Chapter 6

Naruto was at a training ground practicing his katas when an Anbu showed up, "Uzumaki-san, Lady Hokage has requested you for a mission," said the Anbu.

"Thank you, Anbu-san," said the blond as he disappeared in a Shunshin.

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Naruto appeared in front of Tsunade, "Hokage-sama."

"Yes Naruto, last night Sasuke has left the village to join Orochimaru according to Sakura who he knocked out," said Tsunade.

"Orders?" asked Naruto.

"Your mission is to bring him back dead or alive," said Tsunade.

"Understood, I have a few people with right skills in mind," said Naruto.

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Naruto appears in front of the Nara compound a knocks on the door, "Shikamaru, I need your help," said Naruto.

"Naruto, why do you need me?" asked Shikamaru.

"We have a mission to retrieve Sasuke who defected from the village," said Naruto.

"Troublesome," said the Nara.

"Shikamaru, can you get Choji? I will see if Tsume-san can lend Hana," said the blond.

The two disappear from the compound in a body flicker.

Naruto appeared at the Inuzuka compound and knocked. Tsume appeared in the doorway, "Naruto why are you here? Weren't you training?" asked Tsume.

"I need Hana for a mission," said the blond.

"Hana is on an escort mission at the moment," said Tsume.

"What is the mission?" asked the matriarch.

Sasuke defected and I was ordered to bring him back," said the blond.

"I will help you myself for Kiba. You're in charge?"

"I am Tsume," said Naruto

"Let's get my partner and we can head out," said Tsume.

The two leave the compound after Tsume writes a note for Hana. They appear and they see Shikamaru and Choji.

"Hana could not come so Tsume will be assisting us," said Naruto.

"We need one more," said Naruto.

"A Hyuga," said Shikamaru.

"I will ask the Clan Head for some help," said Naruto.

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Naruto appears in front of the Hyuga manor and bows to the guard, "I would like to speak to Hiashi-sama about some help for a mission," said the blond.

"The Clan Head walks out, "Uzumaki-san, you wanted to see me," asked the man as he gazes at Naruto.

"Do you have anyone like Neji or Hinata who can assist me in tracking down Sasuke Uchiha who defected from Konoha," said the blond.

"They are both busy, Hinata is on a mission with her team and Neji is helping his teammate Rock Lee," said the Hyuga Clan Head.

"Can I borrow a branch member?" asked Naruto.

"I will do one better. I will assist you in this mission. I will be under you correct," asked Hiashi.

"I have been given command of this mission," said Naruto.

"Very well, let's go," said Hiashi as they disappear in a Shunshin.


The two appear with the other shinobi as Naruto goes into business mode, "alright. As I have explained, Sasuke Uchiha has left the village and has a retrieval order dead or alive," said Naruto.

"If I am unable to lead due to being incapacitate next in line is Hiashi then if he is not able, Tsume finally I hope it does not come to it but Shikamaru will be the last one to take command if the rest of us are incapacitated," said Naruto.

"Now, I am appointing Shikamaru as strategist so he will come up with the position. I will check our equipment," said Naruto.

"First in line will be Tsume-sama so she can use her advanced senses to find Sasuke. Next will be me so I can think up strategies on and help immobilize the target. Next will be Naruto so he can act to protect the rear or the front. Then Choji so he can assist with the protection of the rear and finally Hyuga-sama will be in the rear to make sure no one is attacking us with his bloodline," said Shikamaru.

Naruto checked the weaponry of his team as Sakura walks up, "Naruto can you please bring Sasuke back," she asked.

Naruto sighs, "That is the mission but in what shape is up to him. If he resists I will have to kill him," said the blond.

"You can't do that," she growled.

"I have my order dead or alive. I would prefer alive despite his actions as not to start a shit storm but if he fights back and tries to kill me or anyone on my team he will be dealt with like any rouge ninja," said Naruto as the team set off to find and retrieve Sasuke Uchiha.

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The team was going through the trees when Tsume put her hand up, "I smell blood," she said.

"Can you pinpoint it," asked Naruto.

"A mile east," she said

"Hiashi-sama, can you tell me how many our hurt," asked the blond.

"Two injured and a third with chakra that looks like he is trying to heal the injuries," he said.

Naruto forms three clones, "two of you head in the direction of the injured party. One will head to Konoha to ask for medics to help those we are too injured to move," said Naruto.

The clones run off into the forest as Naruto looks at Tsume, "let's keep moving," said Naruto.

The retrieval team hides as they see four ninjas.

