
In class Andre was just daydreaming he didn't pay attention to his teacher who was explaining.

"Andree!!!" The teacher shouted loudly who kept calling Andre.

But Andre didn't listen to his teacher's call, he was just busy with his daydreams without realizing that the teacher was furious with him.

"Andree you are called by the teacher!, why are you silent?" Said a beautiful girl named Rina who is none other than Andre's best friend.

Rina is a beautiful and kind-hearted girl, so that she becomes a woman who is very coveted by men, except for Andre, after leaving his lover forever, he becomes a quiet man and never cares about love anymore.

Rina continued to wake Andre from his daydream, but Andre didn't seem to hear anything even though everyone in the class was shouting at him.

Full of emotion, the teacher threw a marker at Andre.

"Feel it stupid disciple!" The teacher said with satisfaction in his heart because his throw was right on target on Andre's head.

Seeing this embarrassing incident, all the students burst out laughing, because in a boring lesson they got a little entertainment.

"Ouch...! damn, who dared to throw a marker at me" said Andre with full of emotion, Andre looked sharply at his teacher.

He did not accept the teacher's treatment of him.

Andre immediately got up from his seat and stood up, staring intently at the teacher who was scolding him, Andre was about to avenge his teacher's actions but Rina restrained Andre so that something unwanted would happen.

"Let go of my hand Rina, that old man must be taught a lesson"

said Andre with emotion.

"I won't let Andre go, you'll get in trouble!"

"You want to be expelled from this school?"

Rina said while advising her best friend.

But fate said otherwise, Andre still received punishment from his teacher he was given the punishment of standing in front of the class until the lesson was over.

Plus after school he has to clean the toilet.

"That's why when the teacher explains, pay attention "to be late for school, indeed you students don't know yourself," said the teacher while twisting Andre's ear until it turned red.

"If you don't have Rina, you're already battered, damn it," Andre grumbled to himself while clenching his fists.

Unlucky day for Andre because he has problems with his father in addition to problems at school.

After his sentence was over, Andre calmed himself down in the school garden

while drinking the drink he bought in the canteen.

Soon he was relaxing in the garden, Rina came to accompany Andre who was having many problems.

"Andre!! Why are you daydreaming like that?" If you have a problem, don't hesitate to talk to me!"

Rina said in a soft voice asking what happened to Andre.

"I'm okay Rina"

said Andre casually.

In his head Andre kept thinking about the problems he had with his father. In addition, he really misses his girlfriend named Hana who died a year ago, and that makes Andre very sad.

"Hana where did you go?, I really miss you dear"

Andre said and saw Andre's tears trickle down his cheeks.

Hearing that, Rina immediately pouted and left Andre alone.

Rina has been in love with Andre for a long time but she hides it, after Andre's lover disappears she always approaches Andre so that Andre becomes her lover.

Seeing Rina who left him, Andre was silent and lamented the photo of his lover.

"Come back dear, don't go too far," said Andre, who was seen talking to his girlfriend in the photo.

When Hana was still beside him, they always had happy days together, but their happiness ended after a plane crash caused Hana to lose her life.

Andre could only cry and did not accept the news that the plane that Hana was traveling in had an accident.

Even though it was said that Hana was dead, Andre still couldn't believe he thought Hana was still alive.

After a few minutes, a loud scream was heard from the library.

Hearing the voice, Andre immediately rushed to the place where the voice came from.

Arriving at the library Andre was surprised to see all his friends possessed, as well as his best friend he saw Rina who was in a trance pointing something towards a bookshelf

And Andre wondered what was behind the bookshelf.

Andre also tried to wake Rina from her possession, he did various ways to save his best friend.

"Rina! Come on, Rina, wake up," said Andre, who continued to awaken his friend

Andre was even more surprised that all his friends who were in a trance pointed at something towards the bookshelf.

Andre was very confused and wondered what was the cause of all that was happening in the library.

"Actually what happened why did everyone in the library go into a trance"

"And why do all these people keep pointing behind the bookshelf?"

said Andre who was increasingly curious

Andre stepped towards the bookshelf with fear he was very surprised to see what was behind the bookshelf, he saw a large and tall black creature staring at Andre with a scary face.

Andre's eyes started to turn red and sweat dripped down his body because the big creature started to approach him.

Andre was trying to escape from the place but a large creature was already in front of him.

The big creature held Andre's hand tightly.

"Let go of me ugly creature" said Andre in a stammering voice.

The big creature smiled at Andre with a very scary face.

Andre kept trying to get out of the grip of the big creature but a mystical thing happened, a black circle suddenly appeared. which is none other than the black circle is a portal to another dimension,

The big creature also dragged Andre into the dark circle that was very scary.

Andre also disappeared from the library and the portal to another dimension disappeared slowly, things became normal again, all of Andre's friends were aware of his trance.