
Obviously, it's too late for Blair to train for this situation.

For now, she bit at her lip, held back her tears, and tried to escape. But before she could even have a chance to, she got slapped across her face, making her stumble to the side.

"Cut it out! Or else, I'll-"

"You'll what? Hit us back…?" one of the bullies mocked.

"Go on and try it, then! Let's see if you don't get expelled!"

Their cruel words overwhelmed Blair.

She knew she wasn't liked. But she didn't know she's hated this much.

'I bet that person would be happy to see me suffering like this,' Blair grimaced, suddenly thinking about Cadmus.

However, unlike these bullies, he never raised a hand at her. He never used physical violence, which made him kind of a bully with class.

Blair sniffled.

There's something warm trickling down her cheeks – snot, blood, tears, she's not sure. It's getting too much. But she's always been a fighter with a strong heart – bold, undefeatable, and courageous.

'GAHHH! To hell with it all! They won't get away with this! GRRR!'

She felt her heartbeat pulse in her ears. Then, before she knew it, she's raising her fist.

And came the 'smack' she'd been waiting for.


She froze, her eyes blown wide open. With a stuttering heart, she recognized that voice.

"SHORTY?!" Blair gasped in shock, and sure enough, there was Cadmus.

He had stood between her and the bullies at the last second, a huge red mark now on his cheek. To her great horror, she realized she had accidentally hit the one who came to save her.

If he was mad, which she's more than sure he was, he didn't show it.

"What do think you're doing…?" he growled at the upperclassmen.

"Is it fun to beat up a lone girl? Pick on someone your own size!"

Even with Cadmus on her side, they were clearly outnumbered. But fortunately, everyone knew of his status, and it wasn't long before Blair noticed one of them take a step back.

"I'm a Mondragon…" he seethed, much to her surprise.

"Are you really willing to go against me, you lowlives?"

It's true he's always mad at her. But it's never to this extent.

She could almost feel his rage boiling underneath his skin.

"You wouldn't want to make enemies with me, and yes, I remember all of your names and faces."

That settled the game for the bullies. Hearing the threat, they immediately fled.

Cadmus stepped forward, intending to chase after them, but was interrupted when Blair suddenly dropped to her knees.

"Hey! Are you okay?!"

Now that she could see his face clearly, she knew she'd given him a nasty punch. It had barely missed his eye, but part of his cheek was already swollen.

Tears started to roll down her face, stunning him into place.

"I-I'm sorry. I didn't m-mean to hit y-you. I'm so s-sorry."

And then, he had seen it again.

Right now, Blair was acting the same way she did back when they first met. What's more, she's crying like how Cadmus had always wanted her to, and she looked so remorseful.

He finally did it. Her tearful apology. He finally had it.

Yet, for some reason, Cadmus didn't feel like he won.