Chapter 12

Naruto spent several weeks in Kiri learning how to effectively utilize the blade in combat. Now that his skills were at a level the blond felt confident in he and his sensei decided to leave the village. As the two left the village a messenger bird flew over to Jiraiya. The perverted old man took a message that was tied to its leg and read it before a grin took over his face. "Looks like we've got another mission, brat," said Jiraiya.

Naruto looked at him before sighing "What is the mission,"

"Suna is hosting the Chunin exam and Tsunade needs you to be there,"

Naruto looked at him curiously "Why?"

"Your genin are competing."

Naruto smiled before the two of them made their way to Suna.


Naruto and Jiraiya were trudging through the harsh desert of the Land of Wind until they reached their destination, Sunagakure. Upon arrival they were halted by two gate guards "State your name and business," said one of the guards.

"I am Jiraiya of the Sannin and this is Naruto, my apprentice. We're here for the chunin exams."

One of the guards looked at the blond before speaking "Naruto? Oh I see you must be the sensei of team 55 from Konoha, we received notice that you were coming." said one of the Suna ninja before he wrote down their names on a clipboard.

"I was instructed to escort you to your room once you arrived. So, follow me," said the other Suna shinobi before Naruto and Jiraiya nodded and followed him.

Naruto headed to the hotel kind of looking forward to seeing his genin squad again. Upon arrival the blond walked into the hotel room with a big grin on his face as he say his team "hey guys," said Naruto.

Moto looked over to the recently opened door and smiled "sensei it is good to see you," said the Hyuga.

"What have you all been learning since the last time I saw you?" asked Naruto.

"Tsunade-sama has taken me as an apprentice and thanks to her I've been advancing in my medical jutsu," said Hanza.

"Nara-sama has taught me everything he can and I finally beat him in Shogi," said Moto with a proud grin on his face.

"I have taken over the class from Iruka with his help," said Shina

"Very good," said Naruto.

"I know you guys will make me proud when we go to academy tomorrow for the exam," said Naruto as he gave them a thumbs up.


The next day; Naruto left the Hotel, heading to the spectator room to see how his team does in the exams. As he arrived he immediately took notice of Tsunade and Kurenai "Kurenai didn't you team make chunin?" asked Naruto.

Kurenai looked over to Naruto as soon as she heard his voice "Naruto, good to see you and to answer your question, I got a new team."

"Oh who is on it?" asked a curious Naruto.

"Taka Misto, Shikako Nara and Hitomi Haruno," said Kurenai as Naruto winced at the mention of Haruno.

"How are they?"

"Taka and Shikako are great shinobi and as for their teammate…" it was at this moment the red eyed beauty let out a sigh "… she is the carbon copy of Sakura and her mother," finished Kurenai.

"What are their chances?" asked Naruto.

"I hate to say this but the Haruno will hinder her teammates," said Kurenai as she closed her eyes, seeming to be in deep thought before opening them again. "How about your team?" asked the genjutsu mistress.

"I have high hopes they will pass and make chunin; if they don't they can use this as a learning experience."

The screen turns on as the Jounin watch their genin on the written test.

"Well let's see how well they do," said Kurenai.


Team 55 breezed right through the first two tests with little difficulty and was about to start the third round before Gaara appeared before them and all the other chunin hopefuls that made it this far.

"The finals will be tournament style and before you ask, you will have no knowledge of who your opponents will be beforehand. The finals will take place one month from now," said the Kazekage as he closed his eyes before suddenly opening them again "So, train hard and make your villages proud!"


After the Kazekage's speech Naruto decided to explore the village a little. After a while the teenager was pleasantly surprised to see his wife "Hana-chan?" asked Naruto.

Hana looked over to the blond "Naruto-kun," said Hana happily as her husband ran over to her and enveloped her in a hug which she lovingly returned.

"What are you doing here?" asked Naruto as they got out of the embrace.

"I got my own team in the exams," said Hana.

"Oh, who is on your team?" asked Naruto with a smirk.

"Hiro Takashi, Inoma Yamanka and Shiro Kon," said Hana.

"How are they?"

"You could say they were in the middle of the pack in the academy, but they are really hard workers," answered Hana.

"Can't wait to see my team destroy yours," said Naruto with an overly confident smile.

Hana gave Naruto a playful punch in the arm "Excuse me, but you've got that reversed; my team will beat your team into submission," said Hana.

"Whatever you say Hana-chan," said Naruto as he rubbed the bridge of his nose. "Anyway I wish your team the best of luck," said Naruto.

