Chapter 9

It has been about two months since Naruto passed his team. Naruto postponed his training trip until his student where ready.

Naruto was in front of Sarutobi at the mission hall, "Naruto, here for a mission?" asked the former Kage.

"Yes, Sandaime-sama but I think my team is ready for a C rank," said the blond.

The old man looks at the state of the team, "they have enough D rank missions to upgrade," said former Kage. He looks through the scroll, "well this is interesting, it is a C rank that might go up to an A rank," said the former leader.

"Who is the client?" asked Naruto.

"Read it," said the older man with a smile.

Naruto looks at it, "well this is interesting," he said.

"I wanted to see the old man and his family. Mission accepted," said Naruto. He turns to his team, "meet at the gate in one hour we will be gone for a month at most," said Naruto.

"Hai," they said as they disappeared.

Naruto smiled, "they have learned a lot," said the blond as his grandfather figure smiles.

"A testament to your teaching," he said. Naruto bows and walks out to meet with his team.


Naruto appeared at the gate with his team and faced them. "You might have to kill, however," said the blond. "Afterwards I will be there for you," said the sensei. The genins nod and they headed out. Naruto was walking behind his students with his senses on full alert.

They got to Wave country and walked to the bridge, "sensei, did you have a mission here?" asked Moto.

"Yes, why do you ask," said Naruto.

"Look at the name of the bridge," Moto said as the other look at it and gasp.

Naruto looks at the sign, "well did not expect this. The Great Naruto Bridge named after the hero who inspired us," he read.

"Let's head into town," said Naruto as he led the genin into town. Naruto looked around and people were watching Naruto and his team with admiration. "Sensei, why are they looking at us?" asked Hanza.

"Let me ask who the mayor is," he said as head to a citizen, "excuse me who is in charge?" asked Naruto.

"Tazuna is the mayor. He is at his home right now," said female citizen.

Naruto smiles, "thank you," said the blond.

"Can I ask you something?" the female smiled nervously.

"Yes," said Naruto.

"Can I have your autograph on my poster," she said as a poster with Naruto's picture on it is pulled out that was taken by the citizens after the mission.

"Um I guess," said Naruto as he writes his name.

The female squeals, "thank you Naruto-sama," she said running away.

Naruto blinks, "huh," he said as Moto walked up with the other.

"You seem popular sensei," said Hana.

"I guess," said the blond. "Let's find Tazuna-san," said the blond.

Naruto headed to the house with his team and knocks, "coming," said female voice.

Naruto smiles, "take your time Tsunami-chan," said Naruto as the door opens and black haired female who was in her late 20's early 30's appears.

She blinks and smiles, "Naruto-kun," she said happily hugging Naruto.

"Tsunami-san," said Moto.

The woman looks at the three, "are you ninjas?" she asked.

"They are my students Tsunami-chan," said Naruto with a smile.

"But aren't you a genin?" she asked confused.

"Not anymore," said the blond. "I just became a jounin. They are my first team," said the blond.

"Inari would be surprised to see you," said Tsunami. "Where is your former team?" she asked getting a dark look from Naruto.

"I will talk to you and Tazuna about them," he said.

"Why doesn't your team help my son a little he is having trouble with tree walking," she said.

Naruto nods his head and his genin walk to the back as Naruto walks with Tsunami and see Tazuna in his study.

"Father, guess who they sent?" asked Tsunami.

Tazuna turns around and smiles, "Naruto, good to see you," he said as give Naruto a hand shake.

"I am glade Wave is doing good and the bridge," said Naruto.

"So what do you think?" asked Tazuna.

"Naruto, I am humbled and honored Tazuna," said Naruto with a bow.

"You deserve it. By the way, where is the team that was with you?" asked Tazuna.

Naruto's face darkens, "Tsunami, can you close the door," said Naruto.

The female does, "Sasuke has been executed for defecting," said Naruto shocking the two.

"Who killed him?" asked Tsunami fearing the answer.

"I did. I was ordered to bring him back dead or alive. I tried to restrain him but I had to us lethal force," said the blond. "Sasuke killed a comrade I was close to during a mission and his ninja status was revoked," said Naruto.

"What about the girl?' asked Tazuna.

"She attempted to kill me after the mission to retrieve Sasuke. She saw his body and tried to attack me," said the blond. "She is now in prison for three years and will not be a ninja till she goes through reconditioning training,"

"How about your sensei?" asked Tazuna.

"He is a chunin due to neglecting his student because of favoritism," said Naruto.

"What is the mission?" asked Naruto.

"We have bandits attacking the town. We have forced them back by our militia, but I believe that Gato's partners our trying to take over the town," said Tazuna.

