Chapter 10

Naruto headed into the classroom and saw his former teacher and friend at his desk, "Iruka," said the blond as the man with a scar turns around.

"Naruto, what's up?" asked Iruka.

"Got a team I am training and that's the reason I am here," said Naruto.

Iruka gives him a look to explain, "I would like my student Shina to work as a teacher's aide with you," said Naruto.

Iruka thinks, "why?" he asked.

"Shina's dream is what I'm trying to help her with. Now before you say anything, it will only be for three days a week the rest of the time they will be with me," said Naruto.

"Her dream is be a sensei from her introduction on the first day class?" asked Iruka.

"Now do you see how this will help?" asked the blond.

"I will have her start next week Naruto," said Iruka.

"Thanks, I will tell you what days she has to be with me," said Naruto.


Naruto appears at the Hokage's office and sees the elder Nara, "Nara-san, good to see you," said the blond with a bow.

"I never have imaged you as a sensei to genin," said Shikaku. "Must be troublesome taking on three students," said the man.

Moto walks up and bows to Naruto and Shukaku, "Moto, I would like you to meet someone," said Naruto.

He points to the elder Nara, "this is Shikaku Nara, the one you want to play Shogi against and hopefully surpass."

"Sensei what is this about?" asked Moto confused.

Shikaku steps up, "your sensei has asked that each of his students go and learn in the field they want to achieve greatness in," said the Nara.

"I asked Nara-san to take you as a student for three days a week and learn how to lead soldiers," said Naruto as he sees Moto's eyes widen.

"Is this true Nara-sama?" said Moto.

The clan head smiles, "it is. Do you want learn as my student?" said Shikaku.

"I am honored Nara-sama," said Moto.

Naruto faces his student, "the requirement is that you live within the Nara compound and Nara-sama has agreed," said Naruto.

"Sensei, thank you for this chance," said the Young Hyuga.

"You have all passed my expectation," said Naruto.

"I am ready Nara-sensei," said Moto.

"Meet me at the Nara compound. I need to get a training plan from your sensei so I know what he has in mind for the rotation," said the Nara as Moto walks after being told where to meet.


In a small room Shizune was looking at her student, "Hanza-kun, I have been asked to teach you medical ninjutsu," said the black-haired medic.

"Thank you Shizune-sensei," he said.

"Let us begin," she said with Hanza following every word of his new teacher.


Team 55 met during their meeting and Naruto taught them other jutsu. He was currently summoned to the Hokage office, "you summoned me Hokage-sama?" asked the blond.

Tsunade nodded her head, "I sent Hana on an escort mission and was due back a day ago with her team," said the female blond.

Naruto feared what she had to say next, "We found the remnant of her team dead but no sign of Hana," said Tsunade.

Naruto gripped his chair, "did you send a search party," asked Naruto.

"That is why I am sending you to find any trace of her," said Tsunade.

"I will take my nin-kin since I think he can trace better than anyone," said Naruto.

Naruto shunshined to his apartment to collect Akumaru and they headed out.


Naruto took out the ring that Hana gave him as a symbol of learning under her. "Akumaru, can you pick up a scent?" asked Naruto.

The dog sniffed it and the two made their way out of the land of fire.


In a cave Hana was chained to the wall as her huskies are lying on the ground cut up. She opens her eyes, "what is going on," she thought as she sees her dead nin-kin. "What happened?" she asked.

"Look, the bitch is awake," said a voice as two men come in with scratches on their headband. One had a Rock symbol while the other had the symbol for mist.

"When we get the information from her we will have our fun with her," said the man with a leer.

The man with the Mist headband chuckles, "can't wait. The Inuzuka clan is said to have wild women," he said with a leer.


Naruto has been traveling nonstop to the border of the Land of Wind. He turned to Akumaru and the dog took off with Naruto following

"Hana-chan, please be alright," thought Naruto as he takes out a locket that has a picture of him and Hana hugging.


Hana was dropped from her chains as she glares at her captures. "What why can't I channel chakra?" she thought.

The man with a cloud symbol chuckled, "sorry girl, but we put poison in your food to mess up your chakra," he said.

