Chapter 16

Jiraiya was in front of Tsunade, "Yes Tsunade-hime, the Uzukage would like to meet with you in the land of Hot Water," said Jiraiya.

The female Sannin looks down, "Shizune, call Gai. He is going to be one of my guards and I will have Hanza as my other one," said the Hokage.

"Yes my lady," the black haired woman said.

"Anything else?" asked Tsunade.

"Hanza's nin-kin were friendly to the Uzukage, he might be from this village," said Jiraiya.

"Sarutobi-sensei will be in charge with you Jiraiya as his adviser," said Tsunade.


The Uzukage was in his office with two of his Anbu, "Darkness," he said turning to a black haired Anbu.

"Water," said Naruto turning to his other Anbu with a huge sword on his back.

"Uzukage-sama," said Darkness.

"I am meeting with Hokage-dono," said the leader.

Darkness stiffened, "Uzukage-sama, is it wise for me to go with you," asked the man.

"I need to bring you closer to the situation you will find yourself in," said the blond Kage.

"Tazuna, you are in charge until I get back," said the Kage.

"Yes Uzukage-sama," said the bridge builder.

The three leave the village and head north to the Land of Hot Water.


Tsunade was heading to the meeting place, "Hanza, I am going to make you my successor. So this mission is to get real experience," said Tsunade.

"Hai, Hokage-sama," said Hanza


At the meeting place the Uzukage is meditating waiting for his soon to be allies to appear. The door opens, "Uzukage-sama, the Konoha delegation is here," said the inn keeper.

"Thank you. I will greet them in the meeting room," said the blond.

He gets up and walks out with his guards and sees the female Hokage sitting with her guards flanking her. "Hokage-dono," said the Uzukage as he walks up to his fellow leader.

"Uzukage-dono," she said as the two leaders bow to each other.

They sit down, "now Hokage-dono, I will agree to your terms under two conditions," said the Uzukage.

Tsunade sighs, "what are the conditions?" she asked.

The ninjas Itachi Uchiha and Naruto Uzumaki are allowed to be in the village because they were both accused of fraudulent crimes done by the village," said the Uzukage.

Tsunade eyes widen, "Naruto, I would love to have you back but what do you mean about the Uchiha?" she asked.

"I will let him explain his crime," said the Uzukage.

"Darkness please appear and remove your mask," said the Uzukage.

The Anbu appears with a mask that painted black, "Of course Uzukage-sama," said the voice as he removes his mask revealing himself to be Itachi.

The guards get ready as Tsunade glares at the black haired ninja, "Itachi please explain you role in the massacre and who ordered it," said the Uzukage.

"The three advisers went over the Sandaime orders and had me kill member of the clan for a perceived revolt," said Itachi.

"The former Sandaime knew of it after it happened so he could not prevent it,"said the Uchiha.

The Uzukage glared at the Hokage, "I have several more pieces of info to enlighten you Lady Hokage and that is what told Itachi when I recruited him," said the Uzukage.

"The whole clan was framed by Danzo and his lackeys," said the Uzukage.

"Can you prove it," she asked.

The Uzukage smiles, "Of course, you got to work on your security in your village, getting in and out of the Danzo house with the documents about the massacre was easier than getting Itachi a date," said the Uzukage.

The leader takes out a scroll and shows it to Tsunade. She reads it and grips the paper tightly while growling, "So I do have traitor in my village," she said.

"Itachi, as Hokage you are pardoned fully for your crimes and as is Naruto Uzumaki," she said.

"Both are allowed back in the village," she said.

"Uzukage-dono, thank you for bringing this to my attention," she said with a bow.

"Is Naruto here?" Tsunade asked with hope.

"Yes Hokage-dono, or should I call you Baa-chan," said the Uzukage as he takes off his hat revealing blond hair.

"It has been a while Hokage-dono," said Naruto.

Tsunade rushes the blond and hugs him, "it has been a while Naruto," she said.

Naruto pats her on the back, "this is unprofessional," he states.

"Screw that, I want to hug my godson," she said crying.

They break from the hug, "I would like to finalize the alliance with your village Hokage-dono at Konoha," said the Uzukage.

"When can you come?" she asked.