Naruto closes his eyes, "how much resistance by the enemy?" asked the Jounin.

"Nothing but bandits but we think there be some shinobi in the mix," said the man. "That was why it was labeled as an upgrade should that be true," said Tazuna.

"Any more info?" asked Naruto.

"I am sorry, but no I do not," said Tazuna.

Tazuna got up, "by the way, the people of wave would like celebrate the bridges anniversary of 1 year," said Tazuna.

"I will come to the celebration," said Naruto with a bow.


Naruto appeared with his team at the town square and saw that the party was in full swing. Naruto turned to his team, "enjoy yourselves but keep radio contact," said the blond as he walks in one direction.

Naruto was sitting with Tsunami while Inari was showing Naruto the results of his training as he ran up a pole, "we will start on the next step later.

Naruto was approached by a bleeding soldier, "Ninja-san, there are about one hundred bandits heading this way," he said as Naruto got up.

"Team, meet me near the entrance of the town," he said through his radio.


Naruto and his team slipped out of the party and see the bandits and some of the militia fighting. "Attack," shouted Naruto as he and his team start to fight the bandits.

Naruto goes through hand seals, "Water Style: Spreader," said Naruto as he shoots fifty water pellets at the Bandits killing several of them.

"Akumaru, man beast clone," said Naruto as his passed down Nin kin transforms and rotates with Naruto, killing three Bandits.

Naruto continues to tear through them as does his students, "I am will have to talk to them," thought the Jounin.

All but one are killed and Naruto looks at the man, "you three stay here. I will handle this," said Naruto as he grabs the man and drags him to a nearby hut.

A few minutes later Naruto walks out, "we got an A rank ninja coming after the town," said Naruto as he looks at his student and frowns at their scared expressions, "first kill," thought Naruto.

"Let's head back to the house," said Naruto as he takes his students.

He gets to the house and sees Tsunami, "I need to talk to my team," said the blond as the kind woman looks at the genin and sees them shaking.

"First kill?" she asked, "talk to them in the guest room," she said with worry as Naruto heads up stairs with his team.

Naruto sits on the ground, "what happened?"

The genin could not look at their sensei as they start to shake, "we did not mean to kill them," said Shina as she bawled her eyes out.

Naruto walks to her and hugs her, "Shina, Moto and Hanza, no one is calling you a monster. You killed those bandits because you wanted to protect the town," said Naruto.

"Does it ever get easier sensei?" asked Moto as he was shaking.

Naruto closes his eyes, "it does not get easier. I remember my first kill during the Sand and Sound invasions. I would have committed seppuku. I had a rebound thanks to Hana-sensei and I want to let you know I will be there for you," said Naruto.

"Now, I want you to sleep in the same room and take comfort in your comrades. I will be in the same room as well," said Naruto.

"Tomorrow we are training," he said as he goes through hand seals, "summoning jutsu," said Naruto as a small toad appears, "take this to Tsunade-sama and request for back up," said Naruto.

"Hai," said the toad.

The team goes to sleep knowing a strong enemy would appear.


In a small fortress a tall man was sitting in a throne like chair, "thank you for coming, if you succeed I will pay you handsomely," said the man as and other man smile.

"Kukuku, so Naruto-kun is my enemy," said the man. "He shall die." said the ninja as he licks his lips.


Naruto woke up next morning in the same room as his students. He heads to the kitchen, "hello Tsunami-san," said Naruto as he sees the hostess making dinner.

"Naruto-kun, what is on today's agenda?" she asked.

"My students know the three exercises and I was going to find out their affinity," said Naruto as his students walk in.

"Morning," said Naruto.

"Morning sensei," said Moto.

They sit down and start to eat, "I got plans for today for you, so meet in the back yard when you finish," said Naruto.


Naruto was standing in front of his students, "Does anyone know what chakra paper does?" asked Naruto.

"It determines our main element," said Hanza.

Naruto pulls out three, "I want to you to channel some chakra to see what it is," said jounin.

He gives his students the paper and they channel it. Hanza's turned soggy.

Moto's paper turned to ash.

Shina's paper splits in half. "Hanza's element is water and Shina's is wind. Moto is fire," thought Naruto.

"I can help Shina and Hanza a lot faster but Moto I will have get some more on fire but I can get you started," said Naruto as he makes a small fire. "Fire is my weakest so it takes a lot more energy to use that element. To start Moto, I want you grab the flame by coating your hand with chakra," said the blond as he demonstrates.

"You must be able to control the size for an hour by using different chakra bursts. If you manage that I will teach you fire jutsu that will be helpful for survival," said Naruto.

"Hai," said Moto.