Hana backed up to the cornered and the man pulled down his pants, "well bitch I will be first," he said knocking her down ripping off whatever was left of her pants showing her pussy. She tries to run but her arm is grabbed as she is thrown against the wall, tears streaming down her face.

"Naruto-kun," she whispered as the three converge on her.

One of them drops down as a kunai gets stuck in his back. The other two turn around and see Naruto with killer intent rolling off him.

"Naruto-kun," she said, eyes widen that her prayers were answered.

The one with the mist head band snarled, "oh great a Konoha dog," he said only to be killed by a kunai in his head.

Naruto faces the last ninja with the cloud headband, "oh a hero, well after I kill you I will make this bitch beg for my member," said the man as Naruto formed three clone and they jumps on him and blow up killing him instantly.

Naruto lets go of the intent and rushes to Hana and holds her. "Hana-chan it is alright," said Naruto as the Inuzuka cries her heart out.

"I was so scared Naruto-kun," she said as Naruto strokes her hair calming her down.

"Let it out Hana-chan, I am here," said Naruto as he continues to stroke her hair.

Hana calms down and Naruto helps her up, "here, I have an extra set of clothing when I go on mission," said Naruto as he releases it from a storage scroll.

Naruto walks to the dead huskies and bows his head and seals them to get them back to the village and give them a burial.


After traveling for two days with a tired Hana in his arms he finally got to the village and was standing in front of Tsunade.

"Naruto, take Hana to the hospital and inform Tsume of Hana's safety," said the female Hokage.

Naruto shunshins to the hospital and Hana gets admitted by the nurse. He heads to the Inuzuka compound but sees Tsume walking to the hospital. "Tsume-san," said Naruto.

The feral woman sees Naruto, "Naruto, how are you doing? Is Hana safe?" she asked.

"Partially," said the blond.

Tsume frowned, "Hana was almost raped," said Naruto in a whisper. "I killed those bastards before they defiled her," he said.

Tsume growls, "where is my daughter," she asked with a growl.

"I took her to hospital for her injuries," said the blond as he heads back to the hospital followed by a worried Tsume.


They get to Hana's room and sees Hana with machines on, "Mother," said Hana weakly.

The woman runs to her side, "Hana what happened?" she asked.

"Someone on the council set us up for some reason," Hana said.

Naruto eyes narrowed, "how do you know this? Did those bastards tell you this?" asked Naruto.

"Hai, Naruto-kun," said Hana weakly.

Tsume nods her head, "we will find those responsible and bring them to justice," said the clan head.

Tsume heads out, "are you going to stay longer Naruto?" asked the clan head.

"I will stay till the hospital closes," said the blond.

Tsume leaves the hospital and heads to Tsunade's office.

Naruto sighs as the nurse comes in, "do you need a blanket?" she asked.

"If you don't mind," he responded.


In the Hokage's office Tsume hits the desk with her fist, "sorry Hokage-sama," said clan head.

Tsunade gets up, "I am going to the hospital and then after I make your daughter is stable. We will find out what happened," said the blond Hokage.

"Thank you Hokage-sama," said Tsume.

"If what Hana said is true? Then they will be dealt with swiftly," said Tsunade.

"Cat, remove your mask," said Tsunade as the Anbu does and revels purple, "Yugao protect Hana Inuzuka and Naruto Uzumaki," said Tsunade.

"Did something happen to Hana?" asked the purple haired Kunoich.

"Naruto got back with an injured Hana after he was sent to find her. She was almost raped by several rouge ninja," said Tsunade.

Yugao's eyes narrowed, "what happened to the scum?" asked the female Anbu.

"Naruto killed them," said Tsunade. "Let's go," said Tsunade as the two head to the hospital.


Naruto was sitting by Hana bedside when the two entered, "Tsunade-sama," said Naruto.

"How is she?" ask Tsunade.

"We had to sedate her, she kept rolling around in her sleep," said Naruto.

"Nightmare, which is not surprising considering what happened," said Naruto.

"Naruto I need to check Hana can you step out?" asked Tsunade.

Naruto gets up and bows, "I will be outside," he said.

He steps outside and sees an Inuzuka member standing there "Naruto-sama, I have a message," he said.

"Tsume-sama needs to talk to you about Hana at the compound," he said.