"Yours too," she said before she gave Naruto a kiss on the cheek.


After Naruto and Hana departed the Jinchuuriki decided to walk around Suna until he came across his team. "Hey guys," said Naruto

Moto and the other smiles "congrats on passing the first two tests," said Naruto.

"Now I'll teach each of you with shadow clones so your teammates will be unaware of your strengths," said Naruto.

"Shadow clone jutsu," said the Kyuubi container before three clones form and escorted each genin to a training ground.


A month later the genin appear in the stadium and see three other teams as Baki appears "alright; this is a battle between teams, you must defeat the whole team to advance," said Baki

"Team 55 vs Team 36," said Baki as Naruto's team and Kurenai's team headed down from the competitor's box.

Moto stands in front of Shikako as Shina stands in front of Hitomi while Hanza stood in front of Taka.

"Begin," said Baki as he jumps back.

Shina releases some insect and have them charge the Nara "you know the plans Hanza?" asked Moto as he charges and engages Taka who was charging his sword with lightening.

"Fire Style: Fire Ball Jutsu," said Moto as he fires a ball of fire as his opponent.

Hanza charges forward to attack the Haruno only for her to run away screaming.


Naruto turns to Kurenai "what is wrong with your team?" asked Naruto.

"The males are fine, but Haruno is going to bring them down," said Kurenai as everyone sweat dropped.


Hanza spins and was about to hit Haruno until she disappear and the Nara appeared in her place "she did not," said Hanza as he plowed into the Nara, knocking him out.


Naruto and Kurenai were both leaking killing intent at the pink haired female. "Kurenai you better restrain me that was a cowardly attack," said Naruto.

"That is it she is off the team and out of the program," said the jounin of team 36.


Hitomi smirked "there now you're being useful," she said before she was knocked out by a pissed off Hanza.

Taka sighs as he now saw his only chance to advance disappear "Since one member of my team has been defeated due to betrayal and the other-" Taka looks over to the Haruno "is simply useless, I forfeit," said Taka.

"Hanza, make sure Nara-san is stable," said Moto as Hanza looks at his hands in shock "right," he said as he heads to the downed Nara and starts to heal him.


Baki came down and sighed "alright next team is Team 40 vs Team 60," said Baki

Hana's team walks down with a team from Suna appear across from them.

"Begin," said Baki before he jumped backwards.

Inoma goes through hand seals "Mind Transfer jutsu ," she said as she take control of all three genins "we surrender," said the Suna genin.

"Winner Team 40," said Baki as the audience booed at the shortness of the match.


"Now final battle team 55 vs. Team 40-," said Baki as he was cut off by the audience "Go team 55, kick those cheater's asses!" screamed someone in the audience before someone else screamed "Don't lose to those pussies!" Soon after that another guy screamed "Show us how real leaf nin fight!" Then the entire audience started cheering for team 55.


Naruto looked over to Hana "looks like my team is the crowd favorite, Hana-chan," said Naruto with a smirk while Hana pouted.


When the crowd finally settled down Baki screamed "Begin!"

"Parasitic insect swarm," said Shina as Hiro, a brown haired boy with a water pouch goes through some hand seals "water Style: Water Dragon Jutsu," he said as water dragon appears out of his pouch and heads right for Shina.

Hiro saw the dragon heading for Shina and went through some hand seals "Fire Style: Dragon Flame Bombs," said Moto as he shoot a stack of fire bombs at the dragon and successfully cut it off creating a mist. Under the cover of the mist Hiro shot out another Dragon Flame Bombs, this time heading straight towards Inoma.

"Wind Style: Air wave," said Shina as she powers the fire with her wind.

Inoma goes through hand seal "Earth Style: Underground travel," she said before she disappeared underground.

Hanza looked around, trying to figure out where she was going to pop up before he felt something grab his ankles "Head hunter jutsu," she said as the Inuzuka is pulled underground.

Hanza smirked and disappear in a puff of smoke "Shadow clone," said Inoma in surprise as she resurfaced.

"Fang over Fang," he shouted as he and his nin-kin plow into Inoma but is intercepted by Shiro Kon who blocks it with a bo staff and throwing him off balance.


Naruto was eyeing both teams "Your team has superb team work," said Naruto.

"Your team is pretty good as well," said Hana.

Kurenai was watching intently as the two teams were battling it out "Why could I not get a team with a fan girl," thought Kurenai.

Moto gazed at the three genin and charged forward; blocking a blow meant for Shina and retaliated with his palm shutting of some chakra points in Hiro arm.

