Chapter 8

Hudson was running without a care in the world, he was keeping the same pace as everybody else was.

Hudson was running along the clown from earlier and a creepy guy with needles all over his body.

Hudson looked around and said. "This is boring, it's already been like 3 or 4 hours of constantly running.

Is this what the hunter exam is like? Constant running?"

The clown looked at him with his usual smiley face and said. "It looks like you don't really know much about the hunter exam."

"Of course I don't.

This is my first time taking it and I didn't bother to check what it's all about.

I only want that hunter license, it's good to have one with you since it gives you many benefits."

The clown looked ahead and said. "That's true, it gives you impunity so you can kill as much as you like."

"That too, but I wouldn't worry about that too much.

Since the only people that can arrest us are other hunters.

As long as you don't go overboard and massacre a whole city you'll be good, probably."

"Yes, but there are hunters with troublesome abilities when it comes to crime, you know."

Hudson looked back at the clown and said. "Looks like you thought about it a lot, are you some kind of psychopathic killer?"

"How rude, I am nothing of the sort."

Hudson looked at Hisoka's expression and saw that it didn't change a single bit, another thing is that his murderous intent is becoming more obvious as the time passes.

'This guy's totally a psychopath, he's more fucked up than me.

He's dying to kill somebody right now, a normal person wouldn't be able to tell but after being near him for only 3-4 hours I can tell that he's a very twisted individual.

What Hudson didn't know was that before arriving here, Hisoka took a participant's arms just because he bumped in him. So probably all the participants know to stay away from him.

While he was running he observed that Hisoka was glancing at a group of people.

Two of them looked like little boys, one had blond hair and looked like a girl and one of them looked like an businessman.

Hudson thought with a disgusted expression. 'Is he a pedophile?'

Hisoka noticed Hudson's expression and he said. "It's not what you're thinking.

Those two boys managed to keep up with us and not get visibly tired. Don't you think they're interesting?"

Hudson's eyes widened and he thought. 'The magician's right.

Those two kids are keeping up with us and they don't look tired at all.

They're bigger monsters than I was at their age.'

Hudson's face went back to his stoic one and he said. "You're right.

That is impressive. I honestly thought of you as a pervert for a second there."

Looking at him again, seeing the way he's dressed and the expression on his face he turned around and thought. 'This guy's totally a pervert.'

Hudson doesn't dislike other people conversing with him, he's just annoyed when people act that they're better than him or when people that are much weaker than him speak as if they're on the same level.

So this magician who avoided his right hand and attacked him at the same time seemingly effortlessly was acknowledged by him.

Looking forward he saw that there were some stairs that they had to climb.

"Looks like we're nearing the finish."


He looked at the examiner's funny way of running and thought. 'He looks really ridiculous running like that.'

He started going faster and he said. "I'm getting bored, is it permitted to use nen here?"

Hisoka's smile got even wider and he said. "There's no rule stating you can't."

Hudson started going faster and he said. "Then, see you at the finish line."


In one second, Hudson disappeared from his spot, he activated his ability, made all of his 24 actions to make him run forward and reappeared 100 meters away.


Hisoka's and the creepy guy's eyes widened but that wasn't all.

The Projection ability does not allow you to move in a way that excessively breaks the laws of physics or trajectory (which means that you can break them a little bit.).

The speed is also limited by the body's acceleration when activating the technique.

However, when the technique is repeatedly stacked upon yourself, the speed can be increased.

Hudson started to use his technique more and he was going at such speeds that you couldn't even see him anymore. He disappeared from everyone's vision, even the examiner's.

Even to the trained eye of other nen users, it looked like he was teleporting.

Hisoka's smile was threatening to break his face in two and he said. "That ability is certainly interesting."

The creepy guy next to him thought. 'There has to be some kind of trick to that speed, in a second he disappeared from my range of view and I couldn't see all his movements all that good.

I'll keep my eyes on him when I'm not observing Kil.'

After about 20 seconds of using the technique he arrived in front of the gate.

His speed increased so much that it was above MACH 1 and he managed to travel a big distance in a short period of time.

He sat down on the stairs and thought. 'This is good exercise for my nen capacity, I still have nen to spare for days even after using it so much.'

The reason why he didn't waste a lot of Nen was because he used it in a straight line, but when he breaks the law of physics and trajectory a little and move around it wastes more nen.

When he breaks those laws he can move almost every way he so wishes to do so, even if he's mid-air he can go somewhere on the ground from there.

He looked at the approaching examiner and said. "Yo, looks like I arrived first."