Chapter 18


Naruto and his two allies arrived at the village entrance of the village hidden in the cloud. "Halt who are you?" asked a guard.

"My name is Naruto and I have a meeting with the Raikage," replied the blond.

The guard nodded his head, "Very well, I will take you to see Raikage-sama," said the chunin guard.

Naruto, Itachi and Hana got to the administrative building and were told to wait at a door with a lightning bolt. "Raikage-sama," said the chunin. "You have some ronin who want to speak to you," said the guard.

"I have been excepting them," said the Raikage.

"Of course," said the chunin as the door was opened and the three walked in.

Naruto bowed, "Lord Raikage, it is an honor to meet you," he said.

"I must say you have a lot of guts walking in here, Namikaze. After what your father did to my ninja," said the Dark Skinned Kage.

"You have a lot of guts kidnapping my mother from the Leaf, however that is in the past and I would like to start anew," Naruto told him.

"I like you kid," said the Raikage. "Why was the real reason for a meeting? And why is a missing nin with you?" asked the village leader as he looked at Itachi.

"Itachi, please place a silencing seal and I want you two to leave the room really quick," said Naruto.

"Hai," said Itachi as he left the room with Hana.

Naruto looked at the Raikage. "can tell your ANBU to leave, this is sensitive information," said Naruto.

The Raikage motioned his ANBU to leave, "Itachi was framed by the elders after being tricked to murder his clan for an apparent coup," said Naruto. "Danzo was the main factor of this arrangement and they went over the Hokage's head."

"Now if you would answer my first question," said A, pressing the blonde.

"I wish to learn how to use my Biju cloak with no adverse effects to me," said Naruto.

"I will have you trained by Yugito who has the two tails in her," said A. "In the meantime I shall house you at my compound," said the Raikage.

Naruto bows. "Thank you, Lord Raikage," he said.


Naruto was standing in front of a blond girl, "It is an honor, Yugito-sensei," he said.

"It's nice to see a fellow Jinchuuriki who is not all about rapping," said the female getting a look from Naruto.

"Is this a story for another time?" asked Naruto.

Yugito nodded her head but got serious, "I assume you've had contact with the Kyuubi, correct?" she asked.

"Yes, but I'd rather more of a partnership." He told her.

"You need to release him in your mindscape, do battle, and earn his full respect," said Yugito.

"Very well how do I do that?" asked Naruto.

"You must meditate," said Yugito. Naruto sat down and closes his eyes.


Naruto entered his mindscape and see the field with the Kyuubi having a collar on with a seal, "it is time Naruto," said the demon.

Naruto tears off the tag and the Kyuubi growls, "final test Namikaze," said the Kyuubi.


Naruto disappeared in a flash and reappears in front of the Kyuubi "Rasengan," he said as he slammed it a giant Rasengan into the Kyuubi making a crater in the process.

The Kyuubi swipes his tail and knocks Naruto away into a tree in the landscape. The Kyuubi opened his maw in order to fire a black orb at Naruto who disappears with a Hiraishin as the attack destroys a distant landscape with a powerful explosion.

Naruto reappeared in front of the Kyuubi and slamed his fist in to him with a chakra enhanced punch. "You are just as skilled as you father, Minato the Yondaime Hokage," said the Kyuubi as he slammed his paw onto Naruto in retaliation. Naruto barely avoided it but he gets cut on his leg from the claw.

"I have those who help reach this level, Hana-sensei, Onoki-sensei, Jiraiya-sensei, Iruka-sensei and you Kyuubi-sensei," said the blond as he breaths in, "all of you helped me become what I achived," said Naruto. "Let's end this battle."

"The Kyuubi opens it mouth and a condensed Orb of chakra is formed. Naruto starts to forms his attack a Rasengan but with Dust element in it.

"Tailed Beast Bomb," said the Kyuubi.

"Dust release: Rasen Partical disintegration," said the blond as he throws it at the Kyuubi's attack and the two attacks clash.

