Chapter 2

Naruto woke up the next morning and smiled "I got a sensei," he said to himself as he got up and dressed for the day. He headed out the door and straight to the training ground where he saw Hana "Hana-Sensei," he said.

"Good morning Naruto; let us begin by finding out you affinity," said Hana as she takes out a piece of paper.

"Now, put some chakra into it," Hana said.

Naruto did as instructed and the paper split in half and both halves got soggy "so you have wind, but you also can use water," said Hana.

"Luckily I am a water user, but I only of know one wind user in all of Konoha," she said holding up one finger.

"The jutsu I am going to show you is D-rank. It is known as Water Style: Water Shotgun," said Hana as she show Naruto the hand seals "water Style: Water Shotgun," she said as a water beam appears, but splits off into five small balls that hit the tree and make it splinter.

Naruto awed at the water style as the smile on his face grew wider "Go ahead try it," Hana said.

Naruto went through hand seals "Water Style: Water Shotgun," he said as a water beam shot forth, but splinters into two water balls instead of five and to make matters worse the force behind both of those water balls paled in comparison to Hana's.

Naruto puts his head down, in obvious depression due to his failure "that was a very good first try," said Hana making Naruto look up at her and perk up.

"Now try adding a little more chakra just when the water forms to spread it out more," she said.

Naruto does it a few more time getting better with each attempt.

"Alright we're going to see how good you are with your Taijutsu style," said Hana.

Naruto got into the Maelstrom Fist and charges his sensei. Hana was very surprised by his speed and form "he is advancing very well; those academy reports must have been biased or they didn't teach him anything at all," thought Hana, angry at the Academy Instructors.

An hour later, Hana was sweating and short of breath "man I might need my partners, if he keeps improving at this rate," she thought.

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At the office Jiraiya was pissed "why did Danzo and the elders tell me my godson was dead!" shouted a pissed off Sannin.

"I didn't know they did that; I tried to tell you that Naruto was alive through messages, but someone must have intercepted it," said the aged leader.

The toad sage was still angry, but knew it wasn't his old sensei's fault "Who is training him?" asked the Sannin.

"Hana Inuzuka because his real teacher is not and refuses to," said the Hokage.

"Who was his jounin sensei?" asked Jiraiya.

"Kakashi, but he is busy training his other student Sasuke Uchiha. Too busy to even look in Naruto's direction," said the Hokage as a plume of smoke escaped his mouth as he removed his pipe.

"I am going to see my godson and hope that he forgives me," said the Sannin with a growl.

The white haired Sannin disappeared in a Shunshin.

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Hana and Naruto were sparring when the former sniffed the air, smelling another presence "hold on Naruto." Hana turned around "I smell you," said Hana as the Sannin walks out of the forestry "I need to speak to both of you," he said seriously.

"Yes Lord Jiraiya," said Hana.

The Sannin got on his knees "Naruto; I would understand if you hate me, but I want to tell you I wanted to be there for you because… I was supposed to be you godfather," said the Sannin making Naruto growl.

"I was told you died in the Kyuubi attack by the elders. The Hokage told me that he tried to reach me, but someone intercepted all of his messages. When I found all of this out I was ready to kill them. The elders didn't want me to be with you and give you guidance; I would understand if you never forgive me, but at least let me help you train with your real sensei's permission," said Jiraiya.

"Hatake won't train him and I doubt he would give permission for anyone to train him either. The man doesn't give a damn about Naruto's career as a shinobi," said Hana with hatred in her voice.

"He lost the right to be called Naruto's sensei the moment he turned the boy away. I was talking about the sensei that is willing to train him," said the Sannin making Hana's eyes widen.

"Naruto work on the kunai balancing exercise. I will be back, I need to talk to Jiraiya-sama," she said as Hana and the Sannin disappear.


Hana looks around "no one is here," she said.

"I would like to train Naruto during the two weeks before the start of the final rounds of the chunin exams so you'll have two weeks with him before my training," said Jiraiya

"That seems fair," said Hana.

"Now last thing; are you aware of the shadow clone's special ability to transfer knowledge to the user?" asked the Sannin.

Hana eyes widen "I didn't know," she said.

