Chapter 17

I don't own Naruto

The Fox and the Hound

The Council meeting and revelation

The Uzukage and his two Anbu enter the room with the civilians and Shinobi council. The Uzukage bow to the council Tsunade-bow to the Kage "welcome to Konoha," she said

"Good to be hear Hokage-dono," said Uzukage with his own bow.

"My guards darkness and my other guard wind will be with me," said the Uzukage

"You don't trust us Uzukage-dono," said Danzo.

The Shinobi side I trust fully however; the civilian as well as the honorable elders have committed some crimes against one of my own," said the Uzukage.

That is a bold claim Uzukage-dono," said Hiashi.

"I would like darkness to step forward and remove you mask," said the Uzukage

Hai," said the black masked ninja.

The Anbu removes his mask shocking everyone minus Sarutobi and Tsunade "Anbu arrest Itachi," said Danzo.

Anbu stand down," said Tsunade.

"Itachi please tell the council who ordered the termination of your clan," said the Uzukage

Itachi looked at Danzo "The three honorable elders," he said

"They went over the Sandaime and had me execute all member of my clan for a perceived revolt," said the last member.

"Lies," shouted the female advisor.

"Is that right?" asked the Uzukage as he pulled out a scroll "I would like Hokage-dono to read this scroll and check for authenticity," said the Uzukage

The female Kage takes it and reads it over "Anbu arrest Danzo and the two other elder for falsely accusing a clan of a crime and for conspiring with an enemy," she shouted.

Three Anbu jumps down only to be killed by a hidden sword from the cane that Danzo is holding.

Danzo jumps out of the window to the roof.

Uzukage turns to his Anbu "it is your call Itachi you can fight the man responsible or I can," said the Uzukage.

"I will deal with Danzo," said Itachi as he jumps to the roof to meet Danzo.

Uzukage looks at the two others and disappears knocking them out with a chop to the neck.

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Itachi stared down his enemy "so the traitorous Uchiha is now fighting against me," said Danzo.

"Root to me," said Danzo


Shall we watch this fight?" asked Uzukage.

The Shinobi nod their heads as Tsunade pulls out a crystal ball show the fight.


The ten root member charge Itachi but are cut down "Wind Style: Air Cutter," said Danzo as he fire sharp wind knives at Itachi who disappears in a flock of crows.

Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu," said Itachi as he fires a ball of fire hitting the man dead on.

"Danzo appears with his sleeve torn reveling something that pissed of Itachi "so you had my clan member eyes implanted," said Itachi as his eyes turns to the Sharingan.

Amaterasu," said Itachi as he fires black flames out of his eyes at the ex-advisor hitting him. The flames disappear and two eyes Danzo arms are closed.

It look like I have to kill you a lot more till you have no more eyes," said Itachi.

Danzo goes through hand seal "Wind Style: Serial Waves," he shouted shot several blade of wind moving his head side to side hitting Itachi but disappear with a flow of crows "time take another one out," said Itachi as he thrust his tanto he had on him through Danzo. Danzo eyes turn to the Mangekyo Sharingan.

I see you have that technique as well Izanagi," said Itachi.

However the eye has one drawback it blind the eye you use," said Itachi.

I am not even trying old man," said the Uchiha.

"I will make you try," said Danzo.

Wind: Style" Vacuum Great Sphere," shouted Danzo as he expelled a ball of compressed wind and shot it at Itachi.

Itachi eyes morph "I can't dodge it," he thought as an orange skeletal corps is seen with a sword and shield.

Danzo backs up "what is that Itachi?" asked the root leader.

"It is my ultimate defense Susanoo," said the Uchiha.

The figure pulls out a blade and slashes Danzo making him fall down "you are now in a genjutsu of a drunken stupor," said Itachi

Itachi goes through hand seal and kills the immobile Danzo with a fire ball. "It you had fought my brother you might have won but I am a different story," said Itachi.

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He disappears of the roof and appears in the council chambers "Advisor Danzo has been killed Hokage-dono," said Itachi.

"Thank you," said Tsunade.

Uzukage stands up "now that the nasty business is taken care of let start this meeting," he said.

"I will agree to all term plus the one I have mentioned about the two ex-Konoha ninja who were banished," said the Kage.

I would like to add one thing Uzukage-dono," said Tsunade.

What is it Hokage-dono?" asked Uzukage.

Training exchange of idea, student and instructors," she said.

