Claw Returns

The air was quiet now with only the sound of the breeze through the trees; the occasional chatter of a magpie and the muffled sound of Krusher dragging the mangled bodies of the two marauders across the cobblestone walk and through the gravel-laden grass, to a chosen spot behind the splintered walls of what might have once been a barn.

Claw, perched on a nearby railing, waits as Krusher finishes the task of moving the bodies from where they had fallen. Following Ebb's instruction to the letter, Krusher displays the corpses as if to invite the forest scavengers in for a late morning fete.

With his charge now finished, Krusher drops to the ground and begins to lick away the drying, crimson blood which still clings to the iridescent fir of his massive paws. As he does, one by one, hungry creatures move in to feast on the bounty Krusher has provided. As the remaining flesh is torn into shreds and carried off into the woods to be enjoyed by the lucky critters who were in close proximity, Krusher stands and turns in the direction of the shanty. Moving deliberately towards the entrance, the rippling muscles of this ethereal creature exude a strength that demands the respect of all in his path.

Reaching the still open door, but before moving through it, Krusher stops to let out a horrendous howl that shatters the silence of the forest; startling all creatures; even three curious field mice that had been watching the goings-on from a nearby tree stump.

Taking a short, ragged breath, Krusher moves into the cool darkness and with a blinding flash of light, returns to the safety of the magic box still resting on the fireplace hearth. As the light diminishes, the door quietly closes, and the latch is once more secured to block the entrance of all but the holder of the key.

"You hear that?" Ebb, eyes open wide, turns to Mulk.

"I certainly did," Mulk replies with a nod, now lighting his pipe… "I certainly did. I suspect your bird shall be returning soon."

"I expect you'd be right 'bout that… although, I'm sure he will not return until he has his belly full, having feasted on the spoils of the kill," Ebb remarks.

"Ah… yes… I'm sure that will be true."

"No doubt he will have plenty to say upon his return… plenty to say, indeed… no doubt you will wish you had never sent him as I am sure you will not be able to shut him up!"

"With a chuckle, Mulk turns to look on down the road. " We best be moving on... the morning is passing quickly and sunset will be upon us before we know it. Claw will catch up to us soon to share the, I'm sure gruesome, details of his assignment.… We have no more time to squander and we may even need to travel into the darkness if we have any hopes of arriving in time to meet up with your young apprentice."