Chapter 1

This is a challenge by dracohalo117

I DON'T OWN Naruto

The Fox and the Hound

Chapter 1 Denial and new sensei

It was right after the first round of the chunin exams; a blond boy dressed in orange was searching the hospital until he finally found, the person he was looking for, a silver haired man with his headband over his left eye and a mask covering his mouth. The man was reading the latest installment of the Icha Icha series.

"Kakashi-sensei can you train me for the finals?" asked the blond ninja excitedly.

The man turned his head away from his porn "sorry Naruto; I'm training Sasuke for the finals because he is fighting a dangerous enemy who has a chance of killing him," said the copy ninja in a happy voice and his eye shaped in a U.

Naruto looked shocked and betrayed "can you at least give me a scroll on a jutsu or anything at all that would in some way better myself?" asked the genin.

The man shakes his head in negative "Sasuke needs it more and he has a better chance of victory and making chunin," stated Kakashi.

Naruto started to shake and clenches his fists "fine don't train me, you favorites playing sensei," he said with venom in his voice before the blond turned around and storms out of the hospital. The silver haired man just shrugged and went back to reading his novel and giggled a bit.

Hana was wandering around the village and came to the edge of a training ground where she heard grunting and smashing.

"Wonder who that is?" she thought to herself as she walked to the training ground. She hid herself in the trees and was surprised to see Naruto training by boxing a tree, his hands were already bloody from the multiple impacts.

Hana continued to watch "I can tell he has something to prove, but what?" she thought. Naruto finished punching the tree then formed the ram, serpent and tiger seals "Shadow clone jutsu!" he shouted as thirty clones surrounded him.

Hana's interest peaked at this new development "he's not even tired after that little exercise and creating 30 clones. Not to mention that was a B rank kinjutsu," she thought as she saw the clones attack the original.

Hana kept watch in amazement as Naruto takes a beating, but kept on fighting. Hana looked on as the blond took on his clones and thought, "this is kid could easily become a power house if trained properly."

After dispelling the last clone with a punch, Naruto passed out from the exhaustion of his work out. Hana appeared next to his body and checked him over "beside the injuries he's fine. He's just tired… and malnourished? That's odd, but I'll have to put that thought aside for now," she thought as she placed her hands over the boy's injuries and started to heal them.

A familiar green glow enveloped her hands and after a few moments her patient's hand caught her wrist, catching the medic nin off guard "who are you?" he asked cautiously as his eyes slowly opened.

Hana was shocked "my name is Inuzuka Hana," she said as Naruto grunted.

The blond recognized the surname "any relation to Inuzuka Kiba?" he asked.

"He is my brother."

"Can I get you name?" she asked politely.

"Uzumaki Naruto."

She thinks for a moment "Naruto… Naruto… wait were you the Naruto that beat my brother in the chunin exams?"

"Yes I beat him," said Naruto.

"Can you let go of my wrist now? I kind of need it back and I won't hurt you, promise," she said.

Naruto reluctantly let go and sat up "can you tell me why I'm not in as much pain as I was before I was unconscious?" asked Naruto.

Hana smiled "I was able to heal some of your wounds and I must say I am impressed by your endurance to take any type of punishment and keep fighting."

Naruto looked at her "I have to go and get ready for more training," he said as he got up.

Hana frowned and pulled him back down "no you don't'; I am going to heal you first so you don't die from chakra depletion," she stated.

Naruto snorts "why do you care?" he asked causing Hana's mouth to open in shock "what do you mean; it's because I am a medic and that means that I can't watch someone die in front of me!" she yelled.

"Very well, if you don't mind," said Naruto as he lies down. Hana's hand glow green and put it over Naruto injuries and they slowly heal.

Naruto gets up "thanks I have to train now," he said.

Hana stood up "don't you have a sensei that's supposed to be teaching you?"

Naruto snorts "my 'sensei' would rather play favorites with the Sasuke-teme," he said the word sensei with venom in his voice.

Hana looks at him curiously "who's your sensei?" she asked.

"Hatake Kakashi," said Naruto

"How about a wager," said Hana

Naruto looked at her "what do you mean?" he asked.

Hana sighed "one on one; if you manage to land one clean hit on me I will train you for the exams, if you fail you must clean all of the Inuzuka kennels," she said

Naruto smiled "I accept. I need a teacher anyway so how long should we fight?" he asked

Hana smiled "two hours and I won't use my partners okay."

"Partners?" asked the blond

Hana simply pointed at three dogs, several times larger than Akamaru, looking at the two of them over from the bushes with her thumb.

"Oh," said the blond as the two of them got into similar stances.

Hana frowned "wait" she said putting her hand up in a halting gesture. "Who taught you that stance?" she asked with narrowed eyes.

Naruto was confused "I was able to mimic Kiba's stance a little," he said nervously making Hana sighed then smiled "you may be a genius to be able to copy my clan's fighting stance so closely," she said. Realization hit Naruto as his eyes widened "sorry sorry sorry I didn't know that that stance was so important. If I had known… sorry!" he said waving his hands around franticly even bowing a few times.

