Chapter 8

Naruto was at his apartment when an Anbu appeared, "Uzumaki-san," he said.

"Need something Anbu-san?" asked Naruto.

"Hokage-sama would like to see you," said mask operative. Naruto nods his head as they disappear.


"Naruto, I have request," she said.

"What do you need, Hokage-sama?" asked the blond

"I would like you to take on a team," said Tsunade.

Naruto blinks, "which team?" asked the jounin.

Tsunade gives him a folder "Moto Hyuga, Hanza Inuzuka, and Shina Aburame," said the blond.

"I accept," said Naruto with a bow.


Naruto appears at the academy and walks in and sees his genin. "Team 55 is Moto Hyuga, Hanza Inuzuka, and Shina Aburame. Your sensei is Uzumaki Naruto," said Iruka.

Naruto walks in, "Team 55, please come with me," said the blond.

"He is a few years older than us," said a pink haired female with a screech.

Naruto walks out with his team, "alright," he said as he took in his student appearance. "We'll start with introductions," said the blond.

"Why don't you go first sensei," said the Hyuga.

"My name is Uzumaki Naruto, I like senseis that teach their students and don't play favorites. I like the Inuzuka clan and those who are part of the clan. I also like the nin-kin I was given from a dear friend who was murdered," said the blond as tears started to come down.

Naruto saw the Inuzuka male clench his fist, "I like Ramen and training. My dislikes are my former team, traitors, rapists, murders, animal and child abusers. My hobbies include training and taking missions.

"My goal is to become Hokage and now, to make sure you become chunin or better," said the blond.

"Next: Inuzuka," said Naruto

"My name is Hanza Inuzuka, sensei. I love dogs and learning from my clan scroll. I dislike traitors and back stabbers. My hobby is learning medicine and play with my nin-kin Ryuso," he said as a small Sheppard barked. I hope to become a hunter-nin," said the boy.

"Next will be Hyuga-san," said Naruto.

"My name is Moto Hyuga. I like Hinata-sama and Hiashi-sama and I hate cage bird seal and I hope to help Hinata-sama and Hiashi get rid of it," said the boy.

"My hobbies include studying maps and playing Shogi," said the Hyuga.

"My other dream is to beat Shikaku Nara in Shogi," said the Hyuga.

"I will help you achieve that dream and the other one," said Naruto.

"Now Shina Aburame," said Naruto.

The young female with her high collar covering her mouth stood up. "Shina Aburame and I like my clan and my comrades. My dislikes are people killing insects and calling me a freak. My hobbies include collecting insect to put my hive. My dream is to become a sensei to genins," she said.

"Good, now I will give you a test tomorrow and I want you to eat and get ready for tomorrow. Meet me at training ground 35 at five o' clock in the morning," said Naruto.

"Hai," they said.

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Naruto appears in Tsunade's office, "one second with my team and I am already impressed," said the young jounin with a smile.

"Did you figure out a test for them?" asked Tsunade.

"I need to use training ground 35 since it has a forest and four chunins and one other ninja," said the blond.

"What rank?" asked Tsunade.

"B rank, for all of them to get paid by me," said Naruto.

"Very well," said Tsunade.

Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxx

Next day Naruto was waiting for his students as they walked up, "alright, you will be a tracking an info gathering squad. With that said, their four scrolls you must get from the forest without your bloodline," said Naruto.

"Now each scroll has a jutsu that I got from the head of your clan. You must get it and learn from your respective clan jutsu," said the blond.

"That is it?" asked Moto as Naruto smile.

"Of course it is. Now show me what you got," said Naruto as he disappears with a shunshin.


Naruto appears in the center of the tower and sees the clan heads of his students sitting, "let's enjoy the show," said the blond.

The Aburame clan head turn to Naruto, "can I ask you something Uzumaki-san?" he asked.

"Sure," said the blond

"Why did you negate their blood line?" he asked.

"Simple, the clans rely too much on them and I want them to use their own skill. What would happen if Hyuga-sama eyes were blinded by a light or what have you, or Tsume-sans nin-kin was injured and the Aburame hive was wiped out?" asked Naruto.

Hiashi thinks for one moment, "I see, you're basically running them through a simulation with us watching so we can get the point you're making," said Hyuga leader.

"You always were a little unorthodox," said Tsume.

"Clever. They will definitely grow under you. Why have ninja oppose them?" asked Shibi.

"Simple, in a mission you must be ready to not rely on the info given. Like when my former team did our first C rank that turned to an A rank mission during a fight with a jounin," said Naruto.


Moto was in point, "let's try something," he said. "Byakugan," he said as he eyes get veiny but they go back. "What? My eyes," he said.

Shina puts her arms, "my hive has refused to come out," she said.

Hanza looks around, "my smell is not enhanced as well as my nin-kin. It must be a seal on this place," he said.

"Did you get the map Moto?" asked Shina.

The Hyuga nodded, "yes and I know where the scrolls are," Moto said.

"I recommend we go after the Inuzuka scroll since it does not rely on your senses but your partner," said Moto.

Shina thinks. "What is the closest scroll?" she asked.

"My clans scroll but I think going after the other would be better," he said.

