Chapter Seventeen

I had decided I would wait until the next day to propose the idea to my mother and father. I wanted to make sure that I knew exactly what I was going to say, and how I was going to say it. I also knew the conversation wasn't going to go exactly how I had planned, I had no idea how my parents were going to react to the idea, and therefore no idea what I was going to do after that.

I had paced my room all morning, until one of the housekeepers knocked on the door, to tell my breakfast was ready and being served in the dining room.

It's now or never.

I took a deep, confident breath, before I joined my parents. I waited until everyone was at least settled and the food was served, before I cleared my throat to get their attention. My father raised an eyebrow at me, and my mother leaned in eagerly.

"There's something I wanted to propose to you, and I want to forewarn, it may not be an idea you will support entirely." I started off slow. My mother leaned back a bit in shock, but my father had remained motionless. I tried to calm my nerves, and continued.

"I have given our talk a lot of thinking," I said and turned to my father specifically. This time, his eyebrows went up in surprise. "And I have decided, I would like to give school a try, but I don't want to waste a bunch of money on some fancy University and degree, that I might not like in the end."

"Well, I can understand that, but money is not an issue to us, honey," my father said.

"I know, and maybe I used to be that kind of person before, but I don't feel like that right now. I don't want to throw around money like it's nothing, when to some people it might be everything."

I was a little surprised when my parents weren't shocked by my response. I had expected them to be a little taken back, seeing as wasting money seemed to be no issue to them. But they seemed to expect my reaction, instead.

"You have always been this way, sweetheart," my mother said softly. "You were never one for wealth or lavished items. You're very down to earth, and sincere."

I was relieved to hear that. I was still felt and acted the same as before, had the same morals and standards, in a small way.

"Something tells me you have a solution to this problem," my father cut in. "And that something also tells me, that's the part you think we won't like."

He was spot on. "I spoke with Sebastian yesterday, and he supported the idea, and actually gave me a solution. He said there is a community college, that offers one-year programs for a reasonable tuition. I was thinking, maybe I could see what they offer, and try out a year there. If I like it, and it isn't too much for me, maybe I can try going for a full degree at a good University."

My parents looked at each other, and they seemed to have a secret conversation with their eyes. I chewed my bottom lip and waited eagerly for them to be finished. My father finally turned to me and frowned. That wasn't a good sign.

"That does sound like a good idea. What I don't understand, is where you got the idea that we might not like that?"

I had left out where the school was.

"Well, the thing is… the college is in San Francisco."

I immediately the look of disapproval pass through my father's eyes.

"Before you say anything, I had another idea to add to that." I held my hands up and pleaded with my eyes. My father looked upset, but didn't say anything.

"I convinced Sebastian to take a year program there with me, so that I would at least have someone familiar with me, that you also trust to be there for me. You can also assign whatever bodyguards or security you want too, and I can drive back every weekend with Sebastian."

My father huffed and looked down at his food. I waited on the edge of my seat for his response. It felt like hours, until he had finally looked up from his plate.

"You're right, I don't like that idea." He let out a small breath. "But, I was the one who encouraged you to go back to school, so I can't exactly be mad. If this is what you really want, I can't help but accept and support it."

"R-really?" It had taken a second to comprehend what he said.

He nodded slowly. "We want you to experience life, and we don't want this accident to take that away. If you feel this is what you want, we will be here to support you, and whatever decision you make afterwards. But," he paused, and gave me a stern look. "We expect a check-up at least once a week, and I will be assigning at least one more bodyguard while you are there. Is that understood?"

I shot out of my seat, and answered him by wrapping my arms around him in a hug. I whispered thanks over in his ear. He caved a few seconds after and hugged me back.

"There is one more thing I need to ask," I said, and remembered the other half of the reason as to why I proposed this idea.

My father lifted a hand. "We will cover the expense of Sebastian's tuition. I was actually going to ask what he was taking."

"He said he was interested in taking engineering, like his father." The atmosphere in the room had resumed to a neutral feeling, as we had gone back to eating breakfast. I was surprised it was still slightly warm.