I will agree to that," said Uzukage-dono.

They we have an alliance," said Tsunade with a smile.

Uzukage gets up "we do Hokage-dono," he said with a bow.

Meeting is adjourned," she said.

I have a place for you and you guards to stay," said Tsunade.

You two can go I would like to walk around," he said.

Hai," The Anbu said as they disappears in a shunshin


The Uzukage was walking around the village heading to a clan compound in a forested area. He smiles "it has been awhile," he thought as he heads to the door.

He knocks and Tsume opens the door "Uzukage-sama; it is pleasure for you to grace us," she said

"No formalities between us Tsume-dono," said the Uzukage.

"Come on in; your visit was unexpected," she said.

Her nin-kin walks up and smells the Uzukage "it is you," said the big dog.

The Uzukage smile "it has been a while," said the leader and he pet Kuromaru.

Tsume looks at the Kage "interesting," she thought.

"How have you and Hana been?" asked the clan head.

Hard at first but we found our path

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After I was banished and Hana joined me I had nowhere to go," said Naruto.

I wondered to around doing mercenary work. Getting my some fund and connection for what I had planned. I went by the title Hydra of the Wind. I was called that because of my mastery or Water and Wind jutsu. My mastery was said to be on par with the Nidamie.

Naruto sighed "however my wind was lacking. I could do water with no hand seal for those that were not S rank. Wind was difficult even thought it was my main element.

"We went to Suna and went to Gaara who Kazekage. I asked for a sensei to train me in wind jutsu. He agreed and let train with the two best wind users Baki of Wind blade and Temari the Wind Mistress," said the blond

I abused the Kage Bushin jutsu and learned much in the month I was there. Both gave me a gift for completing the training. Baki gave his father blade that can cut the wind with genin level chakra. Temari gave me two small fans made of steel with sharp tips.


After saying my goodbye I went to the next village near Suna. It was a big risk and one I was willing to take. My next destination was Iwagakura. The Village Hidden in the Stone. I got there saw one Stone ninja fighting two member of the Akatsuiki consisting of Itachi and Kisame.

I jumped in as the ninja with red beard was about tot struck down. I managed to kick Kisame away as Itachi stood in one place "It has been a while Itachi Uchiha," said the blond.

Naruto Namikaze," said the stoic ninja. The Stone ninja looks "so you're his son," said the man

"Who do you hold?" asked Naruto

"I am nine," said Naruto.

The man Roshi stands up "I am four," he said.

Kisame; this fight is not in our favor let us go," said Itachi.

We will meet again Namikaze Naruto," said the Uchiha.

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Naruto faces his fellow container "Can you take me to Tsuchikage-sama? I would like to make a request of him," asked the blond.

My Kage has told me that you are welcome in the village for his and his granddaughter life," said the man.


We made to the Village Hidden in the stone to meet with an old friend" said Naruto


Naruto was being escorted to the village and saw the short Kage at the gate. "It is good to see again old man," said Naruto.

Still a cheeky little Gaki," said the old Kage.

Naruto see the granddaughter "it is good to see you Kurotsuchi," said Naruto

The black haired Jounin smiles "it is good for you to visit the village," she said.

The blond turns to the old Kage "I must talk to you in private," said the blond

"After I heard of your banishment; I had all my ninja be on the lookout for you so you can come to the village with my blessing and protection," said the old man.

I was ready to declare war on your former village for what they did; if you had not written that letter," said the old man as he turns his head and sees Hana "who is this?" asked Onoki

"My wife Hana Inuzuka," said Naruto

I will talk to you and Roshi in my office," said the old Kage.

The three head to the office.

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At the office Roshi gave his report and account of his fight "I see thank you," said Onoki.

He turns to Naruto "I must thank for your assistance," said the Kage.

"He is like me and we must stick together," said the blond.

What did you want to ask?" inquired the Kage

Naruto gets on his hand and knees "I would like to learn under one of your ninja in the earth style," said Naruto.

The Kage chuckles "I teach you earth style and maybe some dust style if you master earth style and wind," said the Kage

"I already mastered Wind Tsuchikage-sama," said Naruto just want to master earth from you ninjas," said the blond.

The Kage smiles "I will house you in my compound and we will begin you train tomorrow at six in the morning," said the Tsuchikage.

Hai; thank," said Naruto.

