
'He said to simply follow his lead,' Blair mused, wondering what Cadmus was planning. 

It would be pretty much easy. Blair just had to do as she was told, to show that they were very much dating and in love like it was the most trivial thing she had ever done. She would happily let Cadmus take the reins of the conversation, let him lead her through the mess that had become of her life. It was quite funny to think about.

'I'll be fine! T-This is no big deal! We can do it!'

She kept quiet. Sitting back down as they returned to the table was a chore itself, and her fingers kept twitching against the skirt of her dress, no doubt wrinkling the soft material beyond redeemable measures. There had to be an iron somewhere, but she couldn't focus on her outfit at the moment. It was time to go.

On the other hand, Cadmus was not too far from a nervous wreck deep within, either.