Naruto bows and heads to the Inuzuka compound and sees Tsume there, "you wanted to see me Tsume-san?" asked Naruto.

"Yes, I need to talk you about what is going to happen to Hana," said Tsume.

Naruto sits down, "Naruto, this is hard for me to tell you but Hana lost her position as Heiress," said Tsume.

"I thought so," said Naruto.

"I read the bylaws and it said that if the heiress loses her nin-kin they is no longer next in line," said Naruto with a sigh.

"Since I am an honorary Inuzuka, I have access to the rules of the clan," said Naruto.

"I have a way to remedy this," said Tsume as she gets up, "Naruto, I would to offer my daughter hand to you in marriage," said Tsume.

Naruto has his head down, "I accept but Hana must have the final say and how does this fix the issue?" asked Naruto.

You become the heir because the former married to an Inuzuka Honorary or blood related," said Tsume.

"Well played, I will accept to help you and Hana-chan," said the blond with a bow.

"I will ask Hana when she gets better," said Tsume..

Naruto bows and walk out to see Hana.


Naruto got to the hospital and saw Hana fully awake, "Hana-chan," said the blond.

"Naruto-kun," she said as she grabs him and hugs him for dear life. "Thank you Naruto-kun," she said.

The two hold their embrace as the door opens and Tsume walks in, "alright love birds break it up. Get a room," said Tsume.

"We are in a room," said Naruto with Hana at the same time making Tsume blinks and starts laughing.

"This is going to be much easier," she thought as she got serious. "Hana, I talked to Naruto about the situation with you leading the clan," she said.

"I thought so," said Hana as she starts to cry with Naruto hugging her.

"But I came up with a plan to keep you in position," said Tsume. "I will have Naruto marry you and therefore making him clan head when I step down," said Tsume.

"I made one condition and that Hana-chan must agree, I have already accepted on my end," said Naruto.

Hana hugs Naruto and kisses him, "I accept Naruto-kun," she said. " If you will have me as your wife," said Hana.

"I will head to the Hokage to get the contract," said Tsume.

"You have guests Hana?" said the nurse as she sees the other two occupants. "I checked all your vital signs and blood tests, you are good to leave when you want," said the blond nurse.

Hana throws off her sheet showing her naked body, "Naruto why are you covering your eyes?" she asked.

"You might want to put on some clothes," said Tsume with an amused grin.

"Oh you're so cute Naruto-kun, you can look my soon to be husband," she said.

Naruto's blush intensifies, "Naruto help Hana get dressed since you about marry her," said Tsume as Naruto reveals his eyes and walks to Hana and helps her get dressed.

Hana tries to stand but stumbles. "Here Hana-chan," said Naruto scooping her up and holding her bridal style. The three make their way to the Hokage's office and gets ushered in.


Tsunade smiles as she sees the three, "are you going through with it?" asked Tsunade.

"Just like we talked about," said Tsume.

Tsunade pulls out a piece of paper that says Marriage contract and Naruto and Hana name with a line underneath both of their names.

"I need you two to sign under you names," said Tsunade.

Hana takes the pen and signs and Naruto does as well, "with the power invested in me I preannounce you husband and wife," said Tsunade. "You may kiss the bride," she said as Naruto and Hana kissed.


Tsunade turns to Naruto, "Jiraiya will be ready for training you in three days," said Tsunade

"Thank you, Hokage-sama," said Naruto with a bow.

The three walk out and head home.


Three days later Jiraiya was standing next to Naruto, "you ready Naruto?" asked Jiraiya.

Naruto turns to Hana, "stay safe my love," he said as he hugs her and kisses her.

Naruto sees his students, "make sure to show your temporary sensei the same respect you showed me," said Naruto.

"Hiashi-san, Shikaku-san, I want my students to be ready for a spar when I return," said Naruto.

"They are in good hands," said Hiashi.

Naruto sees Sarutobi and Tsunade, "I hope to have a spar against you old man," said Naruto.

"You will get it Naruto-kun," said former third.

He turns to Tsunade, "make sure to put Hanza through the grinder," said Naruto.

Tsunade smiles, "don't worry I will; when I am done Hanza will be on my level," said Tsunade.

"Let's go Naruto," said Jiraiya as the two walk out of the village.