Chapter 3

It has been two weeks since Naruto was trained by Hana and he learned how to fight and use several water Justus. Hana was standing in front of her student, "Naruto you did great, but now I am having Jiraiya teach you like we agreed," said Hana.

Naruto bowed, "thank you sensei," said Naruto sobbing out of happiness.

The Sannin appears "Naruto, I want to teach you two things that will come in handy," said Jiraiya.

"Thank you Hana-san for giving him more than a sensei," said Jiraiya.

"Naruto, we are going to a different training ground that is more private," he said.


The two disappeared and reappeared in the Sannin training ground behind the Hokage tower. "Alright, first I want you to sign a summoning contract for my summoning," said Jiraiya as he took off the Giant scroll.

"Use blood to make it official then do these hand signs, Summoning Jutsu," said Jiraiya as he slams his hands down and a small toad appeared.

Naruto's eyes widen, "cool," he said as he writes his name and goes through the hand seals "summoning jutsu," says Naruto as a small green toad appears with a bread and cap "he summoned Fukusaku," said Jiraiya.

"How did I get summoned? Jiraiya-chan why did you summon me," asked the toad.

"I did not summon you Fukusaku-sama," said the Sannin.

"Then who Jiraiya-chan?" he asks.

"I did, Naruto Uzumaki," said the blond bowing to the summoned toad.

"Is this your first try you tadpole?" asked Fukusaku.

"Yes, it is," said Naruto

The toad gives out a chuckle "impressive, it takes great control to summon me on you first try," he said.

"I will let the others know that you are the new summoner and have passed the test. If that is all I will take my leave," said the toad as he disappeared in a puff of smoke.

Jiraiya stands beside Naruto, "very nice. Now you will summon a combat toad," said Jiraiya.

"Any advice on how much chakra to put in?" asked Naruto.

"Just a little more to summon one of the combat toads," said Jiraiya.

Naruto goes through hand seal "summoning Jutsu," he says as a Giant Toad with a sword appears.

"How the hell did he summon Gamabunta," shouted Jiraiya.

"Alright who summoned me? Is it the new guy?" asked Gamabunta.

"Naruto Shunshins from Gamabunta's head to his nose, "can I ask your name great toad," said Naruto trying to be respectful.

"I like you kid. Name is Gamabunta," said the toad.

"I would like to call you if allow me," said Naruto.

"You already passed the test from Fukusaku so you are my minion" said the toad.

'Thank you Gamabunta-sama,' said Naruto.

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Naruto trained for two weeks with Jiraiya until the finals "alright try to keep the two jutsu I taught you hidden till you need it," said the Sannin.

"Yes Ero-Sannin," says Naruto making Jiraiya grumble.

"Knock them dead kid," said Jiraiya.

Naruto shunshins to the middle of the arena facing his opponent, Neji Hyuga.

"You have something to say," says the Hyuga prodigy.

"I do, fate is bull shit. It is just an excuse for those who can't change their situation," says Naruto.

"You have said you have peace but a loser is always a loser and fate has made me the winner," said Neji

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In the stands Sakura was talking, "Naruto-baka won't win; he probably didn't do an training," she screeches.

Hana growled, "Listen here pinky, just because your sensei decided to train your Uchiha instead of all three of you, I trained Naruto with another ninja and is one of the best anyone can ask for," says Hana.

"Yeah you're just saying that cause you feel sorry for the Baka," says the pink haired girl.

Hana growl but calmed herself "believe what you will, you give kunoichi a bad name," said the Inuzuka.

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The jounin stands in the middle with his senbons in his mouth had his hands up, "Naruto Uzumaki vs. Neji Hyuga begin," says the jounin.

Naruto takes out some pellets and throws them on the ground making smoke appear "now lets see," said Naruto.

"Fight me coward," shouted the Hyuga.

"You are not worth my best unless you can deny that fate decrees everything," says Naruto.

Neji charges forward into the smoke screen only to catch some kunais.

"Water Style: Water Shotgun," says Naruto as he fires the water attack at Neji but splits into 10 water balls as Neji starts to rotate, nullifying the attack "so that is the Kaiten of the Hyuga; you are truly skilled to know a move only taught by the main branch," says Naruto.

