Chapter 25

Itachi and Kabuto stared each other down. "Well Itachi, what a surprise to see you here."

"Kabuto, you're under arrest," said Itachi. "You caused too much death and damage."

"Then come at me," said Kabuto. "I have become a sage."

Itachi goes through hand seals. "Fire Style: Fire Ball Jutsu." Blowing out a ball of fire out of his mouth, Itachi's eyes narrow. "I know that wasn't enough."

Pulling out his kunai he deflects Kabuto's kunai. "Impressive Itachi."


The war has started to shift for the Alliance as Madara appeared and was killing any ninjas appearing before him. "This is getting boring. I want a challenge," said the founder of the Uchiha.

The Whirlpool division went through hand seal. "Barrier art: Elemental Protection."

Madara smirks. "Let us see how strong it is," the deranged Uchiha said. "Fire Style: Great Fire Annihilation." Going through more seals he uses a wind style increasing the flames ferocity. The attack slams into the barrier. Though it held, it showed sign of cracking. "Impressive."

"Water style: Water dragon Jutsu," shouted a whirlpool ninja. The attack hits Madara but the ninja is quickly silence from behind.

"Hold him off, so we can seal him," shouted Inari. Inari going through hand seal summons a sword. "Attack."

Inari swings at Madara but the blade is caught in his hand. "You are weak," taunted Madara. He throws the sword back making Inari lose some balance.

"Fall back," shouted Inari.

"I will not let you retreat."

Inari faces Madara. "All of you leave. I will hold the line."

"Brave boy, but you're much to young to face me," said Madara. He rushes Inari and goes for a punch. It is blocked.""Maybe this dance won't be a waste of time."

"Water Style, Wind Style: Hurricane blast Jutsu," shouted Inari. A hurricane slams into Madara taking out his arms.

"Impressive, however pointless," said the deranged Uchiha as his limbs form back due to impure world. "Now it's my turn."


Kabuto and Itachi were equally match. Each opponent cancelling each other's jutsu. "Is that it, Itachi?" asked Kabuto.

Itachi impassive gaze bore into Kabuto. "I will stop you and cancel out Impure World."

"Always the man of few words," said Kabuto. "Very well, let's continue."

"Amaterasu," said Itachi, sending black flames at Kabuto.

Kabuto starts to dodge the attack. "Summoning Jutsu Rushmon." A giant wall appears and takes the attack forcing Itachi to cancel it out.

Reappearing behind Kabuto, Itachi goes for a punch. Kabuto blocks it and send his snake tail at the Uchiha.

Itachi dodges the attack sends Kabuto back with a kick from the sky.


Madara cackles madly as Inari is on the ground near death. Bloodied and brused. "If I had been mortal I would died."


Back in Konoha debris was seen coming from the Hokage tower. Walking out was Sakura, a maniacal grin on her face. "Getting in was easy."

"Freeze," said several Anbu.

"Earth Style: Earth bullets," said Sakura as she kills the Anbu. "Let's do some more damage."

She quickly shunshin away,"


Itachi and Kabuto were battling it out. Itachi launched another fire ball, however, it was blocked by Kabuto's earth wall.

Kabuto snakes jutsu were incinerated by Itachi's fire Jutsu. "Is that all the genius of the Uchiha clan can do?" mocked Kabuto.

"You think I was trying?" asked Itachi. Kabuto grin falls as he finds himself unable to move.

"What did you do?" asked Kabuto.

"I placed a seal on you, when I threw the first punch."

Kabuto eyes widen as he remembers the punch. "It will burn your chakra coils until there is nothing canceling out Impure Resurrection.'

"Damn you Itachi," said Kabuto.

"The battle was to speed up the seal," said Itachi. "Enjoy what's left of your life."


Itachi walks out of the cave after Kabuto dies. Summoning a crows he places a note on it's leg. With a scroll containing Kabuto's head.


In Konoha, Sakura went through more hand seals. "Earth Style: Mud river."

Several chunin were stuck in the mud. Going to finish them off, she turned and deflected a kunai directed at her. "Sakura Haruno you are to be terminated."

Konohamaru appeared. Sakura smirks. "Well , if it isn't the honorable grandson," said Sakura. "I have no intention of dying."

"Why have you returned?"

"Simple to rescue my one true love," said Sakura.

"Your delusional," said Konohamaru. "I will stop you here and now."

"Tch, you wish," Sakura replied. "You're just a demon lover."

"Fire Style: Fireball jutsu," shouted Konohamaru. A giant ball of fire is launched at Skaura.

"Earth Style: Mud wall." A mud wall appears and blocks the attack. "You think I was sitting on my hands!" shouted Sakura


Naruto was looking over the devastation done by Madara. "It seem I will have to face him."

A chunin ran up. "Lord Uzukage, we have received word that Itachi stopped Kabuto."

"It won't matter, Madara found a way to brake the seal," said Naruto. "I want sensors to find him."


Konohamaru was dodging ever punch thrown. "Die brat," shouted Sakura as she landed a vicious punch on Konohamaru. It disappear and a log took its place.

"Summoning Jutsu," shouted Konohamaru as the monkey king Enma was summoned. "Enma I need your help."

"Konohamaru," said the ruff voice of the monkey. "So she has returen."

"Enma Boa staff," said Konohamaru.

Sakura looked around. "Need to get out of here."

Konohamaru appears in front of her and strikes her down. "You were never a threat to me or the Leaf.'

That was pathetic," said Enma.

"I didn't want this fight to drag on."



Naruto was quickly informed of Skaura death. "Waste of potential."

"Lord Uzukage we have found Madara." said a scout. "Order sir."

"I will face him alone."


Madara was cutting down ninja after ninja. "I am not impressed with this dance. Where is the Uzukage."

I am here Madara," said Naruto, appearing in full blue armor.

"At last the nine tail Jinchruuki."

"What is your true goal?" asked Naruto.

"I intend on becoming the second Sage of six paths, and ruling this world."

"You think I will make it easy?" asked Naruto.

Madara chuckle. "I don't need the nine tail from you. I have another way. I had Tobi take a young boy named Sora who had some signs of the Kyuubi. He was suffecent."

"You're missing Eight tail."

Madara smiles with a wicked grin. "No. I might have failed to capture the Raikage's brother. However, I do have apiece of him given to me during one of the fights."

"Well shit."

"Shit indeed, I have ascended to god hood." Madara has a white glow around him. The Yin yang symbol appear and he hold a small staff of the sage.

Shall we begin young Uzukage?" asked Madara.
