, it just helps me relax before I go to sleep. Speaking of, what are you up to? "

"Me?, oh I just finished the homework, and was wondering about Stefan. "

"He seems a bit sketchy if you ask me. "

"Yeah, I got those vibes too, but I was wondering what going to happen with Elena and Caroline. "

"You felt that tension, I thought I was just imagining it. "

"Nope, it's all too real, I just hope they can sort this out. "


After washing my cup and spoon, I went upstairs. Today was a long day, but I feel like tomorrow will be longer.


The Falls, next night

"Hey guys. "

"Hey Faith, you wouldn't believe what happened today. "

"What happened, Bonnie? "

"Well in history, Mr Tanner, picked on Elena for some reason-"

"-I'm fine, but yeah then Stefan talked back to him, and told him to 'brush up on his facts"."

"Oh my God, no way. "

I looked at the two Elena was smiling and Bonnie was having fun.

"Yep, totally. "

I smirked at Elena, totally knowing what's going on.

"Looks like someone has a crush on Stefan. "

"Really Faith. "

Bonnie laughed at that.

"Oh, just admit it Elena. "

"Okay, so he's a little pretty. He has that romance novel stare. "

I laughed at that.

"Stefan looked deep into her eyes, piercing her very soul. "

"Don't mock Elena, Bonnie. I think it's cute that she met her Prince Charming. "

We burst into pearls of laughter.

"So where is he. "

"I don't know, you're the psychic one. "

"Right, I forgot. Give me a second, Grams says I need to concentrate. "

I watched her, unsure if she could actually use her powers.

Elena just played along.

"Wait, you need a crystal ball. "

She handed Bonnie a bottle. As soon Bonnie touched the bottle, her eyes flew up to Elena's. I knew then, that she unlocked her powers. Then she let go of the bottle.

"What happened? "

"That was weird. When I touched you, Elena, I saw a crow, fog and a man


A look of realisation was on Elena's eyes. However, I remembered when a black bird hit my car. Are these somehow connected?

Bonnie, however took this as a sign that she's drunk.

"I'm drunk. It's the drinking. There's nothing psychic about it. "

However, I pushed on.

"Are you sure that's it? "

"Yep, totally that's the only explanation. "

Bonnie shrugged it off, whilst Elena laughed it off. Oh well, I guess she'll have to learn it later rather than sooner.

"I'm going to get a refill then. "

"Ok Bon, but I'll come with you. "

Bonnie kept on walking, seemingly shook. I followed.

"Bonnie! Bonnie! "

"Faith? Oh I'm just going to get a refill. "

"Nope, I think that you've had enough, so I'll drive us home, ok? "


The car ride home was quiet, mostly because Bonnie was drunk. I refused to drink, knowing that, since I brought my car here, I'd have to drive it back.

Quietly, we sneak into the house, not wanting to wake up Bonnie's dad.

"Back so soon ladies? "

Like an antler with headlights, we froze on our tracks. Looking to locate the owner of the voice, I saw Grams sat in the kitchen. On the table, there was twice more mugs with tea.

"How did you know? "

"Well I was a mother. Plus, us witches now how to make a great hangover cure. "

Bonnie scoffed at this. Even after what happened tonight, she refuses to believe she's a witch.

"Grams I may be drunk, but I definitely know that herbs are natural not magic. "

"Well of course they are Bonnie. Although, to make it all work, you will always need the magic ingredient. "

Then she snapped her fingers. I picked up a mug and I didn't feel that tired.

"Whether it's magic or nature, you need to teach me how to make this. "

"Mhm, a lesson for another day. "

With that, me and Bonnie went upstairs with our mugs and I went to sleep.