Fat Claw

The sun's warmth dissipates the morning dew, adding moistness to the air, as the two gents pick up their pace walking along the path.

"I'm a bit surprised your bird has not yet returned, my friend," Mulk murmurs re-lighting his pipe.

Taking a deep breath in and filling his nostrils with the sweet scent of the forest mixed with the intoxicating vapors of the pipe, Mulk stops and turns back in the direction from which they had come as if to search the sky for the feathered creature.

"Ah! I am not surprised!" Ebb chuckles as he continues to walk on… "Can't trust that bird for one second… surely he has eaten himself into oblivion and will return only when he can lift his swollen belly from the ground!"

With a knowing smile, Mulk agrees and again begins to walk; catching up to Ebb.

"Surely would have liked to have seen the faces of those two scoundrels as they met head-on with Krusher… yes, indeed… surely their just due, I say… surely their just due."

"Yes, Ebb… their deeds certainly caught up with them… a price dearly paid."

They had walked nearly a mile more; hearing nothing but the sounds of their boots shuffling along the path… a stillness was broken only occasionally by a distant bird chirping or the buzzing wings of a dragonfly when a loud, humanlike laugh-filled their ears."

"Well… if it isn't your bird, ole' friend… he does look a might more rotund than he did earlier this morning… definitely, a feast was had, I'm sure."

"Ah yes, he will be drunk with the spoils, no doubt… drunk with spoils, I say!"

"Well, welcome back Claw… we had nearly given up on your return and any recollection of the details of the carnage… but, alas, here you are, looking definitely fat and sassy!" Mulk smiles a crooked grin

"Caaaaa! Indeed, I am here… and mighty glad to be back in your presence, I say… mighty glad indeed!"

"…And? What about the goings-on? I trust that Krusher took care of the would-be looters and that you made sure to dispose of the leavings before your return?"

"Yes ole' man! I have ensured that the sweepings are gone and the only thing that remains are those that enjoyed the spoils, some of which are still sleeping off the food comas they have been stricken with."

"Well! I certainly hope that they will be gone, as well, before our return!" Ebb scowls.

"Caaaaa! Well, not so sure about that ole' man…" Claw returns with a bit of what sounded like a laugh.

With a huff, Ebb yells, "Well, they had darn well better be!"

"Tell me Claw," Mulk interrupts as Claw begins to make another comment to rattle the wits of Ebb, "Were the men surprised by Krusher?"

"Caaaaa! I think 'surprised' would be understated… understated indeed. What I am sure of though… as they looked into the fiery eyes of that creature and felt its jaws crushing their limbs, I know they regretted ever crossing your path… In fact, I bet those scalawags likely wished you had just slain them with your blade…. yep… I am sure of that... just slain them with your blade."