Naruto walks to his other student Hanza. "Control for water is sonar. This is used to find some in the water by expelling chakra through your feet. The trick is to give it enough chakra to make it dense and making come back to you," said Naruto as he shows his student how to do the control exercise.

Hanza nosd his head, "when you complete this, I shall teach you survival jutsu that I came up with due to a mission" said Naruto.

"Hai sensei," said Hanza.

Naruto heads over to his last student, "Shina, I want you to cut this leaf in half using only chakra," said Naruto.

"If you do I will teach a survival jutsu," said Naruto.

"Hai," she said.

Naruto walks back with Akumaru next to him. Naruto pets the partner he was entrusted with and looks at his students. "I wonder if I can get Hokage-sama or Sandaime-sama to help with my student's offensive attacks," thought Naruto.


His students head back to the house with a smiling Naruto "Moto, and Shina will learn the jutsu I was going to give them," said the blond.

"Hanza, when you get your test down, I will teach you. Now everyone, dig in," said Naruto as they eat Tsunami's food with gusto.

Naruto was eating when the toad returned, "hey, I got Hokage-sama's reply," said the toad.

Thanks, Gamakachi," said the blond as he took the scroll and read it, "overkill but I am not complaining," said Jounin.

'They will be here in two days," said Naruto.

The team gets up and heads out the door, "Hanza, finish what I gave you," said Naruto as the dog user nodded his head.

He turns to Moto, "this small jutsu is useful for seeing in the dark," said Naruto. You must do this to master with no hands. But I don't have a strong enough affinity so I will explain," said the blond.

"The trick is to bring out your elemental chakra but make it only fire in your hand like I showed you when you mastered the flame exercise," said Naruto.

Moto nods his head and goes to the side to practice.

"Shina, your jutsu will let you breathe for a short while in water. Now the basics are simple, you make a bubble of water around you using chakra.

Now the water bubble will keep you from drowning while in a body of water and the chakra will give you some air to breath in small bursts. This tool will drain your reserves. I will monitor you till I think you will be safe by yourself and without supervision," said the blond. "Get to it," said Naruto as his student does as told with Naruto helping him out when struggling.


A day and a half later, Naruto looked towards the bridge as his students were still training, "I have a foreboding feeling," he thought.

He looks up as a solider runs up franticly, "Ninja-san! A shinobi has appeared," said the man.

"He killed all the soldiers and demanded I bring you," said the soldier.

"We will deal with him," said Naruto. "Did you get a look at the man?" asked Naruto.

"Yes, he had pale skin and snake-like eyes. He froze the whole militia just by looking at them and many killed themselves," said the soldier.

Naruto's eyes widened, "I hope back up gets here soon," said Naruto

"Head to square, tell everyone to head in doors," said Naruto as he looks at his students, "team 55, head to the bridge but stay hidden," said Naruto as the team disappears.


Naruto walks on the bridge and sees the ninja that made his blood run cold, "Naruto-kun, it has been a while since you beat me with the help of Tsunade-hime and Jiraiya-baka," said the voice.

"Orochimaru," said Naruto.

"Now you bring three mice out for a massacre," said the Snake Sannin.

"No you don't," said Naruto throws a kunai, "Shadow clone jutsu," said Naruto as the one kunai turns to a hundred and slams into Orochimaru making fall down.

Naruto eyes the area as a sword impales him, "you aren't very strong for an elite," said the pedophile as the sword that impaled Naruto was being held by his tongue.

"One word, boom," said the blond as he explodes sending Orochimaru back and burning his tongue.

"Well, not bad but Summoning Jutsu Resurrection from an impure world," said Orochimaru as Naruto shoots a wind blade from his hand but fails to stop the two coffins. "You should thank me; I let you have time with your family before I kill you. I how ironic, killed by those who gave birth to you Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze," said the Sannin.

Naruto grits his teeth as the coffin lids open and the two ninja stepped out, "how can we be revived," said the man with the yellow hair. "Kushina," said the man as a woman with red hair appeared.

"Minato, what is going on?" asked the woman.

"I gave your son a chance to see his dear parents before you kill him," said Orochimaru.

The two turn quickly and charge Orochimaru but he makes a seal freezing the two, "I thought that was what the response would be," smirked Orochimaru as the two struggle to break free. "I have learned a way to get a soul from the Shinigami stomach though a sacrificial ritual. I had to sacrifice thirty of my men,"

Naruto's eyes widen, "you heartless bastard," said the blond.

"I am sorry son but we can't break free," said Minato as Orochimaru places seal on their necks, turning their eyes black and dead.

The two face Naruto as he gives his team a signal. "He wants us to retreat," said Moto as his eyes widen.

"His is facing the Yondaime and his wife from what I heard," said Shina.

