
"I know you didn't…" Cadmus sighed, casting aside his and Blair's personal matters in the meantime.

"You shouldn't think about that for now. Can you walk? We have to get you to the nurse's office."

He was about to reach out and help her up but then saw her already standing on her own. His hand fell back, fingers twitching a bit. He did not understand the meaning behind the knot that formed in his throat.

Blair didn't seem to have broken anything but was still understandably disoriented.

She wobbled when she tried to walk, forcing her to clutch onto his arm. That had caught him off guard, but instead of swatting her hand away, he decided to let her be.

"Thank you for saving me," she told him all of the sudden.

"I just couldn't stand their nonsense. Don't get the wrong idea, okay? I would've done it for anyone else," he explained as calmly as he could, yet for some reason, his cheeks felt a little hot.

"Of all the times I could've hit you, I actually did it when you didn't deserve it."

"W-Well, it can't be helped, I guess."

He quietly cursed himself for stuttering. He must've spoken too fast.

But that's only because he didn't want to regret saying anything he didn't intend to.

"Maybe you're nice after all," Blair mumbled silently to herself.

"Huh? What did you say?" Cadmus asked, failing to catch on.

She shook her head and put on a blank face. There's no way she would say it again.

Besides, this only happened because she's in danger, and if anything, he just came to help out of pity.

Reassessing the gravity of the situation, Blair peered at Cadmus dead in the eye.

"Not a single word about this to anyone, got it?" she demanded in all seriousness.

"Are you ordering me around?!" he exclaimed, already back to his usual snootiness.

"Want me to tell everyone that you saved me because you've got a crush on me?"


Cadmus trailed off abruptly at the sight of Blair's downcast expression.

For real, he had no idea how she could throw him off like this. This happened last time too. Back then, though, she was frightened rather than distraught.

'Still, why should I listen to what she has to say? People will adore me more once they learn about my good deed! Also, will she not think she has control over me if I obey her?'

But then came Blair's wide, pleading eyes, striking Cadmus nonplussed.

She couldn't do this to him. It wasn't fair. She couldn't have this much power over him.

This girl wasn't supposed to have any business being this incredibly and irresistibly cute.

It's like there were rainbows in Blair's eyes. Cadmus was quite sure there were sparkles too.

'I-Is this what it's like to be s-seduced?!'

Cadmus felt himself flush crimson red, heat rising from all the way down his neck. He'd rather have Blair act smug or snarky, if that meant he'd be spared from this embarrassing feeling.

"Pwetty please?"

And that was it.

His cheeks burst into flames, and his hands seemed to convulse. Her adorable little plea had shot the last bullet. He felt even more tormented, knowing that she had no freaking idea what she was doing to him.

"OKAY, OKAY! I'LL DO IT…!" Cadmus finally bolted out, taking Blair by surprise.


And off he went running.