
A couple days later we get ready to checkout of the hospital. The nurse came in to check my height and weight and run some test to make sure I'm well enough to leave.

The nurse looks at me after the test "Liam Wilson, Age 11, black hair, blue eyes, 64 lbs a little underweight, 4 feet 4 inches a little under the average height other than that everything is good to go." I shake my head and look towards the door where Mr. Johnson walks in "Hey Liam how are you today you ready to head out." I shake my head.

We get ready to go I pack my clothes into a backpack which is all I have. We start to exit the hospital where Mr. Johnson's white car is waiting as I get in we start to head to Mrs. Finch's house. We head down south as Mr. Johnson starts to talk and I look out the window watching as we pass other cars.

We pass a state sign and I realize we are finally leaving this hellhole of a state called Arizona. Each time we pass a car I wonder if everyone is as unfortunate as I am or what each person is dealing with. I wasn't listening to Mr. Johnson until he mentioned where they found me at before the hospital.

"They say they found your body on the shore of a river behind a baseball field the reason they found you was because someone hit a ball towards the river and It landed next to you. The people there didn't think you would survive they were all happy to hear that you made it through."

If They left me alone I wouldn't have to suffer anymore why couldn't they have shown up later. What is the point of the life I'm living? But what's a baseball field?

I finally dozed off until we pulled up to a hotel we would stay at for the night. "Tomorrow morning we will wake up early and make the final trip to the Finch's house." I shake my head and get in bed laying there looking at the ceiling thinking what type of family will they be will they be like my last one or will they be nice. I'm actually more nervous than I thought. After a couple hours of thinking I finally fall asleep.