Hana laughed "It's all right, it's interesting that you can mimic a stance this close with very few mistakes," she said as she got into the same stance, but with fewer openings.

Naruto shifted his stance to match Hana's to her amazement "interesting it has fewer openings, but I can help him develop his own style based off of ours with mother's approval," she thought.

They both charged at each other.

Naruto punched, but Hana ducked low then knocked the boy's fist upwards by slamming the back of her fist into the blond's wrist. Hana quickly swung her leg at Naruto's head, but the blond avoided it by ducking then the Inuzuka suddenly got lower and brought another kick around with her other leg going for a leg sweep. The blond was swept him off his feet, but Naruto tilted himself in mid air and landed on his hands then he flipped backwards landing on his feet. The blond quickly went through some hand seals "shadow clone jutsu," he said as three clone poofed into existence and surrounded Hana before charging. Hana elbowed one of them in the stomach causing it to disperse, then placed her hands on another clones shoulder before using it as a vaulting horse to spring herself forward to kick and disperse a second clone. The final clone was dispersed after Hana landed and hit it with a claw then she went for the real Naruto. Naruto pulled a kunai out of his pouch and charged her. Hana parried Naruto's consecutive attacks, but she was starting to tire.

"His stamina is amazing," she thought as Naruto went for a punch to the chest only for the Inuzuka to block. Hana slashed at Naruto with her claws, but the blond narrowly dodged by moving to the side before his opponent brought another claw down at him. Naruto dodged again by leaping backwards and the Inuzuka went into a defensive stance, waiting for the blond's attack, wanting to conserve energy.

Naruto makes ten more clones and sent them to attack Hana. Hana was starting to struggle to keep a solid defense as she ripped through the clones, creating more and more smoke. When she dispelled six clones and was covered by smoke, the real Naruto joined the fray and managed to land a blow to Hana's chest; Hana let herself fall on her ass to catch her breath.

After a few seconds, Hana got up "well done, I didn't think you would actually be able to hit me. As promised I will train you for the exam," she said.

Naruto smiled "hai, thank you sensei; where should we meet?"

"Meet me back here a 6:00 AM; I need to go get some stuff for your training," she said as Naruto nods and walks off.

At the Inuzuka clan compound

Hana walked in and was greeted by a feral looking woman with fangs and wild brown hair "Hana why are you late? Your shift at the hospital was over four hours ago," she asked with a bit of anger in her voice.

"Sorry Kaa-san, when I was there I overheard a sensei refusing to train one of his students in favor of another," stated Hana with an edge making Tsume raise an eyebrow.

"Who was the sensei… and student?" asked the older woman. Hana gulped "the sensei was Hatake Kakashi and the student was Uzumaki Naruto," she said causing Tsume's eyes to widen then narrow "explain why this caused you to be late," she demanded.

Well when I saw this I talked to Kakashi and he said some unkind thing about his student; I then went to talk to Kiba and he said that Naruto won partialy by luck and skill on the rest," she said as she took a seat on a nearby chair.

Tsume pulled up a chair herself and sat on it backwards with her arms wresting on the back before she motioned her daughter to continue. "I walked to a training area and saw Naruto training first by punching a tree then sparring with his shadow clones, I think he has untapped potential and is waiting for the right teacher."

Tsume smiled "let me guess you want to train him for the finals correct?" she asked

Hana bowed her head "Hai mother," she responded.

"Very well, you have my permission, under one condition; he will only be allowed to learn clan jutsu if he can beat you one on one with me watching," said the clan matriarch

Hana raised her head "Hai," she said as she stands up from her chair and goes to bed.

Tsume walks to her study and take out a piece of paper on her desk. Tsume stared at a framed picture of the fourth and a red haired woman standing on her desk "I hope I am making the right decision Minato, Kushina. The civilian council might have forbidden me from adopting him, but he will be trained," she thought as she starts to write on the paper.

Next day 6 am

Hana was seen walking into the training ground with a bag on her shoulders. The Inuzuka quickly spotted Naruto training with his shadow clones.

"Naruto come here I got something for you," said Hana as she put her bag down. Naruto disperses his clones and walks over to her "what is it sensei?" asked Naruto smiling.

Hana takes out four bands "these are weight bands, put them on your legs and arms; the weight will increase ten pounds for every percent of your total chakra that you put into them. Try it," she said.

Naruto took the bands and put them on "how much chakra should I put into them?" asked Naruto.

"Put about four percent of you chakra into each band. That should make each weight about forty pounds, an excellent place to start," said Hana as Naruto put the required amount in the bands and he crouches suddenly "heavy," he said.

Hana smiles "very good walk or run ten lap around the field just to get used to the bands," she order as Naruto started to walk then started to speed up.

Naruto finished ten laps in twenty minutes and walked over to his temporary sensei.

"Naruto now we're going to do some chakra control exercises; tell me what you have done," she said

"Well Kakashi-sensei taught us the tree walking and Iruka-sensei tried to teach me the leaf exercise, but that was all." as Hana listened, she became more furious at Kakashi's inability to teach all his students properly and let off a motherload of Killing Intent. Naruto found himself greatly frightened and made a mental note to never piss his temporary sensei off.

