Chapter 3

Take Care Of Things

"One can never be too careful these days around this part of the woods," Ebb remarks, as he pulls an Omega Wolf box of magic from a shelf not easily reached behind a pile of well-worn tools, damaged boxes, and cracked vessels yet in need of repair… "Never too careful, I say."

"And pray to tell ole' man, what do you plan to do with that magic? Mulk smiles. "Certainly there be no need for that level of magic in these parts?"

"You've been away a long time old friend and things are not as they once were… always seems to be an interloper or two passing by… eyeing the place. I must say… Claw, despite his bothersome ways, can be handy as he watches all that move by; alerting me if and when they linger too long or too close. But for the love of magic… don't let him know I said such a thing! I will forever be forced to listen to the reminders of his worth… forever I say!"

"So," Mulk smiles… "Be mum the word! Now set up your magic and let's be off. As Mulk walks through the door and into the warm sunshine, Ebb is left to place the intricately carved box upon the river-stone hearth over the fire pit. As he moves it from place to place to find the perfect position, he can hear Mulk murmur under his breath, "How can it take SO long to place a magic box?"

As Ebb finds what might be the perfect placement for the box, he releases the latch so that the magic within can be freed in the event it is needed. In the world of magic, an Omega Wolf box contains the most powerful magic, and within this particular box lies a sleeping giant… Krusher, as Ebb has affectionately named the energy within.

Again, but with more fervor, Mulk, now pacing yells, EBB! You slow ole' coot; if slow was for sale, you'd have a WHOLE woodshed full! We must be going …We have many miles to cover and we are burning daylight… a value we cannot afford to waste. Ebb! Can you hear me?"

As Ebb ignores Mulk's complaints and continues to fuss with the placement of the box, Claw, watching Mulk from a nearby splinter rail, remarks with a cackle, "Might as well save your breath! Save your breath, I say. His ole' ears don't work nearly as well as they once did… but perhaps that is by choice. He seems to hear just what he wants to hear."

With an exasperated breath, Mulk looks in Claw's direction and nods in agreement.

"There! That be perfect!" Ebb remarks as he opens the box and moves his face closer to the opening. In a whisper, he speaks… "None to enter these walls… NONE… and should one or more be so bold as to enter, bite with extreme prejudice… and, only if need be; kill them… drag their mangled corpses out behind the barn. With luck, I shall return in four days."

As the sound of his words fades into the dark confines of the box, a low, but audible growl can be heard.

Finally feeling confident about the placement of and instruction to the box, he takes one last look around before grabbing an old rusted key from a cracked teacup on the shelf. Turning to leave, Ebb again hears Mulk, "For the love of a good woman…I cannot imagine what can be taking you so very long?"

Ebb, now quickening his steps towards the door, stops to drop the weather-worn wood cover over the window blocking all light except that which still filters through the wall crannies where the mud and straw have cracked and fallen away.

After sliding the latch on the window, he opens the door to hear Mulk, under his breath, sarcastically verbalize, "Finally!"

As he pulls the door shut to lock it, he stops and again whispers into the cool darkness of the room, "Take care of things while I'm away, Krusher… take care of things.".