"I am not surprised; you have to be jounin to have that knowledge, but if it will help Naruto I will leave it to you to speed up his training since he has the capacity to use it," said the Sannin.

"I see, this is so he can get more training in a shorter amount of time," said Hana realizing what this meant.

"Naruto should have the final say if he wants me to train him or not," said Jiraiya.

Hana nodded her head "I will ask him. Meet us in two weeks at our training ground," she said.

Jiraiya acknowledges it with a nod and disappears. Hana walks back to where she left Naruto to see him doing water walking and Kunai balancing at the same time.

"Naruto come here now," said Hana.

Naruto drops the kunai and ran across the water to the female Inuzuka "what do you think of Jiraiya?" asked Hana.

"I will forgive him a little since he was tricked, but he should have double checked," said Naruto as he clenched his fist.

"He has offered to train you for the two weeks before the finals and I think you can learn a lot from him," said the Inuzuka.

"Thank you sensei; I think I will take him up on his offer, but first we have a spar to finish," he said as Hana got a feral grin "alright Naruto give me your best, but first" Hana whistled as her three huskies who were resting, perk up and run to their master "This time, I will have my partners with me."

The two charged forward. Hana was dominating the battle up until Naruto knocked out two of the nin-kin. Hana and her other ninken, in a Hana henge, charged forward; one of the Hana's swung its claw at the blond, but Naruto ducked out of the way while the other Hana grabbed Naruto and put him in a full nelson. Naruto kicked at the Hana that was charging him, sending it backwards, before the Hana that was holding him used a suplex and slammed the blond into the ground.

Both had torn cloths as Hana smile "well done let's go to the compound I'll cook you something for your hard work," she said with a smile.

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Naruto and Hana shunshined to the Inuzuka compound and see Tsume there "Hana I see you brought your student over," said the Matriarch.

Naruto bowed "It's good to meet you Tsume-san," said Naruto.

"I see my daughter has installed manners in you Naruto-san," said a grinning Tsume.

"So what do you need Hana?" asked Tsume.

"Naruto been working hard and I thought he might need some nourishment," she said.

She got closer to her mother "we need to talk mother about Naruto," she whispered.

"Naruto-san why don't you visit the training field behind the compound; you can train with Kiba, who is training there to get better," said Tsume.

"Thank you Tsume-sama," he said

She smiles "please call me Tsume and you are welcome anytime here," she said with a smile.

Naruto smiles "thank you for the invite Tsume," said Naruto before running to the training field.

"Hana you wanted to talk to me?" asked the clan head.

"I want to say that Naruto is extremely malnourished; that is one of the reasons I brought him over so he can get soom food in his stomach," said Hana.

The clan head sighed "I figured as much because only one place would serve him and that is the ramen stand," said Tsume.

"I have an idea," said Tsume, as she told Hana her idea.

"Is it possible," Hana asked.

"I am clan head and no one hates the boy in the clan; most have saved him on several occasions from beatings and attacks," said Tsume.

"Why do they hate him?" asked Hana.

"I am sorry that is a secret that will incur the death penalty if I tell," Tsume explained.

"Ask Naruto, he and the Hokage is the only one who can tell you," said the clan head.

"I will," said Hana

"Please, just ask, but don't push it," said Tsume.

"Understood," said Hana

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Naruto was currently fighting Kiba "I got to thank your sister for helping me train," said Naruto as he caught a punch from Kiba.

"She is kind to those who need it the most," said Kiba as he lands a punch on Naruto arms.

"Is Akamaru okay?" asked Naruto.

"He is fine just resting after our match; thanks for asking," said Kiba as he is punched in the chest.

"Nice punch," said Tsume as she watched them spar.

"Lunch is ready," she said as both Genin walked inside.

Naruto was amazed at the food laid on the table. There was a salad, but everything else was a wide range of various meats.

"Naruto I have proposition for you," said Tsume.

"What is it Tsume-san?"

"I would like to make you an honorary member of our clan; that way you will be protected from the civilian council,"

"I would love to be a member, but how do you go about making me a member," asked Naruto.

Tsume smiled "Simple, all you have to do is just agree and I will write you down as a member of our clan. You will be able to visit and live here if you want," said Tsume before she took a large bite out of her beef.

