Chapter 13

Two figures walked toward the village, one had white hair with a headband with the kanji for oil and a scroll on his back. The other was a blond haired 17 year old teen wearing a green flax jacket and an orange jump suit.

"Come on we are almost back," said the blond

"Alright Naruto, can't wait to see your girlfriend?" joked the white haired man.

"Shut up Pervy-sage," said the teen as the two get to the gate.

The guards stops the two, "Lord Jiraiya and Naruto, welcome back," said one of the eternal chunin.

"We have to report to The Hokage," said the Sannin.

"Right, go ahead," said one of the guards.

The two head to the tower and head to the office. Tsunade was doing paper work, "Tsunade," said Jiraiya.

She pushed past her teammate and hugged Naruto, "good to see you back," said the blond Hokage.

She releases Naruto, "so what does he know and skill level?" she asked.

"I taught him everything but the Hiraishin, he knows it and is working but has not made any progress with it. He is around High Anbu borderline Sannin," said Jiraiya.

Tsunade eyes widen, "we will have to see about that. Naruto, I am going have Sarutobi-sensei face you in a spar," said the blond Kage.

Naruto smiles, "perfect, always wanted to fight the old man. Now I have an excuse, where will it be and when?" asked Naruto.

"One hour Naruto-kun and it will be in training ground 41," said the former Kage as he walked up.

"Jiji-chan," said Naruto as the two hug each other.

"Let's head the training ground Naruto-kun," said Sarutobi.


The two Ninja where facing each other with Tsunade in the middle.

"This spar is between Sarutobi-sensei vs. Naruto Uzumaki, anything but kill shots," said Tsunade.

"Begin," said the Godaime.

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Naruto goes through hand seal, "Water Style: Water Shockwave," said the blond as he shot water from the atmosphere at the former Kage.

"Earth Style: Mud Wall," said Sarutobi as he erects an earth wall in front of him causing the waves to crash against it.

Sarutobi turns his head and blocks with his forearm, "not bad using your attack as a diversion to get close," said Sarutobi.

Naruto twists and goes for a kick but that is blocked. "Wind Style: Great Breakthrough," said Naruto as he does a one handed seal surprising everyone but Jiraiya.

The Third lets go of Naruto and dodges, "not bad Naruto-kun," he said as he goes through hand seal "Summoning Jutsu: Enma," he said as the monkey king is summoned.

"Sarutobi, why did you summon me," asked the monkey.

"I am fighting Naruto-kun in a spar and I need your help," said Sarutobi.

"Well the little brat is grown up," said the monkey with a chuckle.

"Hey Enma-Jiji-san," said Naruto.

"Still disrespectful huh brat," said Enma.

"Enma Bo staff," said the Third.

"Right transform," said the monkey king as he turns into a staff.

Naruto takes out a scroll, "summoning," said Naruto as a sword appears. The sword has a gold handle with slightly curved blade.

"You like Jiji-chan?" asked Naruto.

"This is known as Elemental, you will know the reason later," said Naruto.


Tsunade looked at the blade, "where did he get the blade?" she asked.

Jiraiya was smiling, "oh just that he helped end the bloodline. To thank Naruto the newly pick Mizukage made Naruto an honorary member of the seven swordsman and had their weapons smith make him a sword," said Jiraiya.

Tsunade looked at Jiraiya, "don't worry. We went as wondering ninjas so if the rebel failed it won't hurt Konoha.

Tsunade eyes narrowed, "where else did you take Naruto?" she asked.

"We meet Onoki and his granddaughter after Naruto rescued them from some rouge ninja. They invited us to Iwa after Onoki realized Naruto's parentage but I had to decline and gave my reason, which he respects. Before we help escort Onoki and his granddaughter back to the Kumo and Iwa he promised to write up a trade contract with Konoha," said Jiraiya.

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"Fire," said Naruto as he was throwing fire balls from his sword at Sarutobi.

"I see that sword can launch any elemental attack," thought Sarutobi.

"Thundaga," said Naruto as lighting shoots down making Sarutobi dodge from the attack.

Sarutobi was starting to breath hard as was Naruto and both had many scratches and bruises, "Naruto-kun let end this. We are both at our limit," said the old man.

"Gladly," said Naruto as he forms a Rasengan in his hand as Sarutobi had a fist of fire getting formed.

"Rasengan," shouted Naruto

"Fist of the Monkey King," said the Third as his fire turns in to a head of an ape.

