Sword God Ryuma: "What happened next? What happened to this fool after he made such a ridiculous decision?"
Lucas: "As you might have already guessed—Oden was betrayed. After five years of humiliating himself by dancing naked in the streets, the people of Wano lost all respect for him. His once unshakable prestige crumbled, and when he was at his weakest… Kurozumi Orochi and Kaido made their move."
Pirate King Roger: "What did they do?"
Lucas: "They captured Oden's retainers, murdered the families of some of his followers, and even killed his subordinate's wife. That was when Oden finally realized he had been fooled all along. Enraged, he gathered his remaining retainers and launched an attack on Kaido and Orochi. But by then, only nine of his followers still believed in him."
Sword God Ryuma: "At least he wasn't alone. A leader who can still inspire loyalty at his lowest isn't completely worthless."
Pirate King Roger: "For those who wield Conqueror's Haki, numbers aren't everything. A true king doesn't need an army to win a battle."
Lucas: "That might be true… but Oden didn't use his Conqueror's Haki to its fullest. He fought thousands of pirates, yet he never unleashed a Haki blast to thin their numbers. His Conqueror's Haki… was lacking."
Sword God Ryuma: "That's not surprising. Conqueror's Haki is a reflection of one's willpower. Someone who wavers in their resolve won't have a strong Haki. Oden's problem was never his strength—it was his mentality."
Lucas: "Out of curiosity, how does Oden's Conqueror's Haki compare to yours, Ryuma?"
Golden Lion Shiki: "Hahaha! I can answer that—I fought Oden in a Haki clash before. His Armament Haki and dual-sword technique were top-tier, no worse than mine. But as for Conqueror's Haki… mine was Advanced Level, while his barely reached Intermediate."
Lucas: "Two whole levels apart?! That's a huge gap!"
Whitebeard: "Oden's Conqueror's Haki wasn't particularly strong, but his physical resilience was exceptional. In terms of raw endurance, he could match Kaido or Big Mom."
Lucas: "Oh yeah… I remember now! This guy was a monster even as a newborn. He tossed away nurses right after being born, and as a child, he already had an adult's physique! It makes sense now—his talent leaned more towards raw strength, while his Haki development was… average."
Pirate King Roger: "Wait… @Whitebeard, didn't you get involved in this war?"
Whitebeard: "No. When he left your crew, he never returned to mine as he promised. He didn't even try to contact me. And I wasn't about to chase after someone who broke a pirate's promise."
Whitebeard's voice carried a hint of disappointment.
He had given Oden a home, a family, and unconditional acceptance. Yet Oden left and never came back.
Oden is the first man he acknoladge as a brother rather than son on his ship.
Had Oden returned, apologized, or even asked for help, Whitebeard would have forgiven him. After all, Izo, one of Oden's retainers, was still under his command. If Izo had come to him, asking for aid, he would have moved heaven and earth to help.
But Oden never asked.
And Whitebeard wasn't about to send his fleet to war for someone who didn't even want his help.
Pirate King Roger: "Oden never went back?! He was always so reckless… @Lucas, just tell me already—how did he lose?"
Lucas: "The Mimic-Mimic Fruit user transformed into Oden's son, pretending to be captured. The moment Oden hesitated, Kaido struck him down."
Sword God Ryuma: "Are you serious? That's how he lost? That's just pathetic."
Lucas: "Not immediately. He was captured but not killed right away. Kaido and Orochi decided to execute him publicly—by boiling him alive. But before they did, Oden made a deal with them. If he could survive for an hour in the boiling oil, they would let his retainers go free."
Whitebeard: "And the result?"
Lucas: "He lasted the full hour."
The chat fell silent.
Even Whitebeard, Roger, and Ryuma—all battle-hardened warriors—felt a moment of respect for Oden's sheer willpower.
Lucas: "But then… Kaido and Orochi broke their promise."
Sword God Ryuma: "Tch. I give up."
Pirate King Roger: "Facepalm... You mean to tell me, even after all that suffering, he still trusted them?! If he had enough strength to endure a literal boiling execution, why didn't he just fight to the death?!"
Lucas: "To be fair, he did leave a permanent mark on Kaido. The two scars across Kaido's chest? Those were from Oden."
Whitebeard: "Ahh… That explains it! I always thought those scars looked familiar. The fact that he managed to leave permanent wounds on Kaido… That's no small feat. Kaido's body is damn near indestructible."
Lucas: "Sure, but it didn't matter. Oden wounded Kaido, but he didn't cripple him. Meanwhile, Kaido knocked Oden out with a single strike."
Whitebeard: "Kaido's the strongest creature in the world. His recovery is terrifying. Even I can only defeat him by exhausting him completely."
Sword God Ryuma: "So that's the end of Oden's story? What a tragic waste. Wano Country finally produced a man strong enough to change its destiny, yet he still failed. First, I died before I could reform Wano. Then Oden came along, and he was too naïve to finish the job."
The chat grew quiet.
For a moment, there was nothing but a sense of loss.
Then—Lucas smirked.
Lucas: "Then leave it to me."
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