Chapter 5

Naruto is standing in front of the new Hokage, "Naruto I have a mission for you."

"What is the mission Hokage-sama?" asked the special Jounin.

"Simple, Hatake is chunin so you are in charge with Kurenai of Team Seven and her Team Eight. Your mission is to protect the actress Yukie Fujikaze," said Tsunade.

"Cool! I always liked her as an actress. She is very talented," said Naruto.

"Good, but you will out rank Kurenai because I am giving you temporary command to see how you do in a leadership situation," said the Hokage.

Naruto looks up, "request to have her as my adviser; since she has a lot of experience," said Naruto.

"I have also made it so that if think you can't handle it you can ask her to take over," said Tsunade.

"I accept those terms, I will let Hana-chan know that I will be leaving,"

"That is not needed Naruto," said Kurenai as she shunshins next to the blond.

"You are in charge so you will have to make decision on the roles," said the red-eyed jounin.

"Yes Kurenai-san," said Naruto.

"Kurenai, I would like to know your students' abilities so I can place them in proper position," said Naruto.

"I would share what I know of my former team," said Naruto as they Shunshin to discuss their teams.


Naruto was on a building as the actress was running from a bunch of guys on horses, "team eight, disable don't kill," said Naruto through a head piece.

Shino uses his clans bug technique to paralyze the attackers by draining their chakra. Naruto shunshined down, "Team seven, protect Fujikaze," said Naruto.

"Why are you in charge Baka?" shouted Sakura.

"Yeah dobe, I should be in charge. An elite, not the dead last," said Sasuke.

"That is an order and the only warning you are getting," said Naruto.

With the two Genin grumbling about the order but comply as they escort the actress back to the movie set.

"Well done. Let me have a discussion with the movie crew," said Naruto.

He walks up to the man tied, "why were you chasing your own actress?" Naruto asks.

The man sighed, "She doesn't want to head to the Land of Snow for the shoot," he said as Naruto's eyes narrow.

"Do you know why?" asked Naruto.

"Not a clue," said the manager.

"I see, we have a mission to accomplish so let get going," said Naruto.

The director runs up, "Fujikaze just ran off," he said.

Naruto gets up and shunshins out "Team eight, track the actress."

"Sensei we found her in a bar," said Hinata.

"Good job! I will deal with it from here," said Naruto.

He walks into the bar and sees the actress, "you shouldn't drink so much," said Naruto

"Why do you care?" asked Fujikaze

"My job is to protect you," said Naruto as he slips something in her drink.

"So why don't you want to film in the Land of Snow?" asked Naruto.

"None of your business," said the actress as she collapses on the table.

Naruto holds her and shunshins away leaving some money for her drink.

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The actress wakes up, "why am I feeling woozy? Am I on a boat?" she asks as the door opens and she sees snow and ice while in the water.

The actress growls, "Let's just get this shoot over with," she said.

Naruto watches as she plays her part in the Princess Gala movie. The ship shakes as it lands on an ice patch.

"Strange," thought Naruto.

"Kurenai get on guard, there is more to this mission then I thought," said the blond.

"What do you mean?" asked the older Jounin.

"Why give us an A rank mission for an actress? It would be A rank for a politician or leader," said Naruto.

"I thought so as well," said Kurenai.

"Hinata, check the area for Chakra while Shino spreads his bugs around and scout," said Naruto.

"Sasuke and Kiba get ready to fight with we are the front line," said Naruto

"Kurenai, you and Sakura are the support," said Naruto.

"Baka, don't order me around," shouted Sakura

"Yeah dobe, you're not in charge. I should be," said the arrogant Uchiha.

Kurenai frowns, "you two will be dropped from the ninja ranks if you keep this up," said Naruto.

"You have no power," said Sasuke.

"I don't have time for this. You two are endangering your comrades by disobeying my order. You two are on notice," said Naruto

"You have your orders get ready," said Naruto.

The glacier explodes as three ninja appear.

Two were male and one was female, "pick an opponent," said Naruto.