Hiashi, can you see Sasuke anywhere?" asked Naruto

"He is in the coffin that is being held by the ninja with the Orange Mohawk," he said.

Naruto nods his head and throws his hand forward slightly as the team jumps from their hiding place.

The group lands in front of the Sound Ninja, "Give us the Uchiha now," said Naruto.

"Damn, how did they find us?" shouted the red haired woman.

"Fat Ass deal with them," said the woman.

"I guess I will handle these Konoha ninjas," said the fat ninja with the Mohawk.

"I was afraid of this. Choji can you hold him off since you have the most strength out of all of us?" said Naruto.

Choji walks up, "you got it Naruto as the big bone teen walks up.

Naruto and the other leave the battle and head after the other ninjas.

The other three sound ninja where jumping through the forest when they saw the Orange haired man appear before them, "they were weak," he said.

"Took long enough fat ass," shouted the Red Haired Ninja.

"Sorry," said the ninja.

"I will take the coffin," he said.

The man with four arms looks at his comrade and shoots webs at him, "you must think we're stupid," said the spider looking guy.

"Jirōbō always argues with Tayuya," said the man with white hair and a growth on his back.

The ninja drops the transformation and revels himself to be Shikamaru, "I guess I will have to take it by force," said the shadow user.

The man spider smile, "looks like your comrades got caught in my web," he said.

"I will handle these idiots," said the four armed ninja.

Hiashi smirks and hits the web breaking it, "I will face this opponent," said the clan head.

"Good luck Hyuga-sama," said Naruto as they chase after the two remaining ninjas.

"They are still after us, those fuckers," said the red head female.

"We will fight them here," said the white haired man.

Naruto and the other land on the branch opposite their adversaries, "we have to work together," said Naruto.

Tsume sniffed, "we got someone coming in," she shouted.

Naruto turns around and blocks a bone with his kunai, "what is taking you so long to bring Uchiha-sama to Lord Orochimaru," said a pale skinned man with two dots on his forehead.

"Kimimaro we were on our way," said the white haired man.

"Sakon, there is no excuse for this deal with them. I will take Orochimaru's new host," said the man known as Kimimaro.

Naruto growled, "Can you two handle these two. I will go after Sasuke," said the blond as he chases the other ninja.

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Hiashi was standing in front of his enemy with his eyes active, "a Hyuga? This will be a fun fight," said the Sound-nin as he forms a bow from his mouth and fires an arrow.

Hiashi starts to rotate, deflecting the arrow, "you must know we have the perfect defense," he said as he disappeared, "you're in my strike range," said Hiashi as he hits the ninja 64 times sending him back.

"You should know better than to take on a stronger ninja," said Hiashi.

"Summoning," shouted the sound ninja as a web appears with a giant spider.

"I guess I will have to fight," said Hiashi.

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Tsume had a feral grin on her face, "let's get this over with child," she said as both she and her nin-ken start to rotate.

Sakon got sent back by the attack, "damn! Was not planning on fighting a Jounin," he thought as marks started to go on his face and his skin grew horns and turned grey.

"Careful Tsume his chakra just increased," said Kuromaru.

Tsume growls, "man beast clone," she shouted as her partner transforms into Tsume and they charge the Sound-nin.

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Naruto was standing in a field as the pale man placed the coffin down "it is about time," he said as smoke appears and the Uchiha is shown out of the coffin "Lord Orochimaru is waiting," said Kimmimaro.

"Sasuke come back to the village and you sentence will be light," said Naruto.

The Uchiha laughed, "I am going to get stronger dobe so I can kill my brother and you," he said.

He flees making Naruto stare at his obstacle, "you will not get passed me," said the sound ninja.

"Shadow Clone Jutsu," said Naruto as three clones appears and charge the one ninja.

Kimimaro took a bone out of his shoulder and slashed the clone as Naruto forms a Rasengan, "take this, Rasengan!" he shouted slamming his attack into the bone user sending him spiraling back.

Naruto was walking away when he dodged a swipe. He turned around and his eyes widen because standing before him was his enemy but he has bones sticking out with grey skin, "you are one of the few to see my curse mark level 2," said the ninja.

"Now die," shouted the mutated ninja.

Kimimaro is sent back by a kick "Lee," said Naruto.

"Naruto, head after Sasuke, my team will handle it from here," said Lee as Gai, Neji and Ten Ten appear.

"Be careful, his bones are used as weapons," said Naruto.

"Naruto-kun, we will fight him with the flames of Youth," said Gai.

"Good luck," said Naruto as he follow in the direction Sasuke left.