"I will be there in a week with Itachi and another guard," said the Uzukage.

The two leaders bow to each other as the Uzukage shakes Gai's hand and Hanza's while placing a piece of paper in his hand, "give that to Tsume-dono," said the Uzukage with a whisper.

"She will be happy to see you," said the dog user. "Is Hana here?" asked the Inuzuka.

"Yes she is," said Naruto.

The two go their separate ways and head back.

Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxx

A week has come and gone as the visitation of the Uzukage is about to take place. The Uzukage was heading to Konoha with his two body guards when he heard fighting.

"Wind tell me who is fighting," said the Uzukage.

The blond haired female Anbu closes her eyes as the wind blows into the group, "It is four Konoha Ninja they're fighting two members of the Akatsuiki," said the blond female.

"I guess we will help to prove our willing to help Konoha," said Uzukage.

"I will face them alone, you two stay hidden observe," said Uzukage

"Hai, Uzukage-sama," said both of them.

The Kage disappears in a water shunshin and reappears stopping the man with the three bladed scythe from delivering a mortal blow to himself hoping to kill the bearded jounin.

The Kage turns to the other member, "Kakazu the Bounty Hunter and Hidan of the Jashin," said the Kage.

Kakazu growls, "Hidan we must leave now," said the masked ninja.

"What the fuck Kakazu," shouted the blond haired member.

"He is the Kage of his village and we can't fight him in battle with other Konoha ninja here," said Kakazu.

Hidan is thrown out of the circle, "I recommend you both leave now. These ninja are under my protection till they get back," said the Uzukage.

Hidan charges, "Fuck if I kill this Kage, Jashin will reward me," he shouted as slash his scythe down as the Kage blocks his arms slicing it off, "was that it? It is obvious who is the smart one between you two," said the Kage.

Hidan growls, "you fucker, I am going to kill you," he shouts as he tries to punch the Kage with one arm as he places a tag on the cultist, "this tag is unique in that it can negate a ritual of the Jashin realign," said the Kage.

Hidan backs away, "you must realize that I just took away your immortality," said the Kage as he goes though a hand seal, "Secret Art; Mind and Body Crush," he said as Hidan screams and his body starts to spasm before he falls down unmoving.

"Retreat or die Kakazu," said the Kage as he burns Hidan body with a fire jutsu.

Kakazu growls. "I will kill you another time," he said as he disappears.

The Kage looks at the Jounin. "how is your commander?" asked the Kage.

Shikamaru looks at the Kage, "he suffered a burn on the right side of the face but he would have died if you had not shown up," said the Nara.

"Wind," said the Uzukage.

The blond Anbu appears, "take Asuma, head to the village so he can get healed," said the Uzukage.

"Hai," said the Anbu as she starts to walk away.

"Hold it, I appreciate you saving my sensei but I want to go with you," said Shikamaru.

"Good idea, Wind go with the Nara," said the Uzukage.

The Uzukage looks at the other two, "you two can travel with me if you don't mind," asked the Kage.

The two chunin nod their head, "we would be honored," said one of the chunin.


They get to the village and see Tsunade with the Sandaime and the three advisers, "I take it that your trip was eventful Uzukage-dono," asked Tsunade.

"Slightly Hokage-dono, is the Jounin healing well," asked the Uzukage.

The former third smiles, "thank you Uzukage-dono for saving my son," said the old man.

The Uzukage bows, "it my honor Sarutobi-dono, allies must look out for one another," he said.

"These are the honorable advisers?" asked the Uzukage.

"Hai, Uzukage-dono."

"Uzukage-san, we must get started," said the man with an eye patch.

"Danzo, show him some respect. Uzukage-sama to you three," said Sarutobi.

"It is not a problem," said Uzukage as he bows, "it is good to be in this village," he said to the adviser.

He turns to the man, "how is your eye Danzo-dono?" said the Uzukage.

"I lost the use of one and the other is working fine," he said.

"Glad to hear that it is not hindering you," said the Kage.

"Thank you for the concern, Uzukage-dono," said Danzo.

"Let us get to the meeting. I would like Darkness to come with me for he has some info that would enlighten everyone in the room," said the Uzukage.

The groups make their way to the council room.