Hanza puts his head down, "sorry sensei," he said as he looked at his teammate, "Moto any plans?" asked the door user.

"For high level opponents no. You engage while I observe and find a weakness in their style," said Moto with hesitance. "If they have any," said Moto.

"What are they doing still here," thought the jounin not taking his eyes off his deadly opponents.

"Kill your son," said the Sannin as the Kage level ninja attack their offspring without mercy.


Naruto blocks a sword from Kushina and was kicked by his mother as he flipped and lands on the bridge. Naruto jumps, avoiding a Rasengan by his father as the blond Jounin goes through hand seals. "Wind Style: Wind Blade," he said as he clashed with his mother using his wind sword against her katana.

Naruto jumps away as a tri-pronged kunai lands near him with his father appearing a second later at the kunai. Naruto forms a Rasengan and slams it into the Yondaime sending him back.

Naruto brings out his kunai and blocks his mother's blade before it could take his head off. He backs up panting.

"Kushina, deal with the genin, let Minato have some father son bonding," said the Snake Sannin as the red headed female heads to the genins location.

Naruto grits his teeth as he tries to chase after her but is blocked by the undead Kage.


Kushina was looking around and saw the female Aburame, "Parasitic Insect Prison," she said as her hive rush the red head.

"Fire Style: Fireball jutsu," Kushina shouted as she incinerates the insects coming at her.

Shina dodges just as the fire was about to hit her. "Fang over Fang," shouted Hanza as he rams into her with a tornado shredding her right side.

"Is that a seal," thought the Hyuga as the injury healed itself on Kushina.

Moto jumps out and charges the red head and palm thrusts her side only to be back handed into the water. "Moto-kun," shouted Shina.

The two genins get next to each other as the red head ninja stalks closer. "Fire Style: Dragon Flame Bomb bullets," shoutes a voice as a fire stream hits Kushina.

Her head is sliced off by a figure that appears behind the genin. "You genin did great let us handle this," said the man revealed to be Asuma.


Naruto was engaged in a brutal fight with Minato when the Kage was sent back by a cry of Rasengan as Jiraiya appear with his hand out.

Orochimaru dodges a bo staff as he clashes with Sarutobi, "sensei, they sent you to help," said the Sannin with a smirk.

"You need two Kage level ninja to take a newly minted jounin and three genin. You must be desperate," said the former Hokage.


Asuma held his trench in his hands as he dodges a swipe from Kushina and then slashed her and placed a seal that Jiraiya gave to him on her before she could reform. "Undead seal," said Asuma as Kushina smiles and turns to dust, "thank you," she said.


Naruto nodded his head, "Jiraiya can you hold him off for one moment. I need to get my attack ready," said Naruto.

"Naruto closes his eyes and a Rasengan starts to form until it starts to take shape of a green shuriken. "forgive me, father. Jiraiya move," shouted Naruto as his teacher jumped out of the way as Naruto slams his attack into his father destroying his body as the blond Kage smiles.

"You made me proud son," said the man as his body and the seal that binds his are obliterated.


"So they were sent back," thought Orochimaru as he sees his opponent charging "Not today sensei, but I will give you the win," said the Sannin as he disappears in the ground .


Naruto walks up being helped by Jiraiya while Moto is helped by Hanza, "thanks for coming when you did," said Naruto.

"Tsunade had a feeling something like this was happening so she sent Asuma, myself and Jiraiya," said Sarutobi.


Tazuna bows, "Wave will pay for an S rank mission," said the old man.

"Thank you Tazuna-san," said Sarutobi.

The group heads out back to the Leaf.


Naruto was in front of the Hokage, "I would like to recommend a promotion for my team," said the blond.

"That is very unorthodox due to them being in service for only two months," she said.

"If you don't want to at least let them take a test to see their potential. You can gauge them on that," said Naruto.

"I have a report from the back up and they said the same, but to wait one more month," said Tsunade.

Naruto bows, "thank you and I have one more request," said Naruto.

Tsunade motions him, "I would like to ask that my team be placed in apprenticeships in their preferred area," said Naruto

Tsunade nods, "I would like a few to teach them myself since I am their commander," said the blond.

"I would like Hanza to learn medical from Shizune since he wants to be a medic ninja and hunter-nin," said the blond.

"Next I would like Moto to learn strategy under Nara-sama," said the blond.

"How about Shina?" Tsunade inquired.

"I would like her to have internship with Iruka because she wants to be a sensei to a team," said the blond.

"I'll have Shikaku meet with Moto and you as well as ask Shizune to start teaching Hanza," said Tsunade.

"I will talk to Iruka and ask him," said the blond with a bow.