Naruto charges the man with a muscular build while Sasuke takes on the female and Kiba takes on the big dude with his nin-ken.


"I was hoping I would face Hatake," said the man.

"Sorry but I will be fighting you," said Naruto.

"Then I will kill you. My name is Nadare Rouga," said the snow Ninja.

Naruto goes through hand seals, "Wind Style: Slice Air Wave," said the blond as he fires two wind blades at the ninja cutting the air hitting him.

Naruto eyes the man, "What? How did it not work?" asked Naruto.

"Simple, my Chakra Armor protects me form Ninjutsu, genjutsu and weapons," said Nadare.

Naruto puts his hands on his head, "do not use any chakra or weapons against your opponents. They have to stop it, use Taijutsu," said Naruto.

Naruto dodges a punch, "Ice Style: Ice Dragon," said the snow ninja as a dragon made of ice and snow attacks Naruto.

Naruto goes in and punches his enemy back. Naruto forms a clone, "Fang over Fang," shouts Naruto as he brought out two kunai to act as claws and starts to spin hitting the ninja with the twister, cracking the armor. Nadare grunts as he is sent backwards and Naruto lands, "I still need work on it," thought Naruto.

"Fallback we will get the princess another time," shouted Nadare.

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Naruto turns his head as he hears a blade enter flesh. Naruto's eyes widen as he sees Kiba with a hole in his chest from the attack as the female is slightly injured and Sasuke with his hand out, "that son of a bitch," said Naruto as Hinata tries to stop the bleeding with Minor Medical ninjutsu.

"Shino, restrain the Uchiha," said the blond as Shino uses his bugs to sap the Uchiha of his strength.

Naruto rushes to Hinata, "what happened?" asked Naruto, calmly but with rage in his eyes

"The Uchiha switched with Kaiba then charged, Chidori in his hand and went through Kiba and impaled the female ninja.

Hinata was crying, "Kurenai, how much medical knowledge do you have?" asked the blond.

Kurenai was still, "I don't have a lot," she said.

Naruto growled, "You will be tried for attempted murder and you better hope he does not die," said Naruto.

The Uchiha scoffed, "please the council will not do anything to me. That mutt should be honored he was sacrificed to save an elite."

Naruto growls, "Summoning Jutsu," said the blond as he summons an old toad "Fukusaku-sama," said Naruto as the old green toad looked at him.

"What wrong Naruto-chan?" asked the old toad.

"The Uchiha went through a comrade and I need any toad that has the medical knowledge," said the blond.

"Normally I can't do that but this is an emergency," said the Toad.

"When you send him to Mount Myōboku reverse Summon Hokage-sama and hold the Uchiha till she gets there," growled Naruto.

"He will be tried for attempted murder," said Naruto.

The old toad disappears with the downed ninja and the traitor as Sakura glares at Naruto, "you can't do that Sasuke-kun," she screeched.

Naruto growled and made her pass out with Killer Intent, "The hell I can't," shouted the blond.

"Everyone on the ship," shouted Naruto.

Back on the ship Naruto and Kurenai were currently talking to Sandayu, "let me get this straight," said Naruto.

"Fujikaze is the princess of the Land of Snow but her Uncle Doto killed her father and you want her to go back to take back the land. Did I miss anything?" asked Naruto.

"She was rescued by Anbu and I thought she was dead but when I found out that was not the case, I was ecstatic. I became her manager so I can get her back to take her rightful position," said Sandayu.

"You just endangered you princess by reveling her to be alive. I am sure Doto thought she was dead and she would have been safe," said Naruto.

"I have an injured comrade as well," said Naruto.

"Naruto calm down," said Kurenai.

"Kurenai, should we continue this mission?" asked Naruto as he was starting to calm down.

"I think we should continue but only for protection, we should not aid the rebel but protect who we are paid to," said Kurenai.

"I agree," said Naruto

"We will continue with the protection of the princess however we will not fight a war beside you unless you pay for an S rank," said Naruto.

A worker runs in, "Fujikaze has run away again," he said.

Naruto sighed, "I will get her," said the blond.