Naruto was shocked "I thank you," said the blond as he started to tear up.

Kiba looked perplexed then angry "Why are you crying Naruto? What, is it that bad to be part of our clan?" asked Kiba.

"Kiba!" shouted Tsume making the boy flinch. Kiba looked at his mother expecting her to be angry, but he was instead greeted by a sad expression "He has never had a family in his life and he is always wanted one; this is as close as I can give him a family," said Tsume sadly.

Naruto finished eating and was about to leave "Naruto it's dark; sleep in the compound for tonight," said Tsume.

"Are you sure?" he asked.

The clan head got up from her seat "I will get you some sheets," said Tsume.

"I accept," said Naruto with a bow.

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Late at night Naruto woke up "can't sleep for some reason," said Naruto as he walks out of the guest room.

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Tsume was lying in her bed when she heard a shuffling of feet "Kuromaru who's up?" asked the clan head.

"It's your guest; young Uzumaki," said the wolf.

"The pup must be having trouble sleeping," she said.

"You want me to help him?" asked Kuromaru.

Tsume sat up "I'll do it, but I might need your help; I don't think he trusts me enough yet," said the matriarch.

"Not surprising from what happened to the boy," said the wolf.

"Let's talk to him," said Tsume.

The two got up and went to Naruto who was training in the back "that is a lot of clones," said Tsume causing Naruto to turn around.

"Sorry for waking you Tsume-san; I will leave so you can sleep," said Naruto.

"Stay where you are Naruto, you did nothing wrong," said Tsume with a concerned look.

Kuromaru walks up to Naruto and lies down. Naruto looks at the wolf and a shocked Tsume "Naruto pet him; he is giving you a chance," said Tsume

Naruto slowly pets the wolf behind the ear "he is good," thought the wolf.

Tsume walks up to Naruto "can't sleep?" asked Tsume

"I rarely sleep due to the attempts to break into my apartment and being attacked; sorry if I woke you," said Naruto.

Kuromaru looks up "young Uzumaki you have nothing to fear from us we will protect you," said the wolf.

"I guess your nin-ken can, correct?" asked Naruto.

"You don't seem surprised," said the Matriarch.

"Hana told me about it so I was prepared, but I was still slightly surprised at actually hearing him speak," said Naruto rubbing the back of his neck.

"Hana told me about your clan and is offering teach me medical ninjutsu to take care of Nin-ken when they get injured with some medical ninjutsu," said Naruto.

"How far are you at that?" said Tsume.

"My chakra can't be used due to the fox; it is poisonous to everything, but me," said Naruto.

"However she's teaching me to mend wounds without chakra along with battlefield first aid," said Naruto.

"I would love to talk if you can't sleep," said Tsume.

"I am fine," said Naruto.

"How about this, a small spar to see where you are," said Tsume.

"And I will not use my nin-ken," she said smirking.

"I guess I can, but you should get some sleep Tsume-san," said Naruto

She looks amused "I am curious at what my daughter has taught you," she said as she gets into a stance.

The two rush each other and start their spar. The battle was brutal for both of them. Kuromaru and Tsume, with the later being decorated with a few cuts walked back inside the compound with Naruto being carried by Kuromaru.

"She has taught him well to be able to fight me, a clan head, for about twenty minutes in just Taijutsu even though he is a Genin, that is impressive," she thought.

"Take him to the guest room and I will by bandaging up his wounds," she said.

The wolf carries Naruto back to his room and Tsume gets some medical supplies from the cabinet and walks back to his room and start to cover his wound with gauze and bandages.

Naruto wakes up next morning and flinch from the pain "I have much to learn; that was a fun battle even though it was one sided for the majority of it," he thought.

He walks down and sees Hana sipping coffee "don't you think for a second that those injuries will get you out of training," she said.

Naruto laughed nervously "I guess Tsume told you?" he asked.

"I did, but you put up quite a fight," said the clan head as she walks down with a few bandages covering some of her wound.

"That was a work out despite you losing, my daughter has trained you well," said Tsume

"Thank you for the spar," said Naruto

"Anytime," said Tsume.

Hana gets up "Naruto lets go train your Taijutsu so you can beat me and my mom," said Hana as the two walk out.