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The Valley of the End was where the battle between the First Hokage and Madara was decided and standing on Madara's stone head was Sasuke, "so you made it," said the Uchiha.

"You are over confident Uchiha, come quietly and you will only get prison time," said Naruto.

"You took the power that should have been mine," said Uchiha.

"You're an idiot! Is that why you left?" said Naruto.

"You, the dead last got the promotion not me the elite," growled the Uchiha as his Sharingan activates.

Naruto gets into a stance, "you leave me no choice. I am to bring you back dead or alive," said the blond.

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Hiashi was fighting strong as his experience made this battle easy, "you fought well but your time is up," said the Clan head as he charges the Sound Ninja. "Eight Trigrams: 128 Palm burst," he shouted as he attack with 128 palm leaving the Ninja completely dead as he falls off the branch hitting the ground.

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Tsume was able to weaken her opponent by kill his brother that grew out of his growth on his neck.

"What now kid? Do you surrender," she asked

"Fuck you bitch," he said just as he was pierced by twin Tornados killing him.

The twisters reveal to be Tsume and her partner, "I love it when they keep fighting," she said.

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Naruto was engaged in battle with Sasuke as he threw a punch at the black hair Genin but it was blocked.

Sasuke sent a round house but Naruto caught it and threw him away. The Uchiha gets up, "you will never take me back to that pathetic village," spat the Uchiha.

Naruto just finished his hand seal, "Water Style: Water Shotgun," he said as his stream of water splits into five pellets hitting Sasuke in the chest.

Sasuke gets up, "Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu," he shouts as he fires a ball of fire at Naruto causing the blond to jump away scorching his pant leg.

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Gai went for a kick sending the Sound Ninja in the air, "Take this! 6th gate open, morning Peacock," he shouts as he punches the Sound numerous times sending him down.

Neji appears right in front of the bone user as he is getting up, "eight Trigram: 64 Palms," said the Hyuga prodigy.

The Sound get sent back and coughs up some blood, "my sickness," thought Kimimaro.

He looks up as hundreds of weapons are sent at the downed ninja, "Twin Raising Dragon," said the weapons mistress as she throws a scroll that opens up unleashing a hail zone of weapons cutting Kimimaro greatly.

"My bone makes an unstoppable armor," said the bone user.

He is stopped in his rant with a kick sending him up, "Frontal lotus," said Lee as he sends the ninja down with a pile driver.

The user smiles wickedly, "its over," he shouts as he rushes at Gai but stops and coughs blood up as his breathing stops, "did not make in time," thought Kimimaro as he falls down dead.

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Naruto was overpowering Sasuke with his jutsu. Sasuke was breathing hard as his eyes got a third comma making it a fully Matured Sharingan.

Sasuke goes through hand seals, "Chidori," shouted the Uchiha as lightening sparked around his hand into a blade.

"Hatake should not have taught him an assassination move," thought the blond as an orb is formed.

"Rasengan," said Naruto as he slams his attack into Sasuke's attack overpowering Sasuke's attack.

Sasuke is sent back in to the stone face of Madara as his black mark spreads across his body, "you will die dobe," said the Uchiha.

He runs at Naruto as the blond goes through hand seal "Water Style: Water Exploding shock wave," shouted Naruto as the water is shoot at the raven haired ninja.

The wave explodes sending Sasuke back, "surrender last chance," said Naruto.

Sasuke gets up slowly because his body has cuts and bruises and burns from the last explosion. He grunts as his skin grows grey and wings come out of his back, "I will win," shouted the Uchiha as he slams a Raikiri in to Naruto.

"You lose dobe," said Sasuke right as Naruto explodes in smoke.

"I was hoping it would not come to this," said Naruto as he forms a clone and starts to form a Rasengan in his hand but starts to add wind making it screech.

"I must say, you are the second one to see this jutsu," said Naruto as lightening dances in Sasuke hand.

"Idiot, Hatake should have told him that wind is the stronger element," thought Naruto.

The two ninja jumped at each other aiming their strongest attack. Naruto smiles as his wind based attack over powers Sasuke's as he slams the attack into the Uchiha killing him.

Naruto grabs the dead Uchiha and carries him to Konoha. He is approached by Hana, "Hana-chan," said Naruto.

"So it came to that?" she asked.

"Yeah, the council is going to bitch and moan but they have no control over the mission," said Naruto.

Naruto gets to the retrieval team and see Temari and Shikamaru and the clan heads who won their fights.

"Where is Choji?" asked Naruto.

Shikamaru has his head, "what happened?" asked Naruto

"Choji is hanging on by a thread," said Hiashi.