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Naruto was in the rocky training field with Onoki "alright first to learn earth you must do one thing," said Onoki as he picks up a stone.

You must be able to sense how people move by being one with the earth," said Onoki.

"Forgive me Onoki-sama but can elaborate for me," asked Naruto.

"You must use feel the vibration of the earth to pinpoint where and how you are going to be attacked," said the short Kage

"I guess I will be blindfolded?" asked Naruto.

Onoki smiles "yes and I will start slow with the pebbles being thrown but as you get better; the speed will increase," said the Kage

"Alright let's do this," said the blond as he covers his eyes.

"Ready," said Onoki as he throws the first one hitting the blond.

"Channel chakra in the earth to help you," said Onoki as he throws another one that is dodged.

This continues for three hours a day for two day with Naruto getting fast every hour until he dodges fifty pebbles thrown from different direction by Onoki earth clones.

The short Kage smiles "I am impressed; that someone who main element is not earth got the exercise so quickly; I will give you tomorrow off," said Onoki.

Naruto bowed "thank sensei," he said

Onoki looks at the ground "Konoha made a big mistake," said the Kage.


Naruto was training with Onoki two days later this time learning earth jutsu "I will show you one jutsu known as "Earth Style: Fist of the Earth," said Onoki.

Naruto nodded "Earth Style: Fist of the Earth," said Onoki as the ground splits apart and a fist ids from the depth and punches once.

"Give it a shot," said the Kage.

Naruto went through the hand seal "Earth Style: Fist of the Earth," said the blond as earth fist is formed but is not a bag as Onoki's.

"You got it on the first try; despite it being much weaker keep practicing," said Onoki.

Naruto practices the Jutsu for the remainder of the day getting it as strong as Onoki's


Over the one month Naruto training was coming to an end as Onoki and Roshi stood in front of Naruto in an arena with a hundred of spectators "this is you final test," said Onoki

"You must fight Roshi and beat him; he cannot transform," said Onoki.

Naruto nods his head "it is an honor to face you Roshi-dono," said Naruto

Onoki flies up "fight," said the Kage


Naruto goes through hand seal "Earth Style: Fist of the Earth," he shouted

Earth Armor," said Roshi as his body is encased in earth reducing the damage of the attack.

Naruto floats up "Dust Style: Dust Prison," said Naruto as he forms a prison of dust around Roshi.

"You will have to do better Naruto," said the ninja as he disappears in lava.

Naruto looks around while in the sky "Lava: Style: Lava Armor," said Roshi as he charges at Naruto who is flipping through seal "Earth Style: Earth Armor," said Naruto as his body is encased in earth.

"Not finished; Earth Style: Earth Lance," said Naruto as puts his hand through the ground pulling out a lance make of rocks and earth.

The two ninjas charge at each other like knights of medieval time. When they clash they are thrown back to the opposite wall of the stadium.

Naruto and Roshi both get up as Roshi's Lava armor is crumbling while Naruto is still on with few pieces broken off "I see you infused you armor with chakra making it stronger then my own; ingenious," said Roshi.

Naruto run forward with his armor and lance "A frontal assault huh," said Roshi as he charges as well but the earth underneath him shift causing him to fall "what," he said.

Secrete Art: Terrain Shift," said Naruto as he slams his lace next to Roshi's head "yield," said the blond.

"Tsuchikage-sama; I yield this match," said Roshi.

Onoki floats "winner Namikaze Naruto," said the old man

I would like to congratulate you on passing my test; you are welcome here any time my friend," said Onoki.

Naruto bow "thank you Tsuchikage-sama," said the blond.


Naruto and Hana headed out of the village. They went to meet with a good friend but came across Itachi as Kisame was walking away with a Rock ninja

Naruto runs at Kisame but is blocked by Itachi "Naruto you're our target as well," said the Uchiha as he took out his Tanto and clashed with Naruto as Kisame got away with his target

"If you where really trying why retreat when you could have taken me?" asked Naruto.

Itachi eyes morph "I have a mission I must complete," said the Uchiha.

Naruto blocks the Tanto "tell me is this why chose the Village over your happiness," asked the blond

Itachi had a look of shock for a moment "what do you mean?" asked Itachi.

Don't play dumb Itachi; I came to the conclusion of what happened; which one order you to do the deed?" asked Naruto as he went through hand seal "Earth Style: Earth Fist," said Naruto as the fist of earth hits Itachi sending him back before dispersing in crows.