The attack collides causing a massive explosion sending both to the edge of the training field.

Tsunade runs up and looks around and see both knocked out, "both fighters are knocked out, this match is a draw," said Tsunade.

Tsunade gets to her sensei and heals him and does the same for Naruto causing both to wake up, "man. almost had you old man," said Naruto.

Sarutobi sits up, "you have gotten very strong Naruto," said the former Kage.

Tsunade clear her throat, "let's go to the office and get Naruto situated," said Tsunade.


Naruto got to the office and waited, "alright Naruto. I have an announcement to make. First your team our now chunin except Moto who is jounin," said Tsunade.

"Now Naruto I would like you to leave while I talk to Jiraiya," said Tsunade.

Naruto gets up and walks out of the office.


Naruto heads to the Inuzuka compound and sees his wife there. "Hana-chan, how are you?" asked Naruto.

The female Inuzuka hugs him, "Naruto-kun," she said.

"Oh your team told me to meet them at training ground 35," said Hana.

"Thank you my love," said Naruto as he kisses Hana and disappears in a shunshin.


Naruto got to the training area and saw his students there, "first congrats on your promotions," said Naruto.

"Now I think I owe you a spar," said Naruto.

The two chunin and Jounin smirk and get in their stance.


Tsunade was doing paperwork when a bird came in the window. She took the letter from the bird and read it, "damn they have started to move," she thought.

"Anbu get Team Naruto here at once," said Tsunade.

"Hai," said an Anbu.


The battle had ended in a stalemate as the Anbu showed up, "Uzumaki-san you and team 55 are to report to Hokage-sama," said the Anbu.

Naruto nodded and his team disappeared and reappeared in the Hokage's office, "what do you need Hokage-sama?" asked Naruto

"Two hours ago The Kazekage had been captured by the Akatsuki," said Tsunade.

Naruto eyes widen, "Gaara," said Naruto.

"Team 55 you are to go to Suna and lend them aid," said Tsunade.

"Hai," they said as they run out.

Naruto takes the lead with his former genin following. Naruto motions his hand and the team stops on a branch.

"What is it sensei?" asked Moto.

"Temari is below us let's greet her," said Naruto as the group jumps down.

The Suna Kunoich grabs her fan, "Temari," said Naruto.

"Naruto," said Temari. "Why are you heading to Suna?" she asked.

"Gaara has been captured; we are heading as reinforcements," said Naruto

Temari's eyes widen "what? We have to get there," she said as they head to Suna.


The groups gets to Suna and sees Baki, "good Konoha has sent reinforcements," he said.

"What is the status Baki?" asked Naruto.

"Kankuro was injured from the enemy but we don't know the poison that was used," said the man.

"Hanza, see what you can do since you are the apprentice of Tsunade," said Naruto.

"Hai," said the Inuzuka as the groups makes their way to the hospital. Naruto sees an older lady sitting out in the lobby.

"So Suna requested allies, bah. We should rely on ourself not others," said the old lady.

"Who are you?" asked Naruto.

Baki walks up, "this is Lady Chiyo one of the elders," said the jounin.

"A pleasure Lady Chiyo," said Naruto.

"I am Naruto Namikaze," said the blond.

"I know who you are Wind Hydra of Konoha, A rank jounin;,master of water and wind style," said the Chiyo.

Hanza walks up, "where is Kankuro, I am Hokage-sama's third apprentice," said the Inuzuka.

"So the Slug princess took an apprentice," said Chiyo.

"Right this way," said Baki as he leads Hanza to the medical wing.

The chunin's palms glow, "I see metallic poison in the blood. I will have to extract it," said the Inuzuka. "I need you to hold him while my nin-kin get some water.

"Hanza start the procedure and heals Kankuro but has other hold him due to Kankuro struggling from the pain.

"Done," said Hanza as Kankuro's breathing get back to normal.

Naruto was talking to Chiyo when Kankuro woke up, "Kankuro," said Temari as she rushed him and hugs him.

"Kankuro who did this to you?" asked Naruto.

The puppet master turned on his side, "Sasori of the Red Sand," said Kankuro.

Lady Chiyo gasps, "my grandson, how far have you fallen," she thought.

"I will go with you," she said.

"Can you handle this?" asked Naruto.

"What do you see, a feeble old woman or a ninja with experience," she said.

Naruto chuckle, "I was hoping that would be you answer," said the blond as the team set off to rescue the Kazekage.