The Marauders

Mulk and Ebb had walked not much more than a quarter-mile down the winding path, when they spotted two men garbed in ragged overclothes, walking towards them. As the men continue in their direction, Mulk senses an uneasy energy about the knaves causing the hair on the back of his weather-worn neck to bristle.

Seeing the nod of acknowledgment of one of the marauders to the other, Mulk elbows Ebb to call his attention to their riveting stare.

"Seems to be that we have a situation heading in our direction," Mulk remarks in a muffled murmur.

"I dare say, you are likely right," Ebb says clearing his throat.

As the men move ever nearer, Mulk feels a stronger need to discern the intention of these souls and instructs Ebb to move casually to the other side of the road knowing that, if the men mean no harm, their path will not change and all will move on about their day.

But, as he had expected, the two freebooters cross head-on in front of them.

"Let me handle this," Mulk asserts firmly.

"I was hoping you might say that; I hate dealing with malcontents."

Now upon them, the larger of the two men speaks; his broken and blackened teeth showing from behind a ragged and graying beard, laughs, "What brings you old men out traveling hereabouts today?" Continuing his laughter as he wipes spittle from the corner of his mouth on his soiled shirt sleeve, "You lookin' for something in these parts?"

Mulk, without emotion and a one-sided grin, responds, "I suppose I could ask you the same question. The truth be known, we are looking to plunder two men, such as yourselves and it looks as though we have found them."

"Ah! I see… and pray tell, how would a fellow such as yourself do this… how?" Both men now laughing so hard that tears are running down their unwashed cheeks.

"Looks... they can be deceiving friend," Mulk responds in a monotone voice.

"I doubt that either of you could muster up what it would take to rob the likes of me or my mate here. It is a bold hope at best, ole' man. Perhaps you have a death wish? Or more likely you are just dim-witted and with no brains about you!"

Still laughing, the shorter of the two expounds, "I fancy robbing them and slitting their throats; NO witnesses… NO crime!"

Mulk, his face still without emotion, sighs… "Ah… I see. But, your desire to kill us has no benefit to you…. We have no riches. In fact, you would be killing the very men who, if you spare their lives, could make you rich beyond your wildest dreams… rich, I say."

Again, the taller one with the rotund belly speaks, "… and how's that ole' man… how would YOU, make US rich!"

"Mulk, smiling a knowing grin, looks into the now eager eyes of the men, "Obviously, there is a risk… if you try to harm us… we will fight back," Mulk says firmly, as he pulls from its scabbard, a nine-inch blade. However, if you hear me out and leave us in peace, I will tell you of a large stash of gold just a few minutes' walk from where we stand."

As the two eye Mulk and Ebb and then turn back to one another, the larger of the two men speaks gruffly, "Alright then… If your story has a ring of truth to it, my partner and I will let you pass in peace… but know, if what you say is untrue, we will be back upon you and we will see just how good you are with that blade. So tell me ole' man… how do you know about this gold?"

"My associate and I just finished work in a cottage a short piece back up the main. We built the the very compartment the gold is hidden in."

"And, if you know of this gold, why did you not take it all for yourself?"

"I am a carpenter by trade, not a thief… but the old man chose not to settle up with us for our labors and chased us off with threats to our lives. You see… we owe him nothing, but our anger. The gold is hidden by a false floor, under some removable boards marked with an X, and nestled in a wood-framed box near the fire pit. We wish you well and hope that gold brings you whatever you want in this life… or the next."

The taller answers Mulk suspiciously, "Suppose there could be some ring of truth to what you say, I guess we have an understanding."

Slipping the knife back into the sheath, Mulk remarks, "Another thing...the dweller made mention he would be needing to head into town for supplies. He has likely gone by now and it's a day's travel. If indeed he has left, the gold will be easy pickings for you."

With a blast of loud laughter, the men turn down the path from which Ebb and Mulk had come. "Remember old men… you can pass unharmed, now, but you best NOT be lying… we will be back if you are spouting lies and those lies will be to your end… to your end, I say!"