Chapter 7

Naruto was in front of Tsunade, "Naruto I have a mission for you," she said.

Naruto looks around and sees Lee, Hinata and Neji. "What is the mission and what rank?" asked the blond.

"It is A rank, here are the details," said Tsunade as she hands him the scroll. Naruto glances at Hinata and frowns, "we accept the mission," said Naruto. "Meet at the south gate in two hours," said Naruto as he disappears in a shunshin.


Naruto appears at the memorial stone an hour later and sees Hinata there. Naruto walks to stone and see Kiba's name on it. "Damn that Uchiha and myself," said Naruto causing Hinata to turn.

Naruto put his head down, "I am sorry. If I had kept a better eye on the Uchiha this would not have happened," said Naruto as Hinata hugs him.

"It is not your fault. How many time do we have to tell you?" asked Hinata while crying.

Naruto hugs her trying to comfort her, "we have an hour, don't become Kakashi," said the blond as he walks away.


Naruto appeared at the south gate with Neji and Lee as Hinata walks up. "Alright, we have been hired to protect a runner in a race from ninja employed by his competitor," said Naruto.

The group sets off at a fast speed as they reach a tavern. After ordering something they see a young boy with black hair walk in and sit in the booth next to them, "you do realize I hate ninja, however," he said as he looked at Hinata. "You are very pretty Miss," said the boy.

"I have to leave," said the boy as he walks out.

The waiter walks up, "that teen told you to pay for his meal," said the waiter as Naruto frowns.

Naruto gets out his wallet but notices it is missing, "seems that teen took my wallet. Let my clones help you in the back to pay off our meal," said the blond. "Is that suitable?" asked Naruto.

Naruto forms five clones, "I need you to help in the kitchen to pay off our meal," said the blond.

"Use them as you see fit," said the blond as he and the team leave the tavern.


The two make it to the Land of Tea and are escorted in to meet with the client. "Greeting you must be the ninjas I hired," said the man. "Name is Jirocho and I am the client," said the man.

"I am Naruto squad leader. My team are Neji Hyuga, Rock Lee and Hinata Hyuga," said the blond.

"I need you to protect my runner for the upcoming race," said Jirocho.

"Can you tell me what the purpose of the race is?" asked Naruto.

"Yes, there are two families trying to control this land. My clan, the Wasabi, wants to stabilize the country but our opposing opponent is the Wagarashi family who use underhanded tactics to come into power. We need your help because we think they have hired a ninja to take out our runner," said the family head.

"This race is to see who will control the Land of Tea, correct?" asked Naruto.

Naruto closes his eyes, "who is the runner?" asked Naruto.

"Come on in Idate," said the head as the teen from the tavern walks in, "I think you have something of ours," said the blond.

"Jirocho-sama we don't need Konoha ninjas," said the runner.

"Despite that we have a mission," said the blond. "I need to talk to my team," said Naruto.

"Of course," said Jirocho


Neji, I have a separate mission for you," said the blond.

"What is it Captain?" asked the Hyuga.

"I want you to sneak into the compound of the Wagarashi and find anything that might help our client," said the blond.

Hai," said Neji as disappears.

Naruto walks back, "alright Idate, we will be you protection," said the blond.

"When is the race?" asked Naruto.

"Tomorrow," said Jirocho.


Naruto stands in the crowd while the announcer explains the rules.

"The runner must get to a boat and get to the Nagi Island. The runner must grab an orb and run it back to Todoroki Shrine," said the man.

"Go!" he shouts as the runner for the Wagarashi family runs forward while Idate runs in the opposite way.

Naruto follows him with the other two ninjas as they reach the port and see Idate, "why did you run this way?" asked Naruto.

"The wind here will carry the ship faster on the water," said the Idate.

The three ninja and runner get on the ship and take off.


Naruto was standing on the small ship talking to Idate, "I saw you in Konoha a few years ago, "What is you surname?" asked Naruto.

"Morino," said the young runner.