"Inuzuka will be first by your clan Shina and finally mine," said Moto.

The other two nod their and jump through the trees. They get to a clearing and see the scroll on the ground from their vantage point, "Trap," said Shina.

"Oh yea," said Hanza, "trap" said the do user.

"What now?" asked Shina.

"I will spring it and be ready to substitute back here," Moto said. "Hold this and throw it once we find out what is going on," said Moto.

"Be careful Moto-san," said Shina.

Moto jumps down and walks to the scroll and picks it up as three shurikens are thrown at the boy. Shina tosses the shuriken given to her as Moto disappear into the tree tops replaced with the metal weapons.

"First scroll is the Inuzuka scroll," said Moto.

"I am impressed. You got the scroll but now you must fight me," said a voice as Iruka jumps down.

Moto charges and goes for a palm thrust, hitting Iruka but does not stop him, "without your eyes you can't hurt me," said the instructor as he catch Moto punch and throws him.

"Hanza, learn what you can and assist us, we will cover you," said Shina as she goes through hand seal.

"Ninja Art: Ground Swarm," she shouts as she puts her hand on the ground a swarm of bugs appear from the ground encasing Iruka. Iruka escapes from his prison and continues his attack.

"Ninja tunneling claw fang," he shouted as he spins with his and his nin-kin extended claws sending Iruka back, "you can pass I am done," he said before blacking out.

The three move on and go to the next scroll.


At the tower Shibi was amazed, "looks like her mother taught her that jutsu," said Shibi.

"Impressive jutsu for your clan," said Tsume.

"Your member jutsu was just as impressive," said Shibi.

Naruto was smiling, "I might just pass them, so I can get them stronger, but let us see how good they do," said the blond.

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Back in the forest they see a small cave and walk in with a torch. They see the scroll on a pedestal "Moto I will look for traps," said Hanza as he walks forwards it and grabs the scroll and the three walk to the exit.

Shino intercepts them, "test number two," he said as he charges the genin.

"Shina get back and read the scroll. We shall hold him off," said Moto.

The two attack Shino and corner him, "you three have passed," he said as he walks away.

They continue to the next scroll. Moto gets to the scroll but sees that his team is following. He turns around and sees a shadow connecting their bodies. "Man what a drag," said a lazy voice.

"So a Nara too," thought the Hyuga.

"Shadow possession Jutsu," said Shikamaru as his shadow strike at Moto forcing him to dodge.

"I have to stop his shadow," thought Moto as he sees his comrades. "I will need help," he thought as he throws his shuriken as at the chunin but his flicks his finger and they fall on the shadow, severing the connected shadow, "nice plan Hyuga. This might be enjoyable," said the Lazy Nara.

"You might be a knight and we would be the pawns but even a pawn can kill a knight with a strategy," said Moto.

Shikamaru smile, "after this we should sit down and play shogi but," said Shikamaru as his attack Shina only for Moto push her out of the way and get immobilized.

"Moto," said Shina as Hanza growls.

"This is guy is more tactical then us, but no one gets left behind," said Hanza as Shina walks next to him.

Shikamaru closes his eyes, "third part of the test: determination and tactics passed," said the Nara as he walks away.

Moto gets, "thank you for not leaving," said the Hyuga.

Hanza smiles, "we are a team we all pass or none of us pass," he said.

Shina smiles, "it is only logical that we are stronger as a team by ourselves," she said.

"That leaves one more scroll," said Moto as they look at the map, "found it. Right at the start," growled Moto.

"Interesting," said Shina as they back the way they came.


They get there and see Hana at the start, "Now, for your final test here I come," she said as she rushes the genin.

"Byakugan," said Moto as his eyes transform and he goes for a palm thrust but misses.

"I guess since we are off that ground we have bloodline back," said Shina as her insects fly out taking out one of the nin-kin. Hanza smiles and charges the other two nin-kin while Moto kept Hana occupied.

The battle was even until the nin-kin were knocked out and genin thought converged on Hana as Naruto appeared with clan heads, "well done team," said Naruto.

"Would the proctors please give me an assessment?" asked Naruto.

Iruka steps up, "Moto has great Tactics and the team did not to argue who is in charge. Two held me off knowing who can tip the balance with the scroll jutsu. Buying Hanza time to learn the jutsu and have him beat me. Moto would be great as squad leader in you absence," said the academy instructor.

"Shino," said Naruto.

"I would have to be honest. They worked as well as a chunin team. Their teamwork is almost flawless and will get better with experience," said the Aburame chunin.

"Shikamaru," said Naruto

"They have great teamwork and Moto had a great plan after seeing who captured his friends. He did not panic and had a plan executed. It would not have worked against an experienced chunin. But new chunin would have fallen for it. Moto took an attack from my shadow by pushing his comrade out of the way. The rest did not leave and were ready to fight for their teammate. The will of fire shines bright," said the Nara with not usual laziness.

"Hana-sensei," said Naruto.

"If I had my way, I would say screw genin and give then chunin rank," she said. "They knew how to attack me and weaken me. With their teamwork they beat me and deserve to pass," said Hana.

"Team 55 you pass with flying colors. Congratulations," said Naruto.

"Hai, sensei," they said as a new team is formed.