Andre disappeared

Andre disappeared without a trace in the library. all of his friends were aware of his trance.

Rina who has realized looks confused seeing all the chaotic conditions, Rina does not realize what happened to her.

"why does my body hurt so much"? even though I only read books" Rina muttered in her heart.

Rina's whole body was in pain and so were her friends.

Rina steps her foot towards the bookshelf

and he was shocked to see what was behind the bookshelf, he saw a lot of blood splattered on the floor.

"What is this? Why is there so much blood here" Rina muttered in her heart

Rina was shocked to see Andre's jacket full of blood.

"Why is Andre's jacket here?, what happened to Andre" said Rina who was worried about Andre.

Rina regretted her actions because she left Andre alone, Rina went to look for Andre's whereabouts.

"Andre!!! where are you?" Rina shouted looking for Andre's whereabouts.

Rina looked for Andre throughout the school area but what she was trying to do was fruitless.

he asked all the friends he met.

The school bell rang but Andre had not been found, Rina cried so much that she regretted leaving Andre.

"Andre where are you"? I'm sorry Andre, I'm a useless friend," said Rina, crying with a sob.

Rina looked for Andre until the afternoon but did not find a bright spot she went to Andre's house to tell Andre's parents.

On the other hand, Andre's mother is seen serving Andre's favorite food at the dining table, Andre's mother deliberately cooked a lot of food today because today is her son's 19th birthday.

he has also prepared a special gift for Andre, namely a Play Station 5 that Andre has been dreaming of all this time.

Andre's mother loves her child very much even though Andre is a lazy child but Andre always makes his mother laugh happily.

Andre's mother hopes that by giving this gift, Andre will fulfill his father's wishes.

Andre's mother had been waiting for hours but Andre didn't come home either, the food that was already available was cold because no one was eating it.

Andre's mother began to worry because her son did not come home.

"Where's the kid? Why isn't he home yet, worry parents!"

said Andre's mother in a trembling voice.

Andre's father came home from his company office, he saw his wife who was restless while pacing.

"Sarah, what's wrong with you? why are you so restless?"

"And where is Andre, I have registered his name, just waiting for his approval"

asked Andre's father curiously.

"Andre isn't home yet! I'm very nervous because of that, come on, Tom, we're looking for our child. I'm very worried," said Andre's mother, who was very worried about her child.

"That child always worries his parents, let's find Sarah," said Andre's father, who was starting to worry.

It was getting dark they were getting ready to look for Andre, there was a knock on the door they thought that Andre had come home.

With a happy heart, Andre's mother ran to welcome her son home.

But it was not Andre who came but his best friend, Rina, Rina came with a heartbreaking cry while holding Andre's jacket which was full of blood.

"What happened? Why is my son's jacket with you?"

"Do you know where Andre is now?" asked Andre's mother who was very nervous seeing the jacket covered in blood.

"In fact, I came here to look for Andre Auntie," said Rina with a sob.

Rina also explained to Andre's mother that she had searched all areas of the school but could not find a bright spot about Andre's whereabouts.

Andre's mother fainted hearing that,

With Andre's mother's condition weakened, Andre's father decided to look for his son the next morning.

Rina went home with a feeling full of regret. Rina thought that if she had not left Andre alone none of this would have happened.

Arriving at the house Rina also cleaned herself up, and got ready to sleep.

"Andre where are you? I'm afraid something will happen to you" Rina muttered in her heart.

The next day Andre's parents picked up Rina to look for Andre together, Rina only brought a piece of bread to relieve the hunger in her stomach.

They also went to the police station to make a report so that the police would also look for Andre's whereabouts. After arriving at the police station, Andre's parents talked and begged Andre to be found immediately.

They continued their search throughout the city, but their efforts were fruitless, they still did not find Andre's whereabouts.

The police also deployed their sniffer dogs to search every corner of the school to find signs of Andre's whereabouts.

The police also checked the school's cctv camera, they were surprised to see the contents of the cctv camera recording,

They witnessed the worship of Satan by an unknown person behind the library's bookshelf. The worship caused all the students in the library to go into a trance.

The cctv camera footage went dark as if something was blocking it. After a few minutes of waiting, the cctv camera recording returned to normal.

The police began to be afraid to see the contents of the cctv camera footage, they saw a large creature holding Andre's hand which dragged him into a black circle leaving only the jacket that Andre was wearing.

When the black circle began to disappear, there were quite a lot of blood splatters that came out of the black circle.

The police stopped their search and told what happened to Andre's parents.

Hearing this, Andre's mother burst into tears because she was afraid that her son would never come back. Andre's father could only be silent hearing what the police said, it seemed that Andre's father's tears began to drip as if he could not believe the incident, as well as Rina he could only cry seeing the person he loved being taken away by that scary monster, he could only blame himself.