The Hyuga's eyes widen "how do you know of the branches," says Neji.

"Simple, I had to study my opponents including history and move set," says Naruto.

"However, I see you have less chakra then me so I have to make you run out of steam first," says Naruto as he throws out some shurikens forcing Neji to use his ultimate defense.

In the shadows, a clone throws a shuriken as Neji turns slightly and catches it "I see. So the all-seeing eyes do have a weakness, Hyuga," says Naruto.

Naruto throws down another smoke pellet, "I know your blind spot by the way you move to avoid my clone," whispers Naruto.

Neji's eyes widen as he got into a stance "you're in striking range," says the Hyuga.

"Palm strike 2 palm, 4 palm, 8 palms, 16, 32 palm, eight trigram 64 palms," says the genius as he hits Naruto sending him back.

"Call the match, he won't get up," says Neji.

"You are so sure you have beaten me," says Naruto as a blue orb appears in his hand "Rasengan," says Naruto as he slams the weakened version into Neji sending him back into the wall.

The proctor checks Neji, "winner is Naruto Uzumaki. Neji is knocked out," says the proctor.

The crowed was stunned but started to clap as several proctors were talking "he is definitely chunin by the way he analyzes his opponent," says one of them.

Naruto walks back to the stands where Hana was sitting.


In the stands, Sarutobi was sitting next to a blue robed person. "Impressive Genin, Lord Hokage," said the man.

"Thank you but the praise should to his senseis, Lord Kazekage," says the Leafs leader.

"Sir, Sasuke Uchiha is not here," says one of The Hokage's guard.

"I see, tell Genma that he is disqualified," said Sarutobi.

"Everyone in the stands will be disappointed since they wanted to see this fight," said the Kazekage.

'So it is you,' thought the Hokage.

"If he can't make it to his match on time, he can't be trusted to be on time with a mission," says the Third Hokage.

"Sasuke is disqualified for being late," said the village leaders.

The guard whispers to Genma, "Sasuke has been disqualified for being late."

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The crowd boos, "you can't do that to Sasuke-kun," shouts Sakura.

"He is late, so that shows he doesn't have the maturity to be chunin," says Hana.

"What would you know you bitch," says the pink haired girl.

Hana growls, "I recommend you take that back, Haruno," says Naruto as he unleashes his killer intent on the girl.

"A least she is stronger and has a higher rank," says Naruto.

"Let's head back to the Inuzuka box and chill," says Naruto as he takes Hana away from a potential fight.

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Next match is Kankuro vs. Shino "Proctor I forfeit the match," says the puppet master ninja.

"Shino wins," said Genma.

Next is Shikamaru vs. Temari," says the proctor.

The fight is the same as the show.

Next match of the semi-finals Gaara vs. Naruto Uzumaki," says Genma.

Naruto's eyes narrow and he shunshins to the arena with Gaara appearing in a sand Shunshin.

"Mother wants your blood," says Gaara with a crazed look.

"Begin," states Genma

A swirl of leaves appear and Sasuke and Kakashi appear in the arena "are we late?" asks the jounin.

"Your student has been disqualified, please leave," says Genma making both of their eyes widen.

"You can't disqualify me, I am an Uchiha," says Sasuke.

"No one cares. You are late and we can't trust you to be on time to a mission."

Sasuke charges at Gaara but sand pushes him back "I misjudged you, you not worthy for mother," said Gaara.

Sasuke growls but is held back by Kakashi and they disappear.

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Naruto shakes his head "let's see," said Naruto as he jumps up and goes for a kick. The sand blocks his kick.

"So it's automatic that sand to any touch or does it reacts to any perceived threat," thought Naruto.

Naruto rolls up his pant leg and revels weights and drops them "not as heavy as Lee's, but close," said Naruto before he vanished in pure speed.

Gaara was shocked, "he is fast, just like the other one," thought Garra.

Naruto keeps punching but is not quite fast enough, "I have to use that move again," thought the blond.

"Rasengan," shouts Naruto as he slams his attack into Gaara.

