A Path Less Traveled

Squinting as he steps from the dark, coolness of the room, outside into the bright morning sun, Ebb fumbles to lock the door.

Mulk, now belly laughing, queries, "Do tell me, my good man, WHY are you locking your front door? You just set out an Omega Wolf magic box… just be done with it and let's get along. We are losing precious time. We MUST arrive in the pitch of darkness on the second day's travel or we risk losing the chance of securing your young apprentice!"

"I will lock this and we will be gone… but until it's locked, you will need to wait a stroke of the clock longer. I lock it for me own reasons, and no reason you need to know."

"Fine then… I will start without you… come along Claw. You can catch up; we won't be far ahead."

"Caaaaa! I can be the forward scout!" Claw cries as he moves from the rail to follow Mulk. "I can report back whenever something appears to be amiss!"

"That sounds like a wise plan, my feathered friend," Mulk agrees.

Ebb, now rolling his eyes, shakes his head and chimes in, "Now listen up and listen well…That crow is a natural-born liar and a darn good one at that. He is a sneaking little thief and he will steal anything shiny that might be lying about… his word is one to be questioned, at best."

With a curious look, Mulk turns to Claw, "Well… is this true? Are you indeed a sneaking thief and a liar?"

With some hesitation and a low cackle, the bird ruffles his shiny black feathers and responds, "Well… I do tend to mislead from time to time… BUT, I would hardly think I should be labeled a LIAR… and as far as the thievery of shiny things… well, I do snatch shinny things, but only if they are laying around and have no one's name on them."

"I see…" says Mulk, "… then you are more of a finders' keepers; loser's weepers' sort of thief."

"Exactly!" screeches Claw.

Mulk, again laughing, turns to Ebb, "I see what you mean about the bird."

"He is an acquired taste to be sure," EBB says as he turns the key.

"Indeed… Now, let's get a move on. We must travel at a fast pace as we have no time to lose. We can travel the two-step road, or we can take the quarter trail. With our late morning start, I suggest the quarter trail. It will shave off a number of hours, and give us some breathing room should we encounter any dubious delays along the way."

Now the well-traveled two-step trail would certainly offer a safer route, but it is seven hours longer than the quarter trail. Mulk, who is keeping in mind that they must arrive by a particular time on the second night, knows, that although perilous, this would be the better trek to take so as to ensure their arrival at the time needed to secure the apprentice. Few travel this path, as the dangers are many; the most dangerous being the Nor Yew Forrest.

Like an enchanted forest, it is inhabited by many creatures; some being extremely dangerous. The Deep Creepers and Low holers are perhaps two of the more dangerous; however, even more concerning, these woods are home to the old Crone who rules the forest and is, in fact, not very kind about it. Now, a craggy and soured old witch, she once lived quietly in the woods causing no trouble, until she was scorned by her wizard husband, Dubar, who tried to leave her for the love of a beautiful mortal woman. During a big argument, a large vessel of magic was thrown in Dubar's direction and shattered, causing an enchantment of the forest and the death of her husband. The magic of the vessel and the angered spells being thrown between the two of them created an unpredictable pool of magic within these woods; a magic offering perils to all who travel them. It is said that Dubar's spirit still roams the woods and in his attempts to retaliate against the Crone, unsuspecting travelers often meet their demise. It has also been the belief of those who reside in Maplewood Cove that Ebb, the "tinkerer" is responsible for the lost souls who had entered in the woods and were never heard of again.

The two men turn off the main road and down the smaller path marked by the sign,

"Quarter Trail – Travelers be Warned".

"You're sure this is the better path, Mulk?"

"We have little time, my ole' friend… this will ensure we can arrive at the precise time we need to arrive so that we might secure your new apprentice."

The men, now walking side by side, continue onto the path, but are now on a higher alert. Mulk, much taller than Ebb, turns his well-worn, but comfortable, boots down the rocky trail. With his broad shoulders, covered in a long black coat having many pockets and his long gray hair covered by a large round, sweat-stained hat; Mulk checks his pockets to ensure his knife and magic boxes are in place and within his grasp should they be needed. Mulk, a man of extreme confidence and a deep, commanding voice, knows that he must be prepared, should they encounter the Crone or any of the "evil" that resides within the darkness of these parts.

Ebb too, checks his boxes to ensure they are easily accessible, removing one from his satchel and putting it into the pocket of his old knee-length wool coat; a coat showing a few moth-eaten holes, and a definite lack of laundering also knows, that there will be no relaxing along this trail.