"Relation to Ibiki?" asked the blond.

"He is my brother. I was a genin in a squad with Aoi Rokusho but after I failed the chunin exams my sensei tricked me to get an object from the vault," said Idate.

"I did, but was captured by sensei as my brother came to rescue me. I begged my sensei for mercy as Ibiki was being tortured," said Idate.

"Ibiki managed to escape but Aoi fled before he could be caught and I ran away also," said Idate. "I later was found by your client and was given a home and a new purpose," said Idate.

Naruto threw some shuriken behind him reveling three Rain ninja that he fought in the exams.

"Protect Idate," said the blond as Lee launches a kick at the ninja knocking him back.

Hinata attacks with her palm thrust but can't land a hit.

Naruto was fighting another one and knocked him in the water. "This battle is getting out of hand," said one of rain ninjas as he punctures the hull and it goes in the water.

"Idate, get to shore," said Naruto as he and the rest of the team get ready to fight the genin. "Peace," said Naruto as he forms a Rasengan and slams it in to one of them, killing him.

Hinata gets a hit on the ninja's heart while Lee breaks the ninja's back with a frontal Lotus.


Idate gets to the shore and looks up and see a green haired ninja, "well Idate," said the man.

He gets out a sword and it crackles to life with lightening, "no hard feelings it is just business," said the man.

Idate backs up, "Konoha senpu," said Lee as he kicked the man back.

Naruto appears behind the man as Lee is shocked kicking him into the cliff face.

"The Raijin," said Naruto as he got out a kunai and charged as Idate watches.

"I remember you Aoi a B rank rouge ninja of Konoha," said Naruto.

"I was just talking to my former genin," said the man as his sword crackles with power. Naruto is sent back by the lightening from the weapon as Lee kicks the man but is shocked as well.

"Fighting you idiots is a problem," said Aoi as he throws his umbrella up that was on his back and attack with poison senbons. Hinata starts to rotate blocking them as Naruto goes through hand seals, forming a barrier around him and Lee.

Aoi turns around only put up his sword to block a green Rasengan, "wind is stronger than Lightening," said the blond as he cracks the sword killing the jounin.

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Naruto heads to where Idate is and looks him to see if he is hurt, "good, you can still run," said Naruto as Idate gets up and heads to his goal.

Naruto was behind him with his other two teammates to protect them as Idate caught up to the opposing runner and it was neck to neck until Idate got a last bit of speed as he crossed the finish line.

"The Wasabi won," said the leader of Tea.

A man walks up, "sir the Wasabi family hired ninja and therefore cheated," said the man as Neji walks out.

"I have evidence of the Wagarashi corruption. With you permission Daimyo –sama," said Neji.

"Go right ahead ninja-san," said the kind leader.

Neji takes out a tape recorder and presses the play button.

"When we win we will have the ninja's we hired to kill the Daimyo," said the leader of the Wagarashi from the recorder.

The Daimyo's face turn to a frown "guard arrest the Wagarashi leader," he said.

"Their holdings will go to the Wasabi family," said the man as the Wagarashi is taken away.

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After the celebration, Idate and Ibiki went off to the side to talk as the examiner from the first exams walks to the ship and bow to Naruto, "thank you for protecting my brother," said the scarred man.

"It was a job," said the blond with a respectful bow.

The ship heads back to Konoha with Naruto and his team.


Naruto was in front of Tsunade, "good job on you mission and fro bringing back the head of Aoi and my grandfather sword," said the blond Kage.

"Tsume want to talk to you," said Tsunade.

"Hai Hokage-sama," said the blond jounin as he heads to the Inuzuka compound.


He saw Tsume waiting, "you're back pup. I got a gift for you," she said.

"My son would like you to have Akumaru as personal nin-kin," she said.

"But I don't know any Clan Jutsu," said Naruto.

Tsume smiles, "well then, welcome to the Inuzuka boot camp," she said with a feral grin.

Naruto groans and walks in to train in the Inuzuka fighting style.