"Oh, really? That's interesting, and a good job. I can see him making a fine career out of that, his father was a great engineer as well."

I couldn't help but catch on to the way he had spoken about Sebastian's father in past tense. I remembered also that when I had gone over for dinner, I had called his mother 'Ms.', instead of 'Mrs.' Because I was unsure of her marital status in general.

I had realized then, that she hadn't corrected me.

"Can I ask where Sebastian's father is?"

My parents shared another look. My mother turned to me this time.

"His father passed away a few years ago, he was diagnosed with cancer."

A thick silence fell over the room.

"Oh," I whispered, and dropped my eyes back down to my food. I no longer had an appetite. As soon as I pushed my plate away, there was a housekeeper at my side. She asked if I was done, and whisked away my plate when I nodded and thanked her.

I excused myself from the table and went to my room. I wanted to research as much as I could about the college, and tell Sebastian the good news.

This was the first step to my new life.


Sebastian and I had spent two weeks researching and getting ready for our courses. It had already been months past the due date for any applications, but my father put in a favor with a few people, and thanks to the available space in each program, he had been able to get our applications in and accepted before the start date.

I had decided to go with an art and design program. It was the best one the college offered, that gave me a few different options to learn and choose from in the end. It was also a program that started and ended at the same time as Sebastian's engineering trade.

My father helped me get all the books I needed, and even helped Sebastian purchase his as well. His mother had kept insisting she had to pay him back, but I could tell without knowing, that my father was a proud man, and he wasn't going to take her money. He was doing everything for me.

"Are you excited to get out and see new things?" Sebastian asked. He had come over for the afternoon to look at some more random information about the school and city.

"You sure I've never been here before?" I had asked him several times before, but I still wasn't sure.

He rolled his eyes at me, but smiled. "Yes, Ava. All the memories we will make there, are going to be brand new memories. I promise."

I liked the sound of that. I had been so wrapped up in the past, and the memories I couldn't remember, that I had completely forgotten that I still had the ability to make new memories.

That was one thing the accident hadn't taken away from me.

"To be honest, I'm just glad to get out. I've felt so cooped up here, and like I've been under constant watch."

"Then, the moment we get there and have some free time, we're going sightseeing."

I grinned up at him. He always knew just the right things to say to make me forget my worries.

We had spent the next few hours looking at pictures of San Francisco, the college campus, and maps of the areas. I had a feeling that the new bodyguard that was going to be tagging along, was going to know the ins and outs of the city, but I didn't want to have to rely on anyone the entire time.

I eventually said good-bye to Sebastian, and was left alone once again. I hated having such mixed feelings all the time. I didn't like that I felt like I was under constant watch, but I also didn't like being alone. During the times where I was left completely alone, I always felt like something was missing, besides the obvious.

I didn't want to think any more depressing thoughts. I wandered over to the bathroom, and decided a hot shower would help take my mind off things. As I stepped under the steaming water, I tried to focus on positive things, like college and exploring new things. It wasn't hard to let my mind wander, and get excited about all the different things I planned to do, once I was there.

That still hadn't helped the empty feeling I had, like there was a hole in my chest. I suspected it was due to my memory loss, but something in the pit of my stomach told me that wasn't it.

I pushed my head under the water, to try and banish the thoughts. As soon as I closed my eyes, a pair of blue eyes flashed behind them. The same striking blue eyes that I had dreamed of the night before. I had instantly opened my eyes and wiped my face off. I reached for the water and shut it off. It was clear that a shower was not going to help.

After I had dried off and dressed in a silk night gown, I crawled under the covers and gazed up at the ceiling. I didn't bother to try and fight the thoughts anymore, I was too exhausted. My mind wandered back to the gorgeous blue eyes I kept seeing, and I couldn't help but wonder if they could belong to the boy that I had heard call my name in my memory of the accident.

He was the only person that I couldn't remember their appearance, but had a strong feeling that I hadn't imagined the memory. There wasn't much that I could be sure of at the time, but that much I was. There had been a boy that night, and he had been the one who called for help.

I went to bed that night with a new determination.

No matter how hard it was going to be; I was going to remember him.