"Kurenai, I am going to send a message to Lady Hokage and see if she can change the mission to Assassination as well as protection. If Sandayu agrees to pay for an S rank," said Naruto.

"I will agree to that and we will trade with Konoha if you help us," said Sandayu.

"We will have to hear back from Tsunade-sama," said Naruto.

"Summoning," said Naruto as Gamakchi appears, "I need you to take this message Lady Tsunade, come back with a reply and I will have snack for you," said Naruto as he tucks a note in the toad's jacket.

"Right bro," said the young Toad.

Naruto sighs and shunshins away and appears near a tunnel. Naruto walks in and sees the princess on the ground, "you know, you're more trouble then you're worth princess," said Naruto.

"Why do you care?" asked the princess bitterly.

"I hate seeing people in a pity party," Naruto told her.

He picks her up and carries her on his back. Naruto frowns, "what's that noise?" he thought as lights appear, "shit," growls the ninja as he runs at top speed from the train. He exits the tunnel and jumps off the track.

A port opens and a man with appears, "Princess Koyuki," said the man.

"Are you Doto?" asked Naruto.

"I am, ninja," said the man.

Naruto looks in the distance as fifty armed men come charging down the hill being led by Sandayu. The train opens its side and crossbows are seen, "fire," said Doto as they fire the arrows at the charging men killing all of them.

Naruto eyes widen, "everyone to the ship," said Naruto as Kurenai grab the mortally wounded Sandayu and Naruto grabs the princess and they flee.


At Mount Myōboku, Tsunade has her hands on Kiba prone body as his glows green. Next to her was Hana trying to stay composed at the sight of her brother dying. Kiba coughs up some blood, "Hokage-sama," he said weakly.

"My kidney is too severely damaged, I won't make it," he said as he coughs up more blood.

Hana rushes to her brother, "Kiba' please stay with us," she said.

"Sis, you know I won't make it. Please give Naruto my nin-kin and teach him how to use it," said the teen. "He is family," said Kiba.

Hana's tears were flowing, "Brother please stay with us," she said.

Kiba closes his eyes and breaths his last breath "I am sorry Hana, Kiba is dead," said Tsunade.

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Naruto was trying to stop the blood from flowing out but after some attempt Naruto shakes his head, "Sandayu mortally inquired, I did all I could," said the blond.

"Naruto, Tsunade-sama has agreed to your assassination mission," said Kurenai.

Naruto nods his head, "Good. I will make it my mission," said Naruto. The roof blows open and a metal hook grabs the princess as Naruto jumps up and grabs her, he is pulled up as well.

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Naruto was facing the three snow ninjas as he stood in front of the princess, Naruto charged forward and knocked the girl and the rotund man out.

Naruto is sent back by Nadare, "well now your chakra can't be used due to the chakra absorber," said the ninja as Naruto passes out.

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Naruto wakes up and sees that he is chained and that the princess is also captured, "infiltration successful," he said.

"Why do you even try?" asked Koyuki.

"I never give up," said Naruto as he grabs the chain suspending him and pulls for a few minutes till it bursts out of the wall.

Naruto lands and walks to the princess and cuts her binds. The two are running down the hall of the castle as they hear explosions,"looks like Kurenai and the cavalry is here," said Naruto as the two make it to the Throne room.

Naruto eyes the despot, "Surrender Doto," growled the blond.

The princess walks up, "what are you doing?" shouts the blond as she turns around. "I am an actress, I have to play my part," said the princess as she hands him the crystal around her neck.

"Yes," she thought as she took out a dagger, "it was an act," she growled as she slams the dagger in Doto's back but she hears metal.

Doto smiles, "nice try," he said as his robe falls off revealing chakra armor before he grabs her neck.

Naruto runs at him, "let her go you scum," shouted Naruto as he grabs the man leg as he reveals metal wings and flies off.

Naruto drags Doto down causing them to crash into the snow.

Naruto runs at the older man and start a fight with Taijutsu. Naruto is kicked back by Nadare.

