Chapter 14

n Konoha Tsunade was looking over teams, "Naruto might need back up. Anbu bring team 9 now," said Tsunade.


In a cave the Akatsuki were extracting the one tail that was sealed in Gaara. A Venus fly trap appears from the floor "we have a problem; there are two squads from the leaf," said the man plant

A man with purple ripples in his eyes starts at the flytrap "who is on their way?" he asked.

Team one Naruto, and his former genins and Elder Chiyo," said the man causing a rough voice to say something "I see, my grandmother," he said

"The other one is Might Gai, Neji Hyuga, Rock Lee and Ten Ten," said the plant.

"Itachi and Kisame give Thirty Percent and keep them busy," said the leader.

"Yes Leader-sama," said Itachi

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Naruto and his groups were jumping through the trees when they were forced to dodge shuriken. Naruto looked up "Itachi," said Naruto.

"You will go no further," said the Uchiha as he got ready for a battle.

"Moto stay behind and look for an opening," said Naruto as Hanza charged forward with chakra scalpels but his wrist is grabbed and he is tossed by Itachi.

He jumps back going through hand seals, "Fire Style: Fire Ball Jutsu," he said incinerating the insects sent by Shina.

"Rasengan," said Naruto as he slams into Itachi who disappears in a flock of crows. Only to reappear behind Moto but is back sent by Moto's rotation.

"You have trained them well," said Itachi. "However I cannot let you pass," he said.

Naruto motions his students back, "I will handle it from here," said Naruto.

Itachi rushes forward and goes for a punch, "mistake number one," said Naruto as he rams the Jutsu right into the missing-nin. "Rasengan," he shouted as he sent Itachi back kicking up dirt as a blue haired ninja appears in Itachi place.

"Yuri, he is one of ours," said Chiyo.

Naruto turns to his group "Hanza can you nin-kin track them?" asked Naruto.

"Hai," he said as they follow Hanza's nin-kin.

They get to a cave blocked by a boulder as Gai and his team appears "Naruto, glad to see you made it," said the Green Beast.

Naruto sees a tag on the boulder, "I see a four point seal."

"Neji and Moto tell me if you can see any more seals like this?" asked Naruto

Both Hyuga activate their doujutsu, "Four in all. They are spread out," said Neji.

"Gai, have your team go to each tag and remove them at the same time I remove this one. Hanza when I remove it I want you to destroy this boulder," said Naruto.


Naruto jumps above the boulder and Team Gai goes to each tag and with Naruto's signal, removes it. Hanza spins and destroys the boulder

Naruto looks around and see a blond haired man sitting on Gaara with a hunched over man, "So the Kyuubi Jinchuuriki," said the blond

"Give Gaara back," growled Naruto.

"First to bark loudest, that must be him," said the blond haired man.

"Sasori I will handle him, after all true artwork is best before if explodes," said the man as he jumps, avoiding his partners tail and gets on a clay bird and flies off.

"Moto, Shina you're with me," said Naruto as the three ninja run out of the cave leaving Hanza and Chiyo with hunched man.


Naruto was jumping from tree to tree as he closed his eyes, "I guess I have no choice fox eye," said Naruto as his left eyes transform into an eye like a fox.

Naruto sees bombs coming down, "jump," he said as the bombs come down a second later.

Naruto sees the man continue to throw bombs but he orders his team to avoid them in advance.

"How is he doing that," thought the Akatsuki member. He looks a little closer and sees Naruto's eye, "a doujutsu," he thought.

He turns his head but is sent back by a punch from a clone hurling into the forest floor.

He gets up and sees the three Konoha ninja jump down, "art is a blast," he said as he sends out several clay birds at Naruto.

Naruto throws out some kunai destroying them. "Alright let's see if you can fight my fox eye," said Naruto as he charges forward avoiding the clay bird at the last second.

"With this I can get precognition up to five seconds," said Naruto making the man back up "Deidara the Mad the Bomber of Iwa, surrender," said Naruto.

Deidara chuckles and bites some clay, "don't," said Naruto as he goes through hand seals.

"Art is a blast," he said as he blows up.

"Earth Style: Rock Dome," said Naruto as the dome encases Naruto and his team in protective shell.

The smoke clears and the dome is destroyed by the explosion but the team is safe with minor burns.


Hanza and Chiyo were staring down their opponent, "We need to break the armor," said the elder.

Sasori fires senbons numbering in the hundred as Chiyo and Hanza dodge them as well as the Nin-kin.

Hanza continues to dodge while moving toward the armored figure.

Hanza throws a punch shattering the armor as a figure jumps out. "Now let us see my grandson," said Chiyo.

The person turns around and sees a red haired man in his twenties, "impossible," said the elder. "How are you young?" said Chiyo.

"Grandma, I am impressed I always liked that armor," he said as he takes out a scroll with the number three written on it.

"This is my favorite puppet because he was hard to kill," said the red head.