Naruto closes his eyes and blocks a punch that was aimed at his head "so you have gotten stronger," said Itachi.

"I was ordered to terminate my clan by the three elders because my father was planning a coup," said Itachi.

Naruto closes his eyes "I smell something fishy about this whole situation," said Naruto.

The blond Ninja turns to Itachi "there is more to this then anyone may know," said Naruto

"What do you mean?" asked Itachi.

I will get the info from Danzo; if you meet me here in three days I will give the info I acquired; if I fail I will surrender my to you for the extraction," said the blond

Very well; three days," said Itachi as his disappeared in a flock of crows.


Three day later Naruto was in the same place with a scroll in his hand as Itachi appears "this is the info I got from my infiltration. You think their security would be better but I digress," said Naruto.

Itachi takes the scroll and reads it "it can't be," he said.

He sees the three elder signatures his eyes morph to the Sharingan "my family was executed for no reason," said Itachi.

Itachi; your family would not want a criminal for family member," said the blond

"I was hoping to build a village and I could use your help as a ninja," said Naruto

"I will serve till the end of my days," said Itachi as he gets on one knees.

"I have the several village support and have already built it but have small force; you will be known as Anbu darkness," said Naruto

"What is your Kage title?" asked Itachi

Uzukage," said Naruto

"I am yours to command Uzukage-sama," said Itachi as he crushes his ring as a renounce as Akatsuki.


Naruto was walking with Hana and Itachi "so what dio you need us to do?" asked Itachi.

"We are heading to Cloud Village to talk to the Raikage," said Naruto making Itachi eyes widen.

"Is that wise Uzukage-sama, after what you father did to the ninja of that village?" asked the Uchiha.

"I have been in contact with the Raikage and I have asked to have one of his Jinchuuriki train me a little to be in sync with my demon," said the blond

The three make their way to the Land of Lightening and they up to the village of the Cloud to start training in mastering his Biju.


A/N: This chapter and next will be a massive flashback of Naruto after his banishment.

Here is Naruto profile in a bingo book after his train in Stone

Name Namikaze Naruto

Age 15 ½

Moniker" The Wind Hydra

S rank

Former Jounin of Konoha

Taijutsu: A rank

Ninjutsu: S

Genjutsu: C rank

Kenjutsu: A rank

Fuinjutsu: B rank

Control Chakra: S rank

Element rankings

Wind: S rank

Water: S rank

Fire: C rank

Earth: B rank

Dust: C rank

Lighting: D rank.

Jutsu known by village

Leaf Village

S rank Kinjutsu Harem jutsu

A rank Kinjutsu: Ninja centerfold

A Rank Kinjutsu: Massive Shadow clone

B rank Kinjutsu: Shadow clone jutsu

Shrunken Shadow Clone Jutsu

Kunai Shadow clone Jutsu

A rank: Rasengan

S ran Kinjutsu: Wind Style Rasengan

S Rank Flying Thunder God not mastered

D rank: Water Shotgun

A rank Summoning Toads

S rank: Rasengan Tunneling fang


B rank jutsu: Wind Style Field Shred (original jutsu)

SS rank Kin jutsu: Wind Style Rasengan barrage (Original: two wind Style Rasengan)

A rank: Blade of Wind

C rank: Replacements slash (Original,) this is a Substitution jutsu with wind that if it is a physical attack it will cut the attack. Chakra control need a least A rank and mastery of Wind. Has been taught to Baki, Temari and Gaara by Naruto.



A Rank: Earth Style: Fist of the Earth

A Rank: Earth Style: Earth Armor

A Rank: Earth Style: Earth Lance( Original)

S Rank: Secret Art: Terrain Sift (Original)

A Rank: Dust Style: Dust Prison (concept taken from Gaara)

S rank: Dust Style: Dust Burial (concept taken from Gaara)

A Rank Kinjutsu: Wind Style: Field of Destruction (used with Wind Style Field shred; named army killer)

Earth Control learned Earth Sonar

Village bounties

Bounty by sound: 5,000,000 RYO

Bounty by Rain: 4,000,000

Flee on sight if weaker than Sannin.

If Sannin approach with caution


Fought the Third Hokage to a draw at age 15

Forced Otokage to retreat at age 12

Trained by Jiraiya

Made Special Jounin by age 12

Jounin made by age 12.

Container of Kyuubi