Inoma goes through some hand seals "Mind Destruction Jutsu," she said as she takes over Hanza's mind, forcing him to charge his teammate.

Shina unleashes her insects, sapping Inoma of her chakra, as Moto holds off his teammate as Inoma fell down drained "I thought I could take out Moto before I lose," she thought as she passes out.

Shiro growls "Proctor I forfeit I am outnumbered," he said with a frown.


Baki looks around at the destruction of the fight "winner team 55," said Baki before the crowd erupted in applause.

Naruto appeared on the stadium floor with Hana "how are your genin?" asked Naruto.

"A little medical ninjutsu is all they need," said Hana

"Tomorrow the promotion will be given out," said Baki as the teams got off the field.


Next day Naruto stood with the other senseis as Gaara gave out the promotion "First Team 55; Moto Hyuga, Hanza Inuzuka and Shina Aburame. I hereby promote you to chunin," said Gaara in his Kazekage robes.

"Team 40 consisting of Hiro Takashi, Inoma Yamanka and Shiro Kon you three have been promoted to chunin as well," Gaara continued.

"Those who did not make it; use this as a learning experience and try again another time," said Gaara.

Naruto sees Kurenai "your team would have made it if it weren't for Haruno. I recommend dropping her from the program due to her action," said Naruto

"I have been trying, but the civilian council have been opposing it," said the red eyed jounin.

"Now you have reason to get rid of her because her crime goes to the Shinboi council with no interference since it was in the field," said Naruto.

"Thanks Naruto for the advice," said Kurenai as she walks away.

Naruto turns to his and Hana's teams "since you guys got promoted lets gets some grub."


Later the two teams were at a restaurant eating when Gaara walked in "Lord Kazekage," said Naruto as both teams got up and bowed.

"We are friends here; please don't bow," said the red head.

The waiter walks up to them "Kazekage-sama what can I get from you," asked the male waiter.

"I will take some pork with salad," he said as the waiter bowed and walked away.

The groups were in a conversation until team 36 showed up with a glaring Haruno along with the other genin who had their heads down "we tried to stop her from making a fool of herself," said Taka.

"Shut up baka!" she shouted.

"Can I help you three?" asked Naruto as his gaze lingers on Haruno longest.

"Baka, why weren't we invited!?" shouted the pink haired bitch.

"Forgive us Lords Kazekage," said Taka as he tried to salvage the situation.

"Don't apologize to that loser," she shouted.

"Calm down," said Naruto calmly.

"Shut up demon," shouted Hitomi as both teams along with Gaara got up.

"I recommend you leave," said Gaara calmly and threateningly.

Hitomi gave a glare to Gaara that said 'Who does this guy think he is to talk to me like that' before the girl shouted "Make us!"

Taka growled "seriously you need to shut up Hitomi," said Shikako.

"Make me," she shouted as she swung a punch at her teammate but it was grabbed by the wrist by Naruto.

"Leave now. I will have you removed from the shinobi program for insulting not only a superior officer, but a village leader," said Naruto before he turned his head to Gaara. "Have anything to add Lord Kazekage?" asked Naruto.

"Your team is welcome in this village, but you are not," said Gaara as he glared at the young girl. "When everyone leaves you are not to return."

Taka bows "forgive us Lord Kazekage for the disruption of your dinner celebration," said the genin as the males of team 36 glared at Hitomi.

Naruto sighs "Lord Kazekage; can you have your ANBU escort her out of the restaurant. Taka and Shikako can stay," said Naruto.

"Agreed," said Gaara as two Anbu grabbed Hitomi and forcefully escort her out of the establishment.

Taka bows "We're sorry, but we must decline the invitation and we will instead report this incident to Kurenai-sensei," he said as he and the Nara walk out.


Next morning Naruto was talking to Kurenai who was furious at her female student. She turns to Gaara "Lord Kazekage as their sensei I would personally like to apologize for my student's disrespect. I am thankful to you for not harming relation with Konoha due to her action. She will be dropped so fast from the rank that it'll make Lee and Gai look slow," she said as she glares at Hitomi who had a smug look on her face.

"Hitomi your actions will be brought to the council's attention," said Kurenai.

"I have the backing of the civilian council," Hitomi said with confidence in her voice.

"No you don't because they won't be involved due to the severity of you action," said Kurenai as the girl's eyes widened and fear becomes visible on her face.

The groups head back to Konoha as Naruto splits off to continue his training.
