Chapter 9

The examiner explained how there are creatures that will be playing tricks on them if they are not careful, and the fact that they should follow him closely.

Hudson was looking around the forest without a care in the world, the creatures should be no threat to him in any way.

Someone came from behind the gate hurt all over claiming to be the real examiner while saying that the examiner they're following right now is a monkey that can transform itself or something along the lines.

Hudson didn't care in the least about this charade, he knew one of them was lying but he was not interested to find out who.


Cards flew through the air, some of them flew towards the moustache guy while the rest flew towards the all beat up guy.

The mustache guy caught the cards while the cards entered the beat up guy's face.

Hudson looked at the magician and saw him playing with cards.

"Heh Heh.

I see."

The monkey that they dead guy was holding jumped away but Hisoka threw a card in it's head, killing it.

"Now we know. He's the real thing.

Examiners are hunters who do this without pay, at the request of the judging committee.

A simple hunter, which we ourselves aspire to become, would have no trouble dodging my attack."

The mustache guy said. "I shall accept that as a compliment.


The next attack on me, for any reason, will be grounds for immediate disqualification.


The magician started walking away with a smile on his face. "Sure."

After that the examiner explained how smart the monkey's strategy was and how people were starting to doubt him.

They started running again.

While running through the thick fog, Hudson's eyebrows furrowed.

He looked behind and thought. 'That fucking pervert killed someone, and he's leaking subtle bloodlust.'

He looked at the two kids near him and thought. 'That kid with white hair noticed that too, he's surely killed before too.

And it's no small amount if he's able to notice that.'

Screams started to be heard in the back and Hudson thought. 'Those should be the monsters, looks like people are starting to get disqualified.'

After a while Hudson stopped running and said. "That fucking magician is cutting the competition short this early, he wasn't able to hold it in anymore.

Well, not my problem."

He started running towards the examiner without a care in the world.

After a while they arrived at a warehouse.

"We've come through the swamp. Well done, all of you.

This is the Visca forest preserve, where we will conduct the second phase.

This is where we part. I wish you all good luck."

After some waiting the door finally opened and inside there was a big fat guy and a girl with a weird haircut.

The girl said. "Okay, applicants, listen up!

The second phase is...


We're gourmet hunters, so you'll be whipping up viands to satisfy our discriminating palates."

Hudson frowned and said. "Are you serious?"

The fat guy said. "First, you'll make a dish for me..."

The girl interrupted him and said. "And if Buhara passes your effort, you'll be permitted to make one for me.

You'll pass the second phase when you satisfy both of us!!

Once we've eaten our fills, the testing period will be over."

The fat guy drooled and said with a disgusting sparkle in his eyes. "My dish of choice...

Is whole roast pig!!

Mmm.. can't wait!"

The girl said. "Any pig in this preserve will do."

Hudson's expression was ugly and he thought. 'Me? Cooking for them?

Do they have a death wish or what?

Any pig in this preserve will do?

How about I cook you up real quick?'

As he was about to activate his technique and kill those fuckers he stopped himself.

'It's just pig, I have to catch one and roast it over fire.

I need that hunter license, but...

I'll kill those fuckers the second this exam ends!'


Get cooking!!"

After some time, the strong guys were back carrying a roasted pig in their arms.

The fat guy drooled and said. "Oh, lovely!"


After the guy ate 70 of those gigantic pigs leaving only bones behind Hudson thought. 'That has to be a nen ability.'

After some time the girl came forward and said. "Be aware, that unlike Buhara...

I can be a very harsh critic!

Second phase, part two...

And my dish is...


Everyone had blank expressions on their faces and all of them thought. 'Sushi?! What the heck's that?!!'

Even Hisoka had a bland look on his face and he thought. 'Can't say even I know...'

After she explained where it comes from and the fact that they have a whole kitchen to their use she let them do their thing.

Everyone was looking at the bald ninja, from his expression you could tell he was the only one who knew something about sushi.

After everyone got fish since someone spilled the means most of the examinees tried multiple times but all of them were wrong.

Hudson waited for someone to get it right so he could steal their dish.

After the yelling of the examiner and harsh critique Hudson felt like he was about to bust from anger.

No one passed.

'It's decided! In the second phase, part two...

Everybody's failed!!"


Hudson had an angry look on his face. His eyebrows were furrowed and he said while releasing his aura.

Everyone quieted down, for people who can't use nen, being hit by aura is like being suppressed without being able to do anything.

Hisoka had a wide smile on his face seeing that.

"I've had enough of your shit, you bitch.

I've endured all of this because I need that license, but now? There's no need for that.

I'm Hudson Ahn, the king of Yorknew, who do you think you are ordering me around?!"


Hudson arrived in front of her in an instant, as he was about to blow her head up without her even knowing what happened something dropped from the air intercepting his punch.


A big explosion was heard and Hudson saw what blocked his punch, a foot.

Hudson's eyes widened and he threw another punch, this time without activating his technique.

The mysterious person who intercepted him, redirected his punch in another direction with his elbow and said. "Why don't we calm down?"

Hearing that old voice talk, Hudson's eyes widened again and he stopped.

He looked at the person in front of him and saw an old man with only a ponytail with the rest of his head being bald and a big beard/mustache.

Hudson furrowed his brows and said. "You're the head of the hunter association...

Isaac Netero."