Hana let go of the killer intent that she was unleashing making the boy sigh in relief "Naruto we're going to work on water walking; it will help your control drastically," she said making the blond curious.

Hana walked to the lake and walked on top of it "first focus chakra in your feet, but the trick is to change the chakra constantly because unlike trees the water moves a little so you have to take that into account."

Naruto focuses chakra to his feet and walked forward towards the water; after about one step he loses control and plummets straight into the lake. Before starting his next attempt Naruto removed his jacket and pants to keep himself from getting weighted down by wet clothes. He continued to try, but he gets nowhere fast. After his tenth attempt Hana motions him to stop "Naruto you did not get very far do you know why?" she asked.

Naruto looked at her "well I have been feeling like something is blocking my chakra even when I was fighting your brother," he said. Hana's eyes narrowed "you should have told me sooner," she said.

"Sorry sensei," he said looked down in shame as Hana walk next to him.

Hana taps her finger on her chin "Let's see… Hokage-sama! He might know what is going on," she said as she grabs on to him and shunshins just outside the Hokage building and the two walk in.

Naruto is glared at by the secretary "that loser and demon spawn isn't allowed here," she said coldly as Naruto puts his head down.

Hana growls "you better watch your tongue miss because he has more courage and heart than you do," she said.

Making the woman back up with the killer intent she unconsciously exerted "let's go Naruto, we have to talk to Lord Hokage," she said as she opens the door.

Inside the office Hiruzen Sarutobi, the Third Hokage, was sitting at his desk reading a letter. The man sported a grey goatee and wore a red robe; behind his chair you could see his red hat with the kanji for fire.

He looks up and sees Hana with a wet half naked Naruto "Hana, Naruto; I figured you two would stop by soon, Tsume wrote a letter telling me what occurred and I am glad that Naruto found someone to teach him," stated the leader assuming that Hana was teaching the boy the water walking exercise.

The Third put the letter away "Now what can I do for you?" he asked as Hana stepped up "Hokage-sama I was teaching Naruto water walking, but something is blocking his chakra can you take a look?" she asked.

The Hokage nods and gets out of his seat then rests his hand on Naruto's stomach "Naruto channel some chakra," he said plainly.

Naruto channeled chakra and the seal on his stomach appears which was normal, but then a secondary seal appeared around the first seal which caused the Hokage to narrow his eyes "I see, it's a chakra blocker called five pronged seal," said the old man.

Hana looks on as Sarutobi's five fingers blaze with chakra "this will hurt a little Naruto, but we have release your chakra for your training," he said as he slams his fingers into Naruto's abdomen getting rid of the seal. Naruto falls to the ground in pain as Hana rushes up to him helping him up "how are you feeling Naruto?" she asked worried.

Naruto smiles "great sensei, I think I can try water walking again," he said excitedly as Hana smiled.


The two find themselves at the pond as Naruto continues his training. Hana looked on with pride as her student finally finishes the water walking "well done Naruto," she said.

"I've got some homework for you; I want you to go the library and get a book on katas," she said.

"I can't. They won't let me in; the attendant threatens to call ANBU every time I go in," he said

Hana growls, but calms herself "I will go with you and I will make sure you are allowed in," said the Inuzuka.

Naruto smiles and hugs her "thank you for everything sensei," he said as Hana smiled at him.


Next morning Naruto and Hana went to the library, but was stopped by the attendant "that thing is not allowed in here," growled the clerk.

Hana turned to the woman "you will let my student go in or I will let you explain to Lord Hokage about denying a shinobi entrance to the material," she said with a glare.

The woman clenched her teeth "Enjoy your stay," said the woman forcefully as Hana smiles and walks away.

Naruto grabs several books on Taijutsu styles and chakra control exercises then checks them out "Now Naruto I want you to study those Taijutsu books to see if you can find a stance that suits you; then we will go from there," said Hana.

"Hai, sensei."

Naruto was reading the book and imitating the various katas to get a feel for them.

"None of these suit me," he thought as he starts on another one.

The blond grabs a random taijutsu book and looks at it "Maelstrom Fist?" he thought.

The boy shrugged "Might as well," he thought as he got in the beginners stance and smiled "much easier and it feels right," said Naruto as he tries the Katas

Naruto succeeds and goes to the exercises for chakra control.

"I guess I can try this one," he thought as he takes out a kunai and places it on his palm and tries to make it float.

Hana walks up "so did you find a style Naruto?" she asked.

Naruto smiled "yup, it is the maelstrom fist," he said as he stood up and dropped into the styles beginner stance.

"I see you're working on the advanced chakra control exercises," she said.

"Yeah, but it is hard to do," he said

"Well you are doing the advanced chakra control so of course it will be hard," she said with a smile.

"Naruto continues the exercise until he finally finishes it by keeping the kunai floating for ten minutes straight "well done; that is enough for today," she said.

Naruto smiles "thank you sensei," he said.