"What is this warm feeling," thought the red haired ninja.

"It's my blood," shouted the Genin.

Naruto eyes narrowed, "Something is not right. I hit him yet he still standing."

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The Hokage's box explodes as a feather falls from the sky, "I see genjutsu," says Naruto as he releases it.

This battle would be known as the Sound and Sand invasion as hundreds of ninjas from the two villages attack.

"Genma-san, orders," said Naruto.

"I need you to make a lot of clones and have each unit go to Jounins for orders," said Genma.

"Massive Shadow clone jutsu," said Naruto as five hundred clones appears.

"I need you to go to the five jounin and get orders, in group of a hundred each unit," said the Original.

"Hai," they said as they each split up.

Gai was fighting with the other Jounin to protect the arena as a clone appeared, "Order for the clones," said the clone.

"How many?" asked Asuma.

"Five Hundred Asuma-sensei" said Naruto.

"I need one hundred for the academy, the archives and the hospital and another hundred for the village's defense. The rest will fight here," said Asuma.

"Understood," he gave the other clones the orders. "The original was heading into the forest to capture Gaara and his teammates," said the Naruto clone.

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Naruto clone unit one just got to the academy as several instructor were fighting the invaders.

One shot a kunai at Iruka but was knocked away by another thanks to a Naruto clone.

Naruto appeared and killed one of the ninja "Take the students to safety I will hold these guys off," said the clone.

"A Genin think they can handle a chunin," said the sound ninja.

"Attack," shouted Naruto as all the clone jumps the sound ninjas.


Naruto unit two was at the hospital as the doctors and nurses where trying to evacuate the injured.

Some of Naruto clone army was helping with the evacuation while the rest where holding back the sand ninja who attacked.

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The archive was still holding and with Naruto clones they forced back all of the sound ninja.

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Hana and Tsume were charging the sound ninja as the Inoshikacho where taking out their enemies as Naruto clone started to help them.

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In the forest, Naruto stood over the bodies of nine Sound ninja that chased him just in time for when Shino and Shikamaru to appeared, "good you guys made," said Naruto

"I need a soldier pill so I can fight," said Naruto and Shino hands Naruto a pill.

Shikamaru sighed, "they better make you chunin after this," said the slacker.

The three head toward the sand siblings as the brother and sister try to hold them off but are engaged by Shino and Shikamaru.

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Naruto stood across from a partially transformed Gaara.

Naruto charged forward and threw some kunai but a sand arm blocks them as Gaara transformed into a raccoon "Feign sleep jutsu," said Gaara as the demon screamed "I am free!"

Naruto backed up, "summoning jutsu," said Naruto as the boss Toad appears.

"Gamabunta can you hold him off?" asked Naruto.

"Shukaku, man kid you know how pick your enemies," said the Toad.

"Water Style: Water Bullet," says Gamabunta as he fires a bullet of water at the demon.

"Wind Style: Drilling Air Bullet," said the sand demon as their attacks clash.

Gamabunta dodges another attack, "Naruto you got to get to Gaara and wake him up," said the toad.

"The demon is using him as a medium when he is a sleep," said Gamabunta.

Naruto goes through hand seals "I will help by transforming into a clawed animal," said Naruto.

"Here we go, transform! " they both shout as a giant wolf comes out of the smoke and he claws the demon giving Naruto the chance to get near Gaara.

Naruto punches Gaara, "Wake nap time is over!"

The demon falls apart as Gaara wakes up and lands on a branch, "Gaara I know your pain, find some one who cares about you," said Naruto.

"Your siblings care about you, don't push them away," says a tired Naruto as Gamabunta puffs away.

"But my demon will show itself if I go to sleep," said Gaara.

"My sensei can help. He's a seal master, Lord Jiraiya," said Naruto

"How are you so strong?" asks Gaara.

"My cherished people give me strength. I fight for them not myself," said Naruto.

"Thank you," said Gaara as his sister and brother appeared and got ready to fight Naruto in their injured state.

"Stop you two I surrender to Konoha," said Gaara.

The four head back with a clone behind them to stop any attack by Naruto.