The puppet revels itself as a black haired puppet "a living puppet," said Chiyo. "The Third Kazekage, you're the one who killed him?" asked Chiyo.

"What is a living Puppet?" asked Hanza as he eyes Sasori.

"It is a puppet of a real person. They retain their chakra networks," said Chiyo. "That puppet is of the third Kazekage who went missing at the beginning of the Third Great World War. He was considered our strongest due to the abilities of his black sand," said the elder.

Lade Chiyo pulls out two scrolls, "you should know these puppets," said Chiyo as she made two puppets appears one with black hair the other with red.

"The mother and father puppets. The first ones I created," said Sasori.

"Ready?" asked Chiyo as Hanza got next to the Elder.

Sasori makes a seal and the puppet opens its mouth unleashing some black sand. "Don't let it touch you," said Chiyo as Hanza charges with his partner as they avoid the columns of black sand but then is clipped by one of them.

"Damn," he thought as he turns to his partner "Ryuso get back, I don't want you poisoned," said Hanza as the dog gets back and Hanza eats a soldier pill and injects the antidote in his arm.

Chiyo sends the two puppets in and start a fight with the Kazekage puppet. "You are responsible for the death of three Kazekages," she said.

"I did not kill the Yondaime," he said as his puppet launches several black sand projectiles at Chiyo.

"Orochimaru was you partner so you're guilty as well," said Chiyo as she dodges the black sand.

Sasori eyes widen as Hanza spins destroying the puppet. "Now your puppet is not useable," said Hanza.


Naruto looked at Moto, "any trace of him," asked Naruto.

"He has totally disappeared. I assume he killed himself," said Moto.


Sasori looks annoyed, "to think an old hag and young teen is forcing me back. However, a puppet master level is determined by how many puppets he or she can control," said Sasori.

"I see," said Chiyo as she takes out a scroll with the number ten, "let us end this, summoning jutsu White Secret Technique Chikamatsu's Ten Puppets," she said as ten white robed puppets appear from the scroll.

"With those," said Sasori as he opened his chest plate reveling that he was a puppet, "you conquered a castle. But with these," he started to say as a hundred puppets jump out sporting different weapons, "I conquered a nation," he said as the puppet appear.

Chiyo looks on, "here he comes," she said as the hundred puppets charges the two ninjas.

Hanza runs forward with his partner destroying puppet after puppet as Chiyo shows her mastery of her puppets by taking out scores of them. "Three Jewels Suction Crushing," said Chiyo as three puppets get in a triangle formation and starts to suck the puppets in.

Sasori smirks as more of them start get sucked in and clog the three puppets causing the jutsu to fall apart. Hanza continues his assault as Chiyo throws him a skull.

Hanza catches it and gets close and throws it at Sasori, sending him into the wall as the last puppet is destroyed.

Hanza walks back to Chiyo as a sword impales him as one of the puppet appears holding the sword with the heart of Sasori in his chest, "now you shall die," he said only to be silenced by the mother and father puppet.

"Chiyo runs up to the Inuzuka and starts to heal him; draining her reserve as she pulls the sword out slowly and heals the wound.

"For beating me I will hand over some info. I am too meet a spy working for Orochimaru at Tenchi Bridge in Grass Country, You Konoha want him dead this is your chance," said Sasori as he dies.


The two make their way out of the partially destroyed cave and head to Naruto's location. They get there and see team Gai and Naruto and his former team there with a dead Gaara. Chiyo sighs as she kneels next to Gaara, "what are you doing Lady Chiyo," asked Naruto.

"I am going to revive Lord Kazekage," she said as her hand glow green.

Naruto watches as Chiyo slumps forward and Gaara opens his eyes, "where am I," asked the red head Kage.

"Gaara, you're back," said Naruto.

"How?" asked Gaara

"Lady Chiyo revived you, however, I think it was a sacrificial move," Naruto explained.

Gaara gets beside the unmoving body of the elder and hoisted her into his arms, "she will be given a hero burial," said Gaara as he carries her back to Wind Country.

They see the gate of Suna as a horde of people come out, "Gaara," shouted Temari as she ran up and hugged her bother.

"Let's head back," said the blond female.

"No, Lady Chiyo will go first because of her sacrifice," said Gaara

The people of Sand escort their Kage back as a memorial service is held for Chiyo.

Gaara turns to Naruto, "I would like you to stay for the celebration," he said

"We would be honored," said Naruto as the party started.


Back in Konoha, Naruto was standing next to his team and Team 9, "mission complete," said Naruto.

"Very well, I want a report on my desk," said Tsunade.

"I need to talk to you," said Naruto.

"Very well, everyone but Naruto please leave," she said.

"Hanza got some info about a spy in Orochimaru's ranks," said Naruto. "This could be the opportunity to kill him," said Naruto.

"I agree, but it will be done by Anbu," she said as Naruto nods his head.

"Tenchi Bridge is where the meeting will be held," said Naruto as he bows and walks out.