"You won't get master Doto," said the snow ninja as his comrades appears.

Naruto stares at the three ninja.

Naruto smiles "Kurenai, can you, Hinata and Shino deal with those three? I will take care of Doto," said Naruto.

"Go Naruto," said Kurenai, "we've got it taken care off," she said.

Naruto chased after Doto and caught up to him near a frozen lake. Doto goes through some hand seals,"Ice Style: Black Ice Dragon," he shouts and fires a black dragon made of ice out of the glaciers.

Naruto goes through hand seal, "Wind Style: Wind Dragon," shouted the blond as he punch the air launch his wind attack.

"Good thing I asked for wind jutsus," thought the blond.

"Ice Style: Double Ice Dragon," said Doto as a second dragon appears next the first and hits Naruto freezing him.

Naruto smiles and chakra forms in his hand, "Rasengan," thought Naruto as the ice covering his body break into shards.

Naruto lands on his feet making Doto growl.

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Kurenai was attacking Nadare with weaponry while the other two were taken out by team eight.

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Naruto frowns, "I guess I will have to use that jutsu even though it's not perfected," thought the Konoha ninja.

"Shadow Clone Jutsu," said Naruto as one clone appears and start to focus chakra in the originals hand as it starts to gather wind chakra it start to make a screech sound and take form of a green shuriken.

"What the hell?" thought Doto.

"Wind Style: RasenShuriken," shouts the blond as he charged forward and slam the attack into Doto's chest.

"I told you, I don't give up," said Naruto as he flinched from the pain in his hand.

"I can't use it constantly otherwise I will hurt myself," thought the blond.

Koyuki walks up, "Thank you. This key is not a weapon, let me show what my father left me to do," she said as she puts the key in the slot and the snow melts leaving field and grass.

"Spring is here, finally," said Koyuki with a smile.


"Cut," said the director.

"That was perfect! This will be a hit. I will call it Ninja Clash in the Land of Snow," he said.

"But at what cost," whispered Naruto as he punches the ground.

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Naruto was at the Hokage office "mission complete Hokage-sama," said Naruto.

"I want a report written by you and Kurenai and tell me the details, dismissed," said Tsunade.

"What happened to Kiba?" asked Kurenai as Tsunade looks down.

"He did not make it. I am sorry," she whispered.

Naruto takes off his flax jacket, "I would like to give up my rank and become chunin due to my failure to protect and comrade," said Naruto as he starts to cry.

"Request denied Naruto," she said.

"The funeral will be held in two days," she said.

"What of the Uchiha?" asked Kurenai.

"You are not going to like this but he is under house arrest and his pay will be given to the Inuzuka," said Tsunade.

"So he killed a comrade, and he got off with a slap on the wrist," shouted Naruto.

"I am just as pissed off as you," said Tsunade shouting just as loud.

"Get ready for the funeral in two days," she said with a whisper.

Naruto nods his head and walks out a dark mood setting in.

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Naruto headed to the Inuzuka compound and saw Hana there, "sensei," said Naruto with his head down in shame.

"Naruto-kun, it was not your fault," she said as she hugs him.

"I was in charge of their lives and I failed Hinata, you, your clan, Kurenai and myself," said Naruto as he sobbed on his sensei shoulder.

Hana held her student as he cries for the first time in years, "I am so sorry," said Naruto as he cries into Hana's shoulder.

"Naruto, no one blames you for Kiba's death," said Hana. "The blame falls with the Uchiha," she spat with venom.

Tsume walks out and looks at Naruto with concern, "Hana, bring your student in, so we talk," she said.

Hana escorts Naruto in followed by Hana's huskies.


It was the day of the funeral as the whole Inuzuka clan was in attendance along with a weeping Hinata and Hiashi. Hiashi steps up to Tsume, "I am sorry for your loss," said the stoic clan head with his head down in respect.

Naruto walked up to the coffin and placed a flower on it and walked back next to Hana. Hana was next as was the rookie eleven minus Sasuke and Sakura.

It was a dark day in the Inuzuka clan as the heir was killed by a comrade.