
Never had Cadmus felt this nervous before.

As much as he didn't want to admit it, he's getting damn right scared. Blake was glaring daggers at Cadmus. If looks could kill, he'd probably be dead already. 

'Why is he being like this all of the sudden?' Cadmus understood well that Blair was precious to both Blake and Irina. 'But shouldn't her dad know by now that I can be trusted?

Then again, maybe all fathers were like that to their daughters. 

Cadmus didn't know since Blair's parents were the first ones he ever officially met, got to actually spend time with, and had to always impress. The only thing Cadmus hoped was that Blair wouldn't ask him to meet his mother after this, considering he didn't have that type of communication with her to introduce his girlfriend. 

It would probably be more awkward than this present situation, not to mention uncomfortable.