Naruto is thrown back as is the Kyuubi from the sheer power of the attack. Naruto gets on his knee as he regains focus and starts a struggle with the Beast Bomb. "Naruto-kun, don't give up," said a female voice.

"You will succeed Naruto, my son," said a male voice. "You must protect those precious to you Naruto-kun."

Hana's image appears in his mind as his eyes widen. Regaining raw determination he releases all of his chakra as his Rasengan overpower the beast bomb throwing the Kyuubi back from the attack. "Well done, partner," said the Kyuubi as he lost consciousness.


Naruto wakes up out of his mindscape and smiled "Did you win?" asked Yugito.

Naruto nodded, "yes, but we are not official partners. He is hurt from my last attack so he can't communicate at the moment until he recovers," said Naruto.

"I will teach you the tailed beast bomb when the Kyuubi is better," Yugito assured him.


End flashback


"I am now working with the Kyuubi to learn as much as possible and help me in battle," said the blond.

Tsume nods her head, "that is an interesting journey," she told him.

"Housing a millenia old demon in your gut has its benefits, what with the knowledge and tactics you can get. But I was not done with my training in cloud, I was then taught by the Raikage and Black Panther Darui. I meet A's brother Killer Bee, that was an interesting meeting," said Naruto.

After learning from them they put me through the test. I had to fight one-on-one with the Raikage.



Naruto was standing in front of A, "Alright this is your test," said the Raikage. "You must beat me in battle."

Naruto nodded and the two stared off. A disappeared in a lightning bolt, "Lariat," shouted the Raikage as he rammed into Naruto.

"Katsu," said Naruto as he exploded singeing the Raikage.

"Water Style: Water Dragon Jutsu," said Naruto as a dragon of water is formed from the air hitting the Raikage.

The Raikage's body is surrounded by lightning and he charges Naruto. Naruto coats his hands with wind chakra and stands his ground as he catches the Raikage's charge with his hands with the wind chakra overpower the lightning chakra and throwing him back.


In the stands people were shocked that Naruto caught the Raikage's charge with his bare hands.

"Unreal," said Yugito.

"That move was a tool, and I will be a fool, to fight ol nineo" Killer Bee rapped as Yugito punched him.

"Don't start," she said.


Raikage smiled "I have not had this much fun in a while," said A.

"Lightening Style: Lightening Panther," he said as a yellow panther made of lightening formed and hit Naruto who disappeared in smoke.

"Rasengan," said Naruto as he slams his signature attack into the Raikage knocking him out.

"I win," said Naruto, assuredly.


End flashback

He became an ally later but he had to get approved by the council.

An Inuzuka member walked in, "Uzukage-sama and Tsume-sama, we have a situation," he said

"What happened?" asked Naruto.

"Orochimaru has sent 20,000 ninja to our wall; Hokage-sama would like your assistance," he reported.

Tsume, stay here and enjoy the show," said Naruto. "I will deal with the army by myself."

Naruto put on his orange robes before leaving in a wind shunshin and appearing next to Tsunade. "Hokage-dono, have all your ninja get behind the wall," he told her.

"Why?" she asked, perplexed.

"The jutsu I am going to use is an A rank Kinjutsu that will kill everyone on the battlefield; I want all of your ninja away from the attack," the Uzukage informed her.

Tsunade nodded, "Konoha ninja behind the walls," she shouted.

The Uzukage walked out of the wall as the army approached, "well; I hope you have a good medic to heal you or a monk to ease your path to death," said the Uzukage.

The army looks at the lone ninja somewhat sceptical, "whoever takes his head will be rewarded," said the commander as the whole sound army charged forward.

Wind Style: Field Shred of blood," said the Kage as the wind picked up, slashing the army and killing many as well as wounding many more.

"Now for the final part, Wind Style: Field of Destruction," said the Uzukage as the ninja screamed as the cuts on their bodies grew larger until they were cut to pieces from the combined attack.

On the wall the Konoha ninja were silent. "Unbelievable," Tsunade breathed.

The Uzukage jumped back onto the wall, "The army is dealt with," The blonde said simply.

Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx x

The Uzukage was in a meeting with the Hokage and the clan heads, "thank you for your assistance," Tsunade told him sincerely.

"Was that an original jutsu?" asked Shikaku.

"It was Nara-san, but it is forbidden because of the chakra that is needed to use the jutsu, as well as the killing power it commands." The Uzukage replied.

"We are grateful for saving a lot of my Shinobi's lives," Tsunade said yet again.


"By the way I have beaten paperwork; do you want to know how?" asked the Uzukage.

The Hokage and clan heads nodded their head enthusiastically. "Kage Bushin," was all the Uzukage told them.

The clan heads and the Hokage sat in their place frozen as the Uzukage chuckled as he walked out, "talk to you all later."



Naruto's Entry up to this point after the attack on Konoha by sound and grass.

Naruto Namikaze

Age: 16 ½

Rank: SS

Ninja Rank: Kage

Monikers: The Wind Hydra

Army Killer

Element God

Elemental Substitution god

Nidaime Shinobi no Kami


Taijutsu: S rank

Ninjutsu: SS rank

Genjutsu breaking: B rank

Genjutsu Casting: C rank

Kenjutsu: S rank

Fuinjutsu: S rank

Chakra Control: SS rank

Medical Ninjutsu: B rank

Elemental ranking:

Wind: SS

Water: SS

Fire: A rank

Earth: S rank

Dust: A rank

Lightning: C rank

Jutsu's by Village learned


S rank Kinjutsu: Harem jutsu

A rank Kinjutsu: Ninja centrefold

A Rank Kinjutsu: Massive Shadow clone

B rank Kinjutsu: Shadow clone jutsu

B Rank: Shrunken Shadow Clone Jutsu

B rank Kunai Shadow clone Jutsu

A rank: Rasengan

S ran Kinjutsu: Wind Style Rasengan

S Rank Flying Thunder God mastered

D rank: Water Shotgun

A rank: Summoning Toads

S rank: Rasengan Tunneling fang


B rank jutsu: Wind Style Field Shred (original jutsu)

SS rank Kin jutsu: Wind Style Rasengan barrage (Original: two wind Style Rasengan)

A rank: Blade of Wind

C rank: Replacements slash (Original,) this is a Substitution jutsu with wind that if it is a physical attack it will cut the attack. Chakra control need a least A rank and mastery of Wind. Has been taught to Baki, Temari and Gaara by Naruto.


A Rank: Earth Style: Fist of the Earth

A Rank: Earth Style: Earth Armor

A Rank: Earth Style: Earth Lance( Original)

S Rank: Secret Art: Terrain Sift (Original)

A Rank: Dust Style: Dust Prison (concept taken from Gaara)

S rank: Dust Style: Dust Burial (concept taken from Gaara)

A Rank Kinjutsu: Wind Style: Field of Destruction (used with Wind Style Field shred; named army killer)

Earth Control learned Earth Sonar



Learned from Itachi:

C Rank Fire Style Fire Ball Jutsu

B rank: Fire Style: Field Blaze

A Rank Fire Style: Fire Ball Homing Jutsu

Self taught

A Rank: Fuinjutsu: Immobilization

S rank: Fuin Life Drain



Sound: 10,000,000

Grass: 10,000,000

Rain 30,000,000

Bounty from Cloud removed


Flee on Sight or Surrender

Special Jounin age 12

Forced Otokage to retreat Age 12

Jounin Age 12

Fought Sandaime Hokage to a draw age 15

Beat Roshi: Lava of Stone Village: 15

Fought Yondaime Raikage A and won: age 15

Fought for five hour against Kazekage; Tsuchikage and Mizukage before yielding age 16

EARNED Kage title from the four Kage minus Hokage: age 16

Killed Hidan of the Jashin: 16

Forced Kakazu the bounty hunter to retreat: 16

Wiped out Sound Army of 20,000 with two Jutsus 16 1/2


That is his entry from the Sound Village bingo book.