Chapter 26

The final chapter

Naruto was standing in front of the Sage Madara. "What now, Uzukage?" asked Madara

"Wind Style: Wind Blade," said Naruto. Waving His staff, Madara redirects it.

"That can't be it?" asked Madara mockingly. "I was expecting a stronger attack."

Naruto disappears and reappears in front of Madara, throwing a fierce punch. Madara reacting catches it. "Why Madara, why do all this?"

"This world has had nothing but conflict. Despite many tries, the villages would never achieve true peace. So I will force it in the infinite Tsuki no mi. Imagine a world with no suffering and death. No poverty, no wars," said Madara. "Because of the conflicts of past many lost loved ones. I lost my brother and father."

"So you rob people of free will, for what?" asked Naruto sending Madara back with a powerful punch. A cut on his cheek.

"Impressive Uzukage, infusing wind in your fist, making it as deadly as any sword," praised Madara. "You announce your attack too much." Madara looks around and smirks. "I stand corrected."

Around him was over tens of thousands Naruto. Going through different seals. Unleashing all of chakra the clones had. They fire an attack of every element mastered by the original. "The attack clear away and Madara was on a knee. "Impressive, however."

Naruto rushes him hoping to end the fight quickly. All of Madara'S injuries heal, instantaneous. "If it weren't for the Sages chakra and it's amazing healing I would be dead."


The Kage assembly was watching the battle. "Can't we help?" asked Kakashi. "The other Kages looked at him.

"We can't we would become a liability, from the jutsu they are pulling out," said Onoki. "I don't like it."

Kakashi stands up. "If you won't help him, then I will."

Gaara stood up. "You will need support."

"Don't leave me out of the fight," said the Raikage.

"The Mist will join," said Mei.

"You're all crazy, but what would people think if I stayed behind," said Onoki. "Let's go."


Naruto went through hand seal. "Fire Style: Scorching Earth."

The ground starts to crack as flames jet out. "You never learn your place, Uzukage-dono." Madara stiid there and took the attack.

"Let me show a real fire attack," said Madara going through seals. Fire Style: Great Fire Annihilation."

Naruto goes through hand seal. "Water Wall."

The attack hits the water wall and is doused. "Die," whispered Madara impaling Naruto with his staff infused with wind."

Naruto falls to the ground unmoving.


Hana was at the medic camps looking over the injuired. When she felt dread wash over her. "I hope it's my imagination. Naruto-kun."


Madara starts to chuckle, then it turns into a full blown laugh. "The one person who could have stopped me is dead."

Raikiri," shouted a voice as Madara turns around but find sand holding him in place. The attack hits but does no damage.

"So you five decided to face me."

"You will pay," said Kakashi darkly.

"Is that right," said Madara. Chakra leaks out as the sand is quickly dispatched. "Let's see what the Five Kages can do."


Hana rushes out of the ten onto the battle field. Hurrying to her husband's fading chakra signature, she is horrified at the battle taking place as the five Kages try to take down Madara. Kakashi goes to stab Madara with a blade of lighting in his hand, but Madara grabs the wrist and brakes it. Kakashi sees Madara approach and wait for his life to end.

Lariat." Shouted A as he tries to decapitate Madara with his signature move. Spinning around Rushes him and meets the bulky man attack head on. Knocking Raikage out with a lighting charged punch.

The three Kages growl. Sand bullets."

Lava Style: Lava Wave," shouted Mei.

Dust Style: Particle disintegration," shouted Onoki.

The three attack hit but Madara appears standing in the same place with a metal around his body. "Steel Style: Body Armor."

Disappears Madara dispatches the three remaining Kages. Knocking them down. Breathing he looks around and walks to Mei.


Naruto was in a dreamscape. "Where am I?" asked the blond.

"You are in the void," said a voice. As the darkness lights up, Naruto sees a old man with the Shakujo staff.

"You're the Sage of Six Paths," said Naruto.

"You are correct, I have brought you here to help you stop this self proclaimed sage," said the old man. "I wll bestow upon you my power you can face him as an equal."

"Thank you great Sage."


Madara goes to end Mei's life his wrist is caught by a hand. Turning his head he sees Naruto with the Rinnegan. "Well it looks like you have awakened your Rinnegan," said mad Uchiha. "Let us see if it helps you any."

Naruto quickly throws him away. Marching up to the downed Uchiha Naruto lands a flurry of punches. The last punch was stopped by a perfect Susanoo. "Not bad Uzukage."

Naruto takes out a scroll and summons a Katana. Madara grabs his staff. Charging Madara Naruto quickly slashes at Madara, but it's blocked. The sheer force of the clash makes the ground lower around their feet. "I am impressed, not many can hope to fight me as an equal," said Madara.

"Why Madara? You idle world is nothing but a fake world," said Naruto. "We guide the villages into peace, not force them."

"You still don't get, do you. Only strong can lead, that is why the Kages are the strongest in their villages," exclaimed Madara. "I have tried your way, with Hashirama . All I saw after that was nothing, but more suffering. I intended to take away all of that suffering."

"By making a false illusion of peace?" asked Naruto. "There more to you then that."

"Fire Style: Great Fire Annihilation," shouted Madara as he tries to burn Naruto with a fire attack.

Naruto stands in place. "Almighty push."

The fire attack quickly dissipates from Naruto visual jutsu. "One last chance." whispered Madara. Shunshining to Hana. He grabs her. "Surrender or your wife dies. "Too late."

Madara quickly stabs her letting Hana fall. "A death you could have prevented."

"Bastard, I will kill you," growled Naruto as an spectral image of the Kyuubi appears. "Summoning Jutsu: Kyuubi."

"Well if it isn't Madara," said Kyuubi. "You killed my friends wife, for that I will kill you slowly."

"Ready, my friend?" asked Naruto.

"Tailed Beast bomb."

The Kyuubi unleashes his ultimate attack hitting Madara dead on. The smoke clear and Madara is seen eyes is closed. "How did you suvive."


Naruto sees that one of Madara's eye's is completely white. "I will finish this fight," said Naruto

Rushing he slams a Rasengan into Madara. Right as it land, he infuses all the base elements into it putting an end to the mad Uchiha.

Naruto falls to the ground. "I won."

Hana run up to him. "Naruto-kun, you did it."

The alliance did it," said the blond. "How are the Kages?"

"I healed them from near death."

Let's take them back," said Naruto.


It has been a year since the war the six Kages stand around a memorial built for the fallen. Next to Naruto was Hana with a big belly. Peace has been achieved in the elemental nation. However there will always be a new adventure who will challenge the world.