Naruto looks up, "according to Shikamaru, Choji used his pill from his family but is almost fatal and the medic rushed the boy to the leaf," said Tsume.

"By the way mission is a success but not favorable," said Naruto.

"One critically injured and one dead rouge. Man the council is going to bitch," said Naruto.

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The groups head back to the village and when they get to the village, "call Anbu, I need them pick up Sasukes body," said Naruto.

He turns his head and sees a pissed off Sakura walking toward him, "you demon! Why did you kill Sasuke-kun," she growled gripping a kunai.

Hiashi and Tsume get in front of Naruto, "I will deal this," said Naruto.

Naruto glares at Sakura, "I will let you know that I gave many chances for him to surrender, he fought to kill and I responded like any ninja," said Naruto.

Sakura thrust the kunai at Naruto but has a palm right in front of her chest by Hiashi and Tsume holding her in a head lock with Tsume's partner holding her by her ankle and Shikamaru's shadow attached to her with part of it near her, "give me reason to take you out," said a pissed off Shikamaru.

Temari has her fan right at the banshee's neck, "you attack a superior ninja in rank. You will be tried," said Hiashi.

The Anbu, Tsunade and Sarutobi appear, "Sakura Haruno, you are charged with threatening a ninja, attacking a ninja, disobeying a higher ranking ninja and disorderly conduct," said Tsunade.

"Take her away," said Tsunade.

"Hokage-sama, mission successful. Sasuke has been terminated for defecting from the village," said Naruto

"Did you ask him to stand down?" asked Tsunade.

"I asked him several time to stand down and come quietly," said Naruto.

"I guess there will be a shit storm in council?" asked Naruto.

The civilians will demand your head and want you tried for assaulting a fellow ninja," said Tsunade.

"Let's go," said Naruto.

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The council room was having an argument, "the demon should die for killing Uchiha-sama," shouted a pink haired council member.

"Council Member Haruno can you stop screeching?" said Naruto.

"Shut up demon," she screeched.

"So why did you call me honorable Shinobi Counci? Pain in the ass civilian council," said Naruto.

"Show us respect," shouted a brown haired man.

"Honorable pain the ass Civilian council," said Naruto making the shinobi snicker in amusement.

"Sorry Uzumaki-san, you are being charged with killing a fellow ninja," said the Nara clan head.

"How do you plead?" asked the Nara.

"Innocent," said Naruto.

"Lair, you told Anbu you killed Uchiha-sama,"

"Let ask you civilian, a ninja is out for your life in retrieval with dead or alive orders. What would you do?" asked Naruto.

"Uchiha-sama should have been allowed to kill you," shouted the Haruno.

"Shinobi, I would like to ask you the same since the civilian is biased and won't listen," said Naruto.

"If it's a ninja you have to kill him before he kills you," said Hiashi.

"He was using an assassination move taught by Hatake against me and would have killed me if I had not planned ahead," said Naruto.

"I was in my right to defend myself within my orders given," said Naruto.

"Let get this over with. Those who find Naruto guilty, please raise your hand," said Tsunade.

"Those who find not guilty, "the Shinobi and the elders raise their hands.

"Naruto, you are found not guilty of murder," said Tsunade as the Haruno charges forward with a kunai at pathetic speeds.

Naruto sighed and catches her arm and knocks her out, "Anbu," said Tsunade.

"Take her to I&T and tell Ibiki that he can do anything to her," said the Hokage.

Naruto bows his head and disappears in a shunshin leaving a smiling shinobi council and a frowning elders and a pissed off civilians.


Naruto appears at the hospital and heads to Shizune, "can I see Choji?" asked Naruto.

"Sorry, Choji is currently in surgery however Tsunade-sama would like to talk to you," said the black haired medic.

Naruto nods his head, "thank you Shizune," he said as he walks out and teleport to the Hokage office.

He sees Tsunade there, "congrats on your latest mission. I Tsunade Senju promote Naruto Uzumaki to full Jounin for demonstration of leadership and tactic and skill," said the Hokage.

"Thank you," he said crying.

"You are one of the youngest to be promoted to Jounin. I will not give you a team just yet till I know you are ready," said Tsunade.

"Hai, Hokage-sama," said Naruto.

"Now as you know Jiraiya is interested in your training. You will go on a three year training trip learn from him. I am making this an A rank mission paid by Jiraiya and myself," said the Hokage.

"I accept, Tsunade-sama," said Naruto.

"Jiraiya is currently away so you will do some mission until he comes back, which will be in two months.