Chapter 15

In the village, a meeting was being held by the elder and the civilian council members.

"So it is decided on what to do about this demon," said a civilian.


Naruto was debriefing Tsunade about a mission.

An Anbu appears, "sorry to interrupt Hokage-sama," said the female Anbu.

"What is wrong?" asked Tsunade.

"The civilians want you and Naruto-san in a meeting with Clan heads," she said.

"What are they up too?" asked Tsunade.

The two head to the council room and see a group smirking civilians, "alright why has this meeting been called?" asked Tsunade.

"We want the demon banished for endangering the Leaf," said the pink haired council member.

Tsume growls, "that is outrageous," shouted the Inuzuka.

"What is the meaning of this," demanded Hiashi, Byakugan activating in rage.

"Simple Hyuga, we have gathered evidence of the boy endangering his comrade on several mission and flaunting his rank," said Danzo.

"Who did you get the testimony from," asked the former third.

"Sakura Haruno and Hatake Kakashi," said the female adviser.

"Their statement has more weight than the boy's," said Haruno.

"He has attracted several rouge ninja to the village to capture him and is a threat to the Leaf," said Danzo.

"Now let us vote, those who want to banish the boy," said Danzo as all the civilians and the three elder raise their hands.

"Those opposed," said Tsunade.

"The clans raise their hands as does the Hokage, "It is 10 to 8 for banishment," said Danzo without emotion.

"He has two hours to leave," said the war hawk.

Naruto put his head down and walks out after giving up his headband.

He gets to the gate and sees Hana, "I am sorry sensei," said Naruto.

"Naruto they can't do this, if you are going then so am I," said Hana as Naruto notices her scratched out headband.

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In the Sand a chunin runs in, "Lord Kazekage, I have bad news from the Leaf," said the chunin.

"Let me see," said Gaara as he read the report and the list of demands the Leaf is giving them.

"They have the audacity to banish an honorable person and ask us to kill him," growled Gaara.

"Get my siblings and the council now," said Gaara.


Tsume was fuming as Hanza was looking at the clan head, "what is wrong Tsume-sama," he asked.

"The council banished Naruto Uzumaki and Hana has abandoned the village to be with her husband.

"Why? He is one of the strongest jounin," said Hanza.

"Tsume, I achieved my dream but I have one more, to become Hokage and disband the civilian council," said Hanza.

Tsume smiles, "then lets us begin your training," she said.


Tsunade was having a bad day, "I don't believe this! All of our allies have dissolved the treaty," said the Hokage. "Can't really blame them," said Tsunade.

Team 55 was in front of the council, "you have no authority to give us this mission," said Moto.

"You exiled our sensei and now want him back in shackles, disgraceful," said Hanza.

"Only the Hokage can authorize that mission," said Shina.

"You will hunt him down," screeched Hitomi.

The three turn their backs and walk out, "you have no right. We will let the Hokage and clan heads know of this meeting," said Moto.


It has been a year since Naruto was banished and the Leaf Village was struggling to hold all alliances with the villages and towns that where made due to Naruto.

Konoha has also had a ton of problem since Naruto was banished because when Orochimaru heard what happened he declared war on the weakened village along with Grass. Suna pulled out of the alliance because of the banishment as did the other villages.


Tsunade was in her office reading the report, "damn the civilian council for that banishment," she said.

She looked up at the team she called for which consisted of Moto, Hanza and Shina. "Thank you for coming. There is a rumor of a new village that was formed, it is near the land of Hot Water but that is all we know," said Tsunade.

"Your mission is to get an alliance with this village; don't force it," she said.

"Hanza will be in charge," she said.


In said village a man was running, "Lord Uzukage," said the man.

"What is it Inari," said the man with an orange robe, "Konoha ninja have been spotted," said the teen.

"How many?" asked the Kage.

"Three ninja's sir," he said.

The man puts his hand underneath his chin, "their goes our secret," he said.

"Inari, have Lighting escort them to the meeting place," said the Kage.

"Yes sir," said the boy.


Hanza was walking in front of the others when he growled, "we're surrounded," he said.

A man appears with the symbol of a lightning bolt on his mask, "Konoha nin, I am Lighting and I have been asked to escort you to the meeting place," said the man.

The three nod their heads and walk into a mist following the Anbu. They get to a cabin near the village, "why are you leaving us here?" asked Moto.

"You three are unknown, until you can be trusted you are not to enter the village," said Lighting.

Hanza nods his head, "when will your leader be here?" he asked.

"In a few, he has some stuff to take care of," said Lighting.


The Kage walks to the cabin flanked by two masked Anbu. He turns to his guards "stay out here and keep an eye out for any spies," said the Kage.

"Hai," they said as the Kage enters the cabin and sees the Konoha ninja, "Never thought they would be sent," thought the Kage.

He walks in, "Uzukage-sama," said Lighting.

"Lighting, get the nin-kin and our guest some beverages and snacks. I am sure they are parched and hungry," said the Kage.

"Yes sir," he said.

"I never thought Konoha would seek an alliance," said the Kage.

"So you are the leader of the village?" asked the Hanza as his eyes narrow.

"I am," said the Uzukage.

"What do you need?" asked the Kage.

"The Hokage would like to ask for an alliance with your village," said Jiraiya.

"Let me see the terms," Uzukage said.

The Kage reads them, "I will have to meet with the council and my allies, but you three can enter the village since I knew that you three can be trusted," said the Kage.

"Lighting," said the Kage.

"Lord Uzukage," he said.

"Take these three to the diplomatic penthouse and show them around if they want," said the Kage.

"Hai," said the Anbu.

He escorts the three ninja to their hotel. The Uzukage disappears in a shunshin. He reappears at a tower, "Kira, get the other village leaders," said the Uzukage.

"Hai Uzukage-sama," she said.

Naruto goes to his office and goes through a hand seal as a piece of paper lights up and a screen appears. On the screens are five people, "thanks for coming my fellow Kage and village leaders," said the Uzukage.

"Please remove your hats," said the Uzukage.

"Kazekage Gaara," said the wind shadow as the red hair is shown.

"Tsuchikage Onoki," said the old man.

Mizukage Mei Terumi," said the red haired female.

Shibuki Takikage," he said the kind leader.

Sumaru Hoshikage," said the star leader.

Uzukage Namikaze Naruto," said the blond.

"Why have called for us Uzukage-dono?" asked Onoki.

"Konoha asked for an alliance with my village," said Naruto.

"They have a lot of nerve," said Onoki.

"I don't see why we should even bother," said Gaara.

"I am only considering it because I have people I care about in that village," said Naruto.

"I fully understand Uzukage-dono but is it unwise to trust that village," asked Shibuki.

Naruto thinks or a moment, "I will go ahead with it but will not force anyone here to go with it and we can stay allies just not with Konoha," said the blond.

"I will join you in an alliance," said Gaara.

"You have Waterfalls support," said Shibuki.

"Star Village will not support Konoha but we will support you," said Sumaru.

"You have the Mist village support," said Mei.

Onoki sigh, "I am sorry. I will not support Konoha but will give you our route for supplies in the Land of Earth," said Onoki.

Naruto nod his head ,"thank you," said the blond.


The Konoha ninjas were being shown around by the Anbu, "this place is so peaceful," said Shina.

"Uzukage-sama is responsible for that," said Lightning.

"Peaceful but fully defended if the lay out is anything to go by," said Moto.

The Anbu chuckles, "that was the Generals idea to have three walls ready each fully defended," he said.

Hanza turns to the Anbu, "who is Uzukage, he smelled familiar," said Hanza.

"You will know in due time," said Lightining.

They stop when an Anbu with a flame on his mask appears, "Lord Uzukage would like to see his guests," said the Anbu.

"Thank you Fire," said the Anbu.


They get to the tower and see the orange robed leader, "how was your tour?" he asked.

"This village is so peaceful," said Shina.

"Glad to find someone who thinks that," said the leader.

The nin-kin walks up to the Uzukage, "hello there," he said as he pets the dog behind the ear.

Hanza's eyes were widening, "I see you are a dog person," she said.

I love animals as long as you show them some respect," he said.

"I have read the terms and would like to heed with them under one condition, Lady Hokage meets with me in a private meeting in the Hot Water village," said the Uzukage.

"I am sure she will agree to that," said Jiraiya.

"We will bring two guards but we will not have them during the meeting so they can tour the village," said Uzukage.

Moto nods his head, "thank you for your time," he said as he got up and bowed his head with the other two doing the same.

"It was a pleasure talking to you Moto-kun," he said as all three eyes widen.

"Sensei," said Hanza.

"Keep it a secret, I would like surprise Tsunade-dono," said Uzukage.

"Fire will escort you out so you don't get lost," said the Uzukage.

The Anbu appears as has the ninja follow him, "this is turning